Chapter 7
I start to wack my head on the table again, then I think.... wow, this wacking thing really works! "GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS!" They both look at me expectantly. "I have another idea!"
"What is it?" Tony asks Marinette.
"I was thinking on what caused me to end up here. You pressed that button. How did you even get it? Well, I don't care, but you are going to tell me. Anyway, what if we press it again and it sends me back. It will probably give me another one of those headaches but it would be worth it."
"What headaches?" Peter asks. Tony sends him a glare because it didn't really seem relevant.
"I had these really bad headaches before I came here. During one of them, I passed out, and in my dream, I saw him," she says pointing to Tony, "surrounded by a few people pressing a button. Once he pressed it, it only got worse. That's why I thought you were trying to kill me at the beginning. Although, I still don't trust you," she says, "neither of you. Even though, Tony, I've told you almost everything about me." She didn't want to talk about Tom, Sabine, and her class. Even though she thinks they are on her side, she doesn't want to relive what happend in Paris.
"Almost?" Tony said with a smirk. She rolled her eyes and nodded. She didn't want to say anything else, so she just wanted off to Tikki and Plagg. "Come on, you can tell me. It can't be too bad." Tikki flew behind Marinette, signaling for him to shut up, but he kept pushing. She transformed with Tikki and went out the window. Now Tony felt bad and Peter was stunned.
"How did she do that?!" he asks.
He sighed, "She said her earrings can turn her into a superhero," he shrugged.
"Superhero huh?" He quickly put on his Spiderman suit and flew out the window. He found her sitting on top of a building, talking. He thought it was weird because no one was there. "Hey," he said.
"Oh, hi," she said back, trying and failing to look happy.
"I just wanted to make sure you were ok. Mr. Stark said you are a superhero?" he asked, attempting to make her feel better.
"Was. In Paris, but my best friend and I defeated him. We fought "him"" she said in air quotes, "for years. Just recently, we took him down, then all this happened."
"I'm sorr-" she cut him off.
"Why? You weren't the one I saw press that button."
He didn't know how to respond to that. He didn't want to talk bad about Stark, but he wanted to make her feel better. So instead, he asked, "What was one of the most dangerous things you did?"
"Hmm, I told my boyfriend about this one time. He asked me the same question too. I jumped into a dinosaurs mouth," she said and he choked.
"You...jumped into a DINOSAURS mouth!?"
"Yeah, this guy could transform into any animal. Damian didn't like the idea of me doing it, but it was my job."
"What's something else?" he asked, genuinely interested.
"I've fought my partner before, but that version of him had unlimited destruction. A superhero from the future showed up one day, and told me that I had to fight my partner. He was being controlled. When I came out of the portal and looked at Paris....there wasn't really Paris anymore. The Eiffel Tower was on the ground and so was buildings. Paris was flooded. One of the times that he tried to kill me, I fell into the water and looked at my future self. I was dead, and once I touched me; my body disintegrated. I know that doesn't make much sense," she told him.
"No that makes perfect sense. What's something else?"
She went on to tell him all about her adventures as Ladybug, and he enjoyed listening. His favorite was when she was fighting Siren, and she had to breath underwater, or maybe Glaciator, when she had to pretend to date Chat Noir. She also enjoyed telling these stories. When she finally cooled off, the two made their way to the very large tower. Tony got the button, waiting for he to come back to test he theory. He didn't want to press it, and then her go home without Plagg. You can't forget about Plagg! Even though he loved Goat Ham Cheese, he still loves Camembert and his Sugarcube.
I'm sorry this is such an uneventful chapter, but the next one will be different, I promise. I saw Plagg run infrount of our car as we were driving. He's fine though. Soo, yeah. BYEEE
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