Chapter 5
BTW, I really hope you like this story. I feel like it is a little too....I don't have the right word. But anyway, yeah....
"Mr. Stark-" he cut himself off when he saw Marinette. "Hello."
She smiled at him and Tony started, "Marinette, this is Peter. Peter, this is Marinette. She will be here until...well until she can get back home." She glares at him for almost giving away too much information.
"So, what are you doing here?" Then he realized what he said, "Sorry, that sounded rude."
"Um, he found me and told me he would help me get back home, but neither of us know how...crap," she said. Then started banging her head on the table again.
"Marinette, I think you said-" She cut him off.
"Yeah, yeah, I know," she said. "At least if he tells anyone, it won't matter."
"Um, what?" he says. He points to her. Telling Peter to ask her about her life.
"I'm apparently from a DIFFERENT freaking universe, and I live in FREAKING Gotham City! I don't have any knowledge about this place. I don't even know if you call this planet Earth!"
"Yeah...this is Earth," Peter said. She started banging her head on the table. Again.
"Why *bang* did *bang* you *bang* press *bang* that *bang* button?!" Then she stopped. "Tikki!" she yelled. The small kwami came up to Marinette with a disapproving look. "What? It's not like they'll tell anyone back home." Peter jumped back and just starred at the kwami.
"Wow, you guys are a lot more calm than the people back home. The Justice League screamed and called me a bug-mouse. Oliver even called me a vampire because he couldn't get me on camera," Tikki said.
"Tikki, I have an idea on how to get back home."
"What is it?"
"What if we use the Horse Miraculous?" she asked.
"That is a great idea Marinette."
"OK, I'll tell Damian."
(This conversation will be talked out loud.)
"Hey Damian," Marinette said. Peter just looked at her funny.
'Hey Angel, any ideas?'
"What if we use the horse miraculous?"
'Where is it?'
"In the box, Demon. Tell Chloe to get it. She has used it before," she stated.
'Ok, I'll tell her now.' He tells Chloe to get the miraculous, and she gets it.
Damian's PoV:
Angel tells me to get the horse miraculous. I forgot what power it gives, but I will give anything a try. "Chloe, Marinette said to use the Horse Miraculous," I say once I reach her.
Her eyes widen and she facepalms, "Why didn't I think of that before! We could just teleport to her!" I guess it give teleportation powers? Cool. We go to Marinette's room, where the box is, and she opens the box. She knows the code and I don't! I'll have to get her back for that.
Chloe's PoV
We arrive to the box and I enter the code. I grabbed the horse miraculous, and got to see Kaalki again. "Hey Kaalki."
"Hey Chloe."
I say the words, and I'm transformed. I tell her voyage, and think of Marinette. The portal opens, and I step through. When I look on the other side, I see....
DUM. DUM. DUM. Cliffhanger!
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