Pyramid Head x Female! Teen! Reader (1)
You were (Y/N) Da Silva, the only biological daughter of Rose and Chris Da Silva, you were 17 years old, and you were currently asleep in the back seat of the family car, you were on a road trip with your mother, and your adopted little sister Sharon, you were going because Rose wanted to know why Sharon would sleepwalk and would talk about a place you had never heard of before.
Silent Hill...
You were also very aware that your father wasn't here, for some reason your mother had decided to do this alone, which seemed irresponsible, but you didn't bother to say anything otherwise she would have just left anyway.
Right now, you were laying across the back seat, trying to get some sleep while your mother drove, with Sharon sat in the front seat next to her, you did have to admit you felt jealousy at how much attention your own mother paid to Sharon, but... you also understood that she was worried, though that didn't stop your jealousy.
You were woken up by the sound of sirens, you groaned and opened your eyes to see blue lights flashing, it seems your mother was being pulled over, you slowly sat yourself back up in the back seat, adjusting your seat belt so you were safe.
"Are we there yet?" Sharon asked tiredly, waking up from her nap in the front seat.
"Not yet honey" Rose said, as she watched the cop in her side mirror, she then looked up to a sign, seeing that they were already very close to Silent Hill.
"What's going on? Were we speeding or something?" you asked as you adjusted the seat belt.
"(Y/N), sit back, and Sharon, keep your seat belt fastened honey" Rose said, and before you could ask what she was doing, she floored the gas and sped off away from the cop!
"Mom, what the hell!?" you said as your body was forced back into the seat from the speed of the car suddenly taking off, you held onto the car door and the middle seat with a death grip, terrified at how fast your mother was going, just to avoid a routine traffic stop!
"Mommy!!" Sharon said, obviously very frightened at just how fast they were speeding along the road.
"Hey, hey, it's okay, we're okay Sharon, big sis is here, Mom stop!! Your going too fast!" you said, holding Sharon's hand, and trying to comfort her and help her not be scared, suddenly Rose smashed the car through a locked metal gate!
"Mom! Your taking this way too far! What's the point of coming here if we'll just get arrested, or killed?!" you yelled, scared and pissed off that she was being so damned reckless, then you heard the siren coming up from behind, at this point you were hoping Rose would see sense and stop, when suddenly the radio started to blare a horrific noise.
"Agh! My ears!" you yelled as you covered one of your ears, Sharon let go of your hand and clutched her ears too, screaming from the horrible noise.
"It's okay! It's just the radio, I'm turning it off!!" Rose said as she started to mess with the radio, trying to turn it off while Sharon screamed, everything was getting frantic, you then glanced up and saw a person walking into the road!
"MOM, LOOK OUT!!" you screamed, pointing to the person, Rose gasped and swerved the car, which spun out of control, Sharon was screaming as she held onto her seat, you were terrified, before the car slammed into something, Rose was smashed face first into the steering wheel, and you were hit hard in the head.
"Mom... Sh... Sharon..." you mumbled, before your vision faded to black...
"Sharon? (Y/N)! (Y/N), wake up! Wake up, sweetie" came a voice, you groaned and opened your eyes, you saw your mother standing by your open car door, checking on you worriedly, you noticed that she was bleeding above her right eye.
"Owww... my head.... what happened?" you groaned in pain, your head was pounding and your body was in a lot of pain.
"I-I saw a girl in the road... you screamed and the car swerved, and I think I hit my head on the steering wheel, are you alright?" Rose asked as she held your cheeks, looking at your eyes.
"Ugh, I feel dizzy, and sick... what the hell were you thinking mom?!" you said angrily, if she hadn't decided to speed off like that, this wouldn't have happened! Then your eyes widened and you looked at the front seat, only to see the door wide open, Sharon was gone!
"Mom, Sharon... where's Sharon? Is she okay?!" you asked worriedly, really hoping she didn't get really badly injured because of Rose's reckless driving!
"Okay, listen, Sharon's gone, I need to go find her, so just... stay in the car okay, lie down on the back seats, I'll be right back" Rose said as she laid you down on the back seats, rubbing your head and hair comfortingly.
"I'm so sorry baby, I never meant for this to happen..." she said sadly, before she closed both your door, and the passenger side door, she then took off running along the road, calling out for anyone who might be close hoping to find help, and find Sharon.
You laid on the back seat, trying to get the pain in your head to stop, you touched your head and found blood in your fingers, it seemed you'd hit your head pretty hard, you sighed, laying your aching head down on the seat.
