Chapter 4
I think that I read enough that I think I get this right. This is what I thought. Correct me if I'm wrong: Tim is Red Robin, Jason is Red Hood, Dick is Nightwing, Damian is Robin, and Bruce is Batman. I think all of them are right, but I keep switching Jason and Tim. I'd look it up, but it is kind of hard to find the two. My dad and brother don't even know about Jason and Tim when I asked them. Soooo, yeah. oNtO tHe sTorY:
OH, and by the way. I'm pretty sure Tony Stark is out of character, sooo...
Another thing, we are going to pretend like he didn't die. Btw, my knowledge of Marvel and D.C. is all from my Dad, Brother, or random fics I find.
"So let me get this straight. Your in your world's Justice League, but it's called the 'Avengers'?" Marinette asked Tony.
"Yes, now can you FINALLY tell me the stuff about you?"
Marinette let out a sigh and stated, "My name is Marinette Quinn. I am the daughter of the Joker and Harley Quinn. They are the most feared villains in like...the world. Both of them are insane. Their most frequent opponent is Batman."
"Who's Batman?"
"He is of the best superheros, but he doesn't have powers. Just grappling gear, money, and fighting skills. His son is my boyfriend."
"That Damian guy?"
"Yeah, Damian Wayne. We can hear each others thoughts. It is so weird. And he is Robin, one of Batman's partners. He is known for being cold back home. Social Media has dubbed him the Ice Prince of Gotham."
"Are your parents good to you?" She shoots a glare at him. The famous bat-glare. "I'm just asking because their villains."
"Yes, they are very good to me. So are my Aunts and Uncles."
"Are they other villains?"
"Who are they?"
"Well, there is Scarecrow, Penguin, Poison Ivy, Catwoman who is also good, and there are some more."
"And they are all good to you?"
"YES, they are all good," then she mumbles, "but Lila, Sabine and Tom weren't," but he still heard.
"I didn't say anything," she said. He decided to drop the topic because he thought it might be a sore subject for her, which it was. "Do you have any idea how to get me home?"
"Nope, but I promised didn't I?" She smiled at the statement.
"Ok, I'm going to ask Damian how Tim is doing on figuring out what to do?"
"Oh yeah. Tim is another one of Batman's partners. Red Robin," she said.
"Oh," he says.
She just rolls her eyes and thinks, 'Hey Damian, we don't really know what to do.' (This whole conversation is spoken out loud)
'Your mother is here and she is freaking out.'
'Great, well...tell her I'm fine, but I don't know how to get out of here,' she said.
'She doesn't believe that we can read each other's mind.'
'Tell her to ask me something only I would know.'
There was a pause. 'When is her birthday.'
'October 5th, 1989.'
'She is just starring at me...shocked.' There was another pause, 'Now she is freaking out all over again of how your dad is going to go on a murder spree when your gone.'
'Tell her that I will be back, but try to hold dad off. And Damian?'
'Try not to kill anyone while I'm gone, and be nice to your brothers.'
'Fine, as long as you think as hard as you can of a way out of there.'
'Deal,' she said back with a smile. They stopped talking, and that is when Marinette realized that Tony was still here.
Marinette starts to bang her head on the table, thinking that will trigger an idea, but also embarrassed that she forgot to say all of that in her head.
"Who is this 'she' you were talking about?" he asked her in concern.
"My mother," she said.
"What happened?" he asked her.
"She didn't believe I was me. She is worried that my dad will go on a murder spree while I'm gone because I was the only thing holding him back."
"Oh," was all he said.
"Yeah," she said. Then she saw a boy, about her age walk in.
"Mr. Stark-" he cut himself off when he saw Marinette. "Hello."
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