Safe at home (Mashton)
"Are you sure you want the birthing pool in the middle of the living room?" Ashton asked his heavily pregnant boyfriend for the billionth time that day. "Yes. I know what I want and that's exactly what I want." Michael huffed rubbing his huge stomach as the twins inside him kept kicking up a storm and continued dropping. "Whatever your heart desires my darling." Ashton replied kissing a pouting Michael's head.
While Ashton was getting the pool all set up Michael decided to get himself and his babies something to eat. As he was rummaging in the fridge a shooting pain shot up his spine and stayed there for a few minutes. When it ended Michael let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. He just shrugged it off as one of the twins being restless which had started quite recently.
He smiled a huge smile as he found his favourite black current jello and walked back into the loving room where Ashton had finished blowing up the pool. Michael beamed at his boyfriend and motioned for Ashton to come closer for a big hug. Ashton happily complied and after a lovely long hug he gently shoved Michael away saying he needed to fill the pool.
At that moment the pain intensified to a point of terrible and Michael gasped. Ashton came up to him and asked "Is everything alright Mikey?" "Uh huh" was the only reply Ashton got. When he heard a small yelp he turned around he saw Michael hunched over holding his stomach small whimpers leaving his lips. "A-Ash. I think it's time. I...I'm s-so sc...ared." Tears welled up in Michael's eyes as the situation became somewhat overwhelming for him.
"Oh Mikey. Shhh. It's ok. The pool is right there. Let's get you in it and I'll call Mary. Alright?" Michael nodded and with Ashton's help he got into the pool which immediately helped with his aching back. Ashton came into the room holding his phone and said "Mary wants to talk with you." "Hi Mary...yeah I think it hasn't yet...since this morning...ok. See you in five minutes then."
Michael then layed back against the pool and shut his eyes. "What's the time now babe." he asked Ashton. "It's 4:35pm. Do you want me to time your contractions for you?" Ashton asked getting his phone back from Michael. "Yes please. Ooooh. Here comes one now. Hmmmmm." Michael hummed as the contraction wrecked his poor lower body for what seemed like ages.
Just when it stopped there was a knock on the door and Ashton opened it to let their midwife Mary inside. "How are you feeling Michael?" she asked immediately heading over to Michael. "I feel achey and the twins are very restless inside me." Mary smiled sympathetically and said "Trust me. I know what that feels like sweetheart. Let me check your progress real quick and then we'll see how to continue from there."
Mary unpacked all her equipment and listen to the twins heartbeats first which were beating healthily and then she checked Michael's dilation making the soon-to-be mother squirm slightly. "You're currently 5cm dilated. Why don't you walk around a bit to speed things along. I'm sure Ashton will help you."
With that Ashton and Michael began to walk around occasionally stopping to let Michael lean against the wall to breath out a contraction. After a particularly hard contraction a lot of pressure began building inside Michael's tummy before the pressure let loose and his water broke all over the floor.
Ashton maneuvered his treasure around the puddle on the floor and lead him to the birthing pool where Mary was quick to check his dilation as well as the heartbeats of the twins. With a big smile on her face Mary told the soon-to-be parents "Good news Michael. You're 10cm dilated and ready to push. As for your children. They're both doing fine. When you feel the next contraction I want you to put your chin against your chest and push for ten seconds."
As soon as the words left her mouth a new contraction wrecked his body and Michael did as Mary told him to. He couldn't help but screech out in pain as the first of his children started crowning.
"A-Ash." Michael whimpered reaching out for his boyfriend. "Shh. It's alright Mikey. The first one is almost here. Be strong for them my sweet angle." This gave Michael the strength he needed to give a short but strong push feeling his first baby's head leave his body.
"Mikey. The head is out. Oh my goodness. Look at that face." Ashton cooed and took Michael's hand to feel their first baby. "Oh m-my god." Michael whimpered as the head turned slowly. Mary smiled at Michael and said softly "Michael. When I give you the word give my a good push and we might get the first baby out on the next push. Ok?" Michael nodded feebly an started pushing down with the next contraction.
In one huge push Michael felt the small body leave his own and gasped at the speed with which the baby came out. "Well. Looks like the two of you got a sweet little boy on your hands. Congratulations boys." Mary said smiling as she put the little boy on Michael's chest. "Oh...m-my goodn-ness. Our b-baby. Our v-very own baby." Michael said with tears streaming down his face. "He's so beautiful. I'm so indescribably proud of you angel." Ashton said kissing his son and his boyfriend.
Michael winced as the placenta left his body and new contractions signaled the arrival of their second baby. "Ash. Please take our baby. I need to push again." Ashton gladly obliged and took him in his arms while Michael, with Mary's help, moved to all fours.
"You know the drill Michael." Mary said as Michael pushed out their second baby's head. "Hoo hoo." Michael panted. Ashton looked up from his son to his mother and felt a huge wave pride for Michael curse through him. Here he was going through twice the pain to give him a family. He spent nine months suffering from morning sickness cravings and the whole set of complaints one has when pregnant.
Ashton was brought back to reality when he heard a second cry join that of his son. "Here's a sweet little princess wanting to meet her parents." Mary said laying their squirming little girl next to her brother on their mother's chest.
"We're a proper family now." Ashton said not realizing he did. " Michael looked up already having passed the icky mess he chose to ignore to cry happily and say "Yes we are. And I...*yawn*... couldn't be happier about it. I've come up with names to." Ashton smiled and listened to his boyfriend naming their adorable twins.
"I've always loved the name Dylan and you've helped me so much during my pregnancy and labor that I've decided to name our son Dylan Ashton Clifford-Irwin. As for our little angel I want you to name her."
Ashton beamed and said "I love the name you gave our son. It's so wonderful. I've really like the name Rose and I always enjoy writing lyrics for our songs with you so our little princess will be called Rose Lyric Clifford-Irwin."
He looked down at his boyfriend to find he was already asleep. Carefully he picked up Dylan and Rose and brought them to the nursery where he put them in their crib before returning to Michael and gently picked him up in a towel and brought him to their bedroom.
He put on his pajamas and kissed him saying "I'll always be there for you and our children. Thank you so much for giving me everything I ever wanted. I love you endlessly my sweet darling angel."
I'm so sorry 5_seconds_of_magcon2 for taking ages with this. I'm back and I've got a lot of free time on my hands now so to any other readers keep the requests coming.
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