"I can't believe mom would be so stupid! Speeding away from a Cop, and smashing the car into a gate, is she really that desperate, to know why Sharon sleepwalks?" you muttered to yourself angrily, pissed that your mom would endanger you and Sharon like that over something so dumb, you looked up to the windscreen and saw small white flakes falling outside.
"Is it snowing? But it's the wrong time of year for snow..." you said, as you sat up, groaning as you held your head, to relieve the headache, you looked outside and saw that more of the delicate looking flakes were falling, you rolled the window down and reached out your hand and caught one of the small flakes.
It didn't feel cold, and it wasn't melting, so it clearly wasn't snow, you touched it with your fingers and it turned into grey dust, you rubbed it between your thumb and finger.
"No, it's ash, and what's with all of this heavy fog?" you asked yourself, very confused about what was happening in this place, feeling curious you opened the car door and stepped out into the grey outdoors, looking up and watching as the ash fell from the sky above, then you had a thought, why didn't you just call dad, perhaps he could come find you all?
You took your phone out of your pocket, smiling at the thought of getting help, however, when you turned on your phone, it had no signal.
"Great, just great, right when we really need it!" you said angrily, shoving your phone back into your coat pocket, you decided to wait close to the car until your mother came back with help, however the longer you waited, the more upset you got with the situation.
"Why did mom have to leave me here alone? This is really creepy" you muttered, feeling bitter about the situation you had all gotten into, and all because your mother was impatient, then suddenly, a loud blaring of an alarm came from further up the road.
"What in the hell? An air raid siren?" you said as you noticed that the already dim light seemed to be fading, you stood up, your breathing started to get shaky as the world around you was plunged into darkness, it was so dark you could barely see your hand in front of your face, however it got a bit better to see after a short while, but... everything seemed to have changed!
"What in the- H-How did it get so dark all of a sudden?" you asked yourself, unnerved by the encroaching blackness surrounding you, and the car, something felt... sinister, about this darkness, like something evil dwelled within.
You then saw something moving up ahead, you started to get nervous, thinking about getting back into the car where it was safe, your phone then started to make strange sounds, like what came from the car radio before the crash.
"What in the hell?!" you said, starting to panic, you then saw what was stumblinng towards you, it looked like a man, but it had no arms, just a very bulky looking chest with a hole in the middle, that oozed a disgusting black ooze.
Your eyes widened and you rushed to the car, trying to open it and get inside to be safely away from the creature, but the doors were somehow locked, you tried desperately to open the door and get inside, but the creature kept getting closer and closer, finally you decided to run for it.
"Help! Somebody, help me!" you called out into the darkness, hoping that you'd find someone to help you with whatever the hell that was back there, you ran on adrenaline all the way into the town, however, the entire town looked like it was decaying, and there was wire fences and rusted metal everywhere.
"What in the hell? It didn't look like this in the pictures on Google!" you said as you looked around in a panic, you stopped however when you saw even more of those monsters shambling toward you!
"No, no no no no no no, please, leave me alone!" you panicked, before you ran away, going to a building and running inside, unfortunately there was no door, you rushed behind a counter and hid there, covering your mouth to try and stay quiet, however, you heard the sound of bare feet hitting the ground, coming right towards you.
(No, please go away!) you thought to yourself, as you closed your eyes, shaking and terrified as you then heard something else, heavy thumping sounds, followed by the screech of metal being dragged against metal, you covered your ears to try and muffle the horrible screech.
The sound stopped, before you heard something else, a sound like wet tearing or slicing, followed by a thump and some weakening gurgles from one of the creatures that followed you.
"H-Huh...?" you said, as you uncovered your ears, listening carefully, and only hearing an eerie silence, before a rough hand grabbed your arm, making you yelp as you were pulled out of your hiding place.
"Aahh! No, please!" you cried, shutting your eyes and trying to get your arm free of this person's grip, a deep groan came from whoever it was that was holding your arm, you opened your eyes and froze.
In front of you was a very tall, muscular looking man, his whole body was littered with cuts, wounds and scars, his skin was ashen grey, he was bare chested, with a stitched apron wrapped around his lower body, and as for his head... you couldn't see this person's face, if he even was a person, because of the giant, pyramid-shaped helmet that rested on his shoulders.
You then looked down and saw the giant sword he was holding, your legs started shaking, you were terrified that you'd just escaped one dangerous situation only to end up in another, the man stabbed the sword into the ground, sticking the sword into the shop floor, and reached his other hand toward you, you closed your eyes and tears fell down your cheeks.
