Ms. Now
Hi guys this is the 6th chapter hope you like it if you do then Vote and Comment enjoy
Above is a picture of Dex's house
I ignore my brother's existence and walk to the Subway restaurant angrily
I walk into the restaurant and see Dicky already there
Hi Dicky
Hey Amelia
I'm sorry for the way I acted yesterday, Dicky said looking guilty
It's ok just next time don't act like that dummy I said
I saw the picture of you with green paint on your hair , you looked really cute in it
That picture was just a mistake it was my stupid brother that took the picture I said angrily
So what would you like to eat there are pancakes, Bacon, Cereal, Sandwiches, Waffles
I would like Pancakes I said feeling allot more calm
Can I have the Corrisant and some bacon with that Dicky said
So who's paying cause It rude to invite someone for breakfast and not pay
I'll pay Dicky said confused
Our order came and I ate like a pig because I hadn't eating for a really long time.
"Ugh.. are you okay, you know you can order more" Dicky said
"No I'm ok" I said with satisfied look on my face
Ok, waiter we are ready to pay called out Dicky.
The waiter brought the bill and Dicky paid
We left the restaurant and, I went home feeling satisfied
I got home and crashed on the coach, I put on some netflix for me to watch
That when Ashely came over to me and told me Mommy said you should take me to My friends birthday party
I stood and went to go meet my Mom
Mom, seriously I can't take Ashely I have Netflix to watch
The new series of Family Guy just came out and there are spoilers at school mom
Oh Honey just drive her there you can even take my car
Ok, Mom I said feeling defeated
Ashely let's go
"Coming"Ashely said loudly
That's when I see Dex driving towards
Hey Amelia Dex said suprised
Is that your car
Yah it's my car I said nervously
Amelia mommy said don't get a scratch on her car Ashely said
Mommy's car Dex said sarcastically and drove away
No, No how could I embarrass my self so badly
Amelia uuummmm earth to Amelia Ashely said angrily
Oh, sorry let's go
We were completely silent the whole ride
Ok we are here
Thanks Maid My sister said happily
You ungrateful bastard I yelled at my sister furiously
I drove to Dicky's house to talk him
As I'm driving I saw a man standing near the bridge ready to jump into the water and kill himself
Alot of people were surrounding him telling him no it's not worth it, God loves you
I came out of my mom's car and went to go meet the man
Excuse me, Excuse me I shouted as people kept on shoving me away
I ran to my mom's car and started pushing the horn
Everone started looking at me then I took my chance
I ran through the crowd as no one was blocking my way
Hello I said to the man what's your name
I'm George Osborne he said as he was ready to jump down
If you are trying to change my mind then your just wasting your time George said angrily
Why do you want to kill yourself
Get out of here you little girl your just wasting your time, a random guy from the crowd said
Stop it, your just encouraging him more I said angrily
My mom killed my dad in front of him so I killed my mom and ran away from home everybody I know bullied me and abandon me that when I realised there is no one in the earth that you can trust truly. George said sadly
Good bye cruel world
George jumped of the bridge.
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Thank you for reading my book
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