Times change (Larry/Hashton)
Harry and Louis. Louis and Harry. Together they have been the worlds most popular couple for three years now and have been since they were put together as a band during the X-Factor.
However time tends to tear the most beautiful things apart. That also applied to Harry's and Louis' relationship. They were constantly fighting over the smallest things like who stole the last of Harry's favourite chocolate cookies or who misplaced Louis' favourite football shirt. The rest of the band ( Niall Liam and Zayn) realised the tension and knew better than to interfere.
Harry felt betrayed since this constant fighting took a very emotional toll on the youngest member of the band, and nobody felt like helping him out on an emotional level. To make matters worse One Direction toured together with a new band called 5sos from Australia. Calum Luke and Michael were amazing friends but their drummer Ashton felt immediately that something wasn't alright with Harry.
His suspicions were confirmed when he stumbled upon Harry at his lowest yet. He had a bottle of pills as well as a knife in his hand ready to end his life. Luckily Ashton was there and took the knife away from Harry just in time causing Harry to have a complete meltdown in Ashton's arms.
From then on the feelings the two of them had grew stronger and stronger. One night when Louis was out clubbing with Liam and Zayn Harry lay in his hotel room together with Ashton kissing when suddenly the sexual tension between them was two great and they ended up having the wildest and best night of their lives not knowing what consequences would await them in roughly nine months time.
•~•~•~8 1/2 months later•~•~•~
Harry had been going through eight and a half months of pure torture trying to hide his pregnancy from Louis who he just made up with. He also had conflicting feelings concerning Ashton. True he was the only one who could be the baby's father but Harry also cared deeply for Louis to.
"Uhhh. Baby. Please stop hurting daddy." Harry groaned as another pain rippled through his stomach. He was thankfully distracted by the boys from 5sos as well as the rest of the boys from his own band. He was half hoping to see Ashton and Louis but of course with the luck he has been having his wish wasn't granted.
"Hey Hazzy. How's the baby been treatin ya?" Niall asked patting Harry's back. "Not too bad although I have been getting the most terrible cramps since yesterday evening." "Sounds like baby is coming early." Calum said which made Harry's face grow a few shades paler. "It c-can't be p-p-possible. I'm-not-ready-yet."
At this point Harry was full-on crying clinging onto Liam and having the beginning of a panic attack. Liam, who had taken a first-aid class years ago, helped Harry through it and when Harry was breathing normally again he screeched out in pain as another contraction tore through him. Liam immediately took charge of the situation and gave everybody something necessary for birth to get him.
He knelt in front of Harry and removed his sweat-pants and boxers which was a very smart move, because the second they were removed Harry's water broke all over the recliner he was sitting on. Harry gasped out in pain as a contraction, worse than all the others before tore through his abdomen.
"L-L-Liam. I f-feel p-press-ssure. A l-lot of i-it." Harry whimpered. At that moment the rest of the gang came back with the required objects and Liam pushed the recliner back. "Michael. I want you to sit behind Harry and keep him upright. Niall I want you to be here with a towel for the baby and Calum, Luke and Zayn, stay on standby incase we should need you." he ordered.
Everything started moving very quickly for Harry. The only thing on his mind was the determination to get his baby out and into his arms. And that's how the next two hours were spent. Harry pushing and Liam and Michael encouraging him.
"LIAM. IT HURTS. IT REALLY DOES HURT!" Liam checked his friends progress and said smiling "Well. It won't be long before we meet baby. Now on the next contraction I want you to pant the baby's head out so you don't tear. I know it hurts bad but before you know it you'll have your own baby to love and care for." This seemed to give Harry new strength and after taking a huge breath he started panting the way Calum instructed him to.
"Aaaaaaaaahh." Harry screeched as his baby's head finally emerged making everyone gasp. "I-Is every...thing ok?" Harry asked fresh tears springing into his eyes. "Of course. Everything's fine. Just need to check for the cord and then you'll meet your baby." Liam said checking for the cord and not finding it and giving Harry the ok to give another push which released the shoulders and after yet another big push Harry felt the biggest relief ever and barely heard Liam as he revealed Harry had given birth to a baby girl.