Then you felt something wiping away your tears, you peeked open your eye, and saw the Pyramid-headed man was wiping your tears, his hold on your arm had gotten a little more gentle, but it was still firm, like he didn't want you to leave.
"You... your not going to hurt me?" you asked, still trembling slightly, the Creature responded with a groan which seemed to echo loudly within the giant pyramid on his head, you tried to calm down so you could perhaps ask about what was going on in this town, when he released your arm and picked up his sword, then you noticed that the world seemed to be, changing?
The floor started to peel and float up into the air, revealing a more bright floor underneath, the white tiles showing through the filth and the decay.
"What? What is this? What's happening?!" you asked worriedly, watching as the world shifted form, metal cages and wire mesh fences becoming walls, the shelves losing their rust and now only having a layer of dust and ash, then you heard the groan again.
You felt a rough, calloused hand cup your cheek, turning your head to look at the man, his thumb rubbed against your skin, for some reason, your face warmed with a blush, you stood there, looking at this creature as it's body started to fade away, soon the whole world returned to that grey, foggy state it was in earlier.
"U-Umm... what, just happened?" you asked yourself, as your hand reached up to where that Pyramid-Headed Creature touched your cheek, you blushed slightly at the warmth that was still there, you then shook your head and ran off to try and find your mother and make some sense of this madness!
Quite a lot had happened after you came back to the normal world, you'd reunited with your mother, met a woman at the edge of a broken road, almost got arrested by the same Policewoman from the gas station, got attacked by a disgusting creature, and were now searching through a school for Sharon, you and Rose had split up to find her.
"I can't believe this... like it's a good idea to split up in a place that goes all... dark and evil" you muttered, getting more and more angry with your mother's decisions, she just seemed to be getting more and more reckless, taking unneeded risks and making dumb decisions, the sort of stuff you wouldn't do if you ever watched a Horror Movie, EVER!
However, you were also very worried about Sharon, and decided to just go with what your mom said and hopefully, you'll find her.
"Sharon! Sharon, come out, it's me!" you called out, as you walked around the school, keeping a listen out for an answer, it was very creepy being here in this abandoned school, especially considering that any moment it could turn into that terrifying dark world, but then again... it might mean you'd get to see that Pyramid Headed guy again, the idea made you blush slightly, as you remembered him touching your cheek like that.
(What the hell am I thinking, I don't have time for this, I need to find Sharon!) you said, mentally slapping yourself to focus on finding Sharon, instead of the strange guy with the muscles.
Then, you heard thumping from upstairs, like running, you ran to find a staircase and see if it was Sharon, you soon reached the second floor, but skidded to a stop when you saw people, three of them, wearing body suits and gas masks, trying to break down a door, before the third one turned and saw you!
"Uh oh!" you said before you took off running, going back downstairs to get away from these strange men, as you ran you heard muffled yelling and heavy foot steps following you!
"Shit, shit, shit!" you cursed as you ran, before you heard it, the sound of the siren blaring, before you saw the world going dark, you started to panic as the light faded, your breaths came in shaky gasps as you took out a flashlight your mother had given you and turned it on.
You watched in fear as the walls seemed to age rapidly, the paint peeling and flaking off before falling to the ground, leaving ugly, stained walls, the floors were caked in dirt and grime, and the air smelled of smoke and ash.
"Oh God, it's happened again... I need to find a place to hide!" you said shakily as you started to run, trying to find a place to hide, like a closet or a small room, however as you ran you suddenly ran into those same men!
"it's the outsider, get her!" said a man, holding a bird cage with a Canary inside, the other two grabbed you and started to try and drag you along with them as you kicked and screamed, trying to get free, when screeching and the sound of scurrying came, the men started to panic and let go before they ran away, letting you run off too.
However, you stopped running when you heard screaming, the screams of the men from earlier, and... your mom's!
"Mom! Mom, where are you?!" you shouted out loudly, running through the decayed, rusted halls until you reached a large space with metal panels for flooring and giant wind turbines, only to freeze at what you saw, a massive, living tide of giant, black bugs!
"Aaahh!! What the hell, giant Bugs!" you screamed as the Bugs crawled toward you and surrounded you, the bugs were making horrible shrieking sounds as some of them crawled up your legs, making you swat at them in a panic, until you heard a familiar sound of metal shrieking against metal, you looked over to the left and saw that Pyramid Headed man from before.
