00:35 // Victor Catch Up
A/n : I accidentally left 31 out so I'm republishing this one
00:01 : when they meet you
He meet you a few days before the loop was created, you lived in the town.
00:02 : Your peculiarity
Water control. You can control small amounts of water.
00:03 : how they meet you
Victor POV
"Bron I'm seriously not in the mood" I saw sat on my bed reading a book while Bronwyn kept tapping me begging that I take her outside.
"Please Miss said I can't go unless I'm with someone and everyone else is doing something, besides your my big brother your supposed to protect me" she pouted, I groaned and look at the watch that was on my bedside table.
"15 minutes and we come back inside, got it?" She nodded her head all to happily.
-20 minutes later-
"Now look what you've done victor you've gotten us lost again" Bronwyn said jump off a few rocks onto the ground taking my hand.
"Let's just keep going forward we'll find the village and work our way back from there" and sure enough we did, Bronwyn ran into the little meadow full of flowers and tall grass that was near the village making me go after her.
"Hello, who might you be?" Whoever that is isn't Bronwyn.
"My names Bronwyn" I walk out and see a clear patch with no grass and Bronwyn talking to someone with h/l and wearing a grea dress they had a flower crown on their head. "And this is my big brother victor" the stranger looked over to me and smiled.
"Well I hope we can be friends. My names Y/n"
00:04 : when they knew they liked you
When he saw how well you got along with Bronwyn
00:05 : favourite food
Fish, crab, anything that's sea food
00:06 : clothes you steal
He owns a jacket that he never wears, and one day you just decided to take it, it baggy on you and it's made of brown leather
00:07: nickname Pt1
You call him 'Mr brute' he acted like he was really tough the first few days you knew him but then Bronwyn said he was a marshmallow and he melted, and it's a shorter version of his last name.
00:08: nickname Pt2
He calls you 'Flower child' cause of the flower crown you were wearing when you meet.
00:09: Disney Movie
00:10 : your best friend
Bronwyn of course.
00:11: who Their jealous of
He is such a jealous person second only to Enoch, he isn't worried about everyone in the house, he's mostly jealous of everyone in the village who get to see you everyday.
00:12 : who your jealous of
You aren't really a jealous person, but if you did have to pick you'd say Bronwyn because she spends so much time with him.
00:13 : their song
Death of a hero
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
00:14: who kissed who
He usually kisses you first but there are the times when you surprise him with one
00:15 : Your name in his Phone
Flower Child 💐
00:16 : His name in your phone
Mr brute 😘
00:17: how you sleep
You sleep on you sides and he raps his arm around you waist, you could be facing each other or you have your back against his chest.
00:18: who said 'I love you' first
You did, and it completely took him off guard. He didn't know what to say for a solid 5 minutes, then he said it back.
00:19 : pick up lines Pt.1
Are you tired, cause you've been running through my mind all day
00:20 : Hogwarts house
00:21 : divergent faction
(00:22 was a Hugh catch up)
00:23: favourite YouTube genre
you guys mostly watch 'how to' videos with Bronwyn but when shes not around you watch 'horror game run throughs'.
00:24 : pick up lines Pt.2
I'm about to commit a crime, by stealing you heart
00:25: where their ticklish
His legs, anywhere on his leg will make him jump.
00:26 : Christmas together
• hanging the tree
•decorating it
•only presents people get are buckets of water on their heads
•and a flower crown for taking it so well
•honestly you guys just prank everyone
•it started as a competition but everyone lost count now its just for fun
•Christmas cuddles
•cause he like a freaking heater
•reading Christmas stories to the little ones
•annoying Millard cause why not
•annoying Emma cause that's everting
•helping Enoch annoy everyone cause that's really fun
•lots of food and sleeping
00:27 : type of roommate
The Teenager, his room is always really messy or really clean. No in between . He goes from really high 'I'm going to keep this clean forever' to 'I'll just chuck it here and clean tomorrow'.
00:28 : favourite band / singer
Billie Elish
00:29 : Anime
He cant get quite in the house so he prefers to read
00:30 : Pride mouth : sexuality
00:31 : Marvel
00:32 : fav subject
00:33 : favourite youtuber
Amazing Phil
00:34 : pick up lines Pt.3
Are you a painting, cause I wanna nail you to a wall
00:34 Bonus :
Millard : oh thank god I thought you were going to say you wanted to hang her.
*this took like a week to do but it was funny, this is like probably the most requested thing I've had. Speaking of request Open*
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