Just as Harry bonded with his daughter another baby made its way into the world. Harry screeched out in pain and Liam checked Harry and to his horror found two little legs poking out.
"Harry. Your second baby is breech so you need to push extra hard alright?" Tears sprouted in Harry's eyes which showed determination at the same time. Liam quickly handed Niall the baby and helped Harry through the second birth.
It seemed to Harry as if he was pushing for a lifetime but after almost half an hour the second the baby was born. Suddenly Ashton and Louis came bursting into the room. Ashton raced to Harry who looked exhausted but smiling holding his babies. "Oh Harry. I'm so proud of you. I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you." Harry stroked his cheek and motioned for Louis to come closer.
"Lou. I'm so sorry but Ashton is the father. I'm sorry for being so selfish and doing this to you but I was just so happy that things were finally getting better between us. I was going to tell you hones..."
Louis held up his hand and said "I won't lie I'm very upset that you kept this from me for so long. But I can't forget the good times we shared. I still love you and I want you to be happy. And if you're happy with Ashton and your baby then you have my blessing."
Harry started crying and reached out for Louis. "Can we still be friends?" "I'd be sad beyond belief if we couldn't." Louis chuckled. "By the way what are the babies genders?"
Ashton, who had gently taken his child looked under the towel and beaming he looked at Harry and said "We have a daughter."
Harry did the same to the other baby but before he could reveal the gender he felt a new wave of contractions wash over him.
"Triplets?" Liam asked in shock. Harry just nodded and Louis could tell Harry was tired as hell. "Louis. I can't do this anymore." Harry whimpered. Louis took Liam's place and took Harry's hand and checking his stomach for any more babies luckily finding only one.
"Harry. I'm so unbelievably proud of you but give it your all for your last baby. They need their mummy's help." "You can do this Harry." the others cheered.
This gave Harry strength he needed as he began to bear down. The pain he felt was still as bad as with the other two babies but Harry bared his teeth and put all his strength into pushing until he felt a flush of relief sweep over him.
"You have a son." Louis beamed as did Ashton, who hugged his boyfriend prepping him with kisses. "We're finally a family. Isn't that amazing?" Harry nodded and fell asleep after telling Ashton that he should name their their children with Louis.
"I've got a name for one of the girls. How about Ziliana Louise for this cute little Harry look-alike." Ashton smiled and said "That's a wonderful name. What do you think of Lyric Marie for the second girl.?"
Ashton at this point was in awe of his children as well as his amazing boyfriend for giving them life. They left Harry sleeping and went downstairs just in time to hear Liam say "We'll have our own children someday. I promise."
Louis and Ashton cooed at the secret Niam relationship and together they immediately knew what to call the little boy nestled in Louis arm.
A few hours later Harry woke to see Niall Liam Louis and Ashton trying to calm down the three screaming babies. "Give them to me guys."
This startled the small group and they quickly gave Harry his children who started feeding his little girls. After switching them for the little guy Harry asked "So. What names did you come up with?"
Ashton looked at Louis and said "Well. The little princess which looks like you is called Ziliana Louise and our other princess is called Lyric Marie."
"As for our son. His name is..." "Niam Bryson." Ashton yelled together with Louis. "Why Niam?" Harry asked. "Oh well. Just to thank Liam for his help." Louis smirked looking in Liam's and Niall's direction.
"Those are wonderful names. Thank you so much everyone. You're the best friends anyone could ever ask for." As Ashton took Harry in his arms and snuggled close to him and his children who had been passed to their parents Liam and Niall suddenly shouted "We're a couple. And we want a baby."
Ashton chuckled and replied "Why don't you guys help me and Harry with the triplets and then see if you still want your own."
Liam and Niall blushed and after a casual chat the boys left the now happy and content family to bond.
Personally I'm not too pleased with the ending and I apologise for missing for so long. It's just that I'm done with school and that the real life is starting for me now
Please don't give up on me now loves.love you all so much 😘💚
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