Enoch x reader // hair dye
"Hold still" I mumble grabbing a hold on Enoch's head. "Why are you being so difficult"
"This is taking to long Y/n can't we just stop and go back to the basement. Hell I'll even go outside if it means you can stop" he groans but stays still as I finish.
I move infront of him and crouch so I can be eye level with his.
"Look just give this a few minutes and we'll do whatever you wanna do"
"Promise" he asks leaning forward, I nod back
"Promise" I say sitting back up and walking behind him.
"So what exactly have you been doing this whole time?" Enoch asks after a minute
"You seriously don't know" he shakes his head "I've been dying your hair. You know like what you asked me to do a few weeks ago" I say he stays silent for a bit before he makes a 'huh' noise as if just understanding what's been going on"
" damn, so what colour did you do?" He asks turning around in his chair to face me.
"It's now a surprise because you can't seem to remember" I say walking to the sink and turning the water on "come over here" he does and I start to wash the dye out of his hair. Once I'm done with that I dry it with a towel.
"Can I look yet i wanna see what you've done to me" he groans from under the towel
"Okay okay, ready?" He nods, I take the towel off his head and he looks into the mirror and is speechless
"You dyed it... green?" He questions before looking at me
"Like you wanted, and I know it's not very bright but it was this or you get blond hair when the dye fades" I state moving close to him. "Do you like it?"
"You know what. I do like it" he says and I feel happy he pulls me close and gives me a hug "thanks for doing this" he mumbles into my shoulder as he gives me a hug.
"No problem, Enoch" I say pulling away slightly "so what do I get in return?"
"How about me not killing you?" He says and we laugh "come here" he pulls me back and gives me a quick kiss.
"Hmm not good enough" I say he gives me another one "still no" and another one this as quick as the last two. "Nope"
"What more do you want from me" he playfully says.
"This" I pull him by his collar and kiss him and this time it doesn't last 2 seconds.
Knock. Knock.
"Are you guys done cause some of us need the bathroom" someone calls out, Enoch pulls away and groans
"Then hold it" we yell at whoever it was, we look at eachother and laugh.
"You know I think you suit green"
"Ya think? Babe I suit everything" he says and I hit him on the chest.
"Yeah prove it"
A/n : requests open, request anything you want weather it be a one shot or a imagine just hit me up.
Thanks for reading and all your support!
"Challenge excepted"
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