"O-Oh, hello again, sir..." you said, as he moved closer, dragging the bloody, partially eaten corpse of one of the men in the gas masks, he was also dragging along his giant knife, he dropped the corpse, which was quickly swarmed by the Bugs as he looked at you, or you guessed he was looking at you.
"U-Um... c-could you help me please? I'm trying to find my sister and my mom" you asked, still feeling a little grossed out from the large bugs crawling up your body, some of them stopping on your clothes and just resting, the Pyramid-Headed man offered you his hand and you took it, his large, rough, calloused hand enveloped yours before he started to pull you along with him, the both of you now walking through the tide of crawling, shrieking Bugs.
You stayed quiet, shivering as you felt the Bugs crawling on you moving around, trying to find spots to rest as you walked, one of the Bugs crawled to your shoulder, before it reared up, revealing a Human-like face!
You screamed as the Bug shrieked at your face, you were surprised and scared at seeing a Bug with such a Human face, Pyramid Head glanced back to see the bugs on you, and he picked it up off of your shoulder, making it squirm and shriek before he dropped it back to the ground.
"So, um... are these your bugs?" you asked curiously, the only response you got from him was a groan that echoed withing his giant Pyramid-shaped helmet, you took that as a yes and just followed along with him holding onto his hand.
As you walked you would try to call out for your mother, or for Sharon, but you couldn't really hear anything over the screeching of all of these insects all around you, and with even more bugs crawling onto you as you walked, after a while, you head more screaming from up ahead, it sounded a lot like your mother!
"Hey, I think that's my mom! MOM!" you called out, trying to be heard over the Bugs, who were crawling all over the walls and the ceiling, and on you, you wanted to let go of his hand and run on ahead, but the man wouldn't let go of your hand, so you just walked with him to a rusty metal door.
"Mom, are you in there?!" you called out as you hit the door with your fist, with Pyramid Head still holding your other hand, and seeming to refuse to release it.
"(Y/N)? What are you doing out there?! Run!" you heard your mother call out from behind the doors, you tried to open the doors, so you could reunite with your mother, but the doors wouldn't budge for some reason, you thought you heard a second voice inside but before you could ask, Pyramid Head roughly pulled you aside, before he stabbed his massive knife-sword into the door!
"Whoa, hey stop! Don't kill them, please!" you said, suddenly terrified that he was trying to kill your mother, and whoever was on the other side with her, he pulled out his knife and stabbed the door again, you heard your mother and this other person screaming from the other side of the door, before he removed his sword again, swinging it backward!
"Holy-" you yelped, dropping to the ground as the sword embedded itself in the wall behind you, also cutting one of those bugs in half, then you saw him reach into the room as his Bugs crawled inside, he then reached down and started pulling on something, was he trying to open the door for you?
Suddenly you heard gunshots coming from inside the room, whoever was in there with your mom was shooting at your new friend, one of the bullets hit his metal Pyramid and made his head move back as he made a loud groan, you went over to check on him, only to see the Bugs starting to fall off the walls and Ceiling.
"Are you okay?! Did you get hurt?" you asked worriedly as Pyramid Head walked to his sword and removed it from the wall, standing still as his Bugs fell and seemed to die, you were confused about what was happening but then it hit you, the world was going back to normal again.
You saw the Bugs started to rapidly decompose and go into the air, as the walls and ceiling regained their old, dusty look rather than decaying and rancid, the metal door turning into wood as the hole Pyramid Head made started to close up.
As you watched all of the Bug fall and die, you felt a rough hand on your cheek turn your head to face Pyramid Head, he made another loud groan as his hand held your cheek, making you blush bright red.
"U-Umm... th-thanks for helping me" you said as your eyes gazed at his helmet, he made a deep groan, with... something in it's tone that made you squirm and blush heavily, before you saw his body fade away too, just like the Bugs.
"(Y/N)! Oh my god, baby, are you okay?!" Rose said as she quickly opened the doors and crushed you in a hug, kissing your hair and squeezing you tight, you looked over and saw that Police Woman from the Gas Station, she was the one who was with your mother in that room, she must have been brought here too when she chased after you all.
"MOM!" you said as you hugged her back just as tightly, not wanting to let go of her after the experience you just had, Rose apologised to you over and over about leaving you alone.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!!" the Police Woman shouted, looking scared beyond comprehension, and you couldn't blame her, after all, this wasn't exactly the day to day.
"Alright, I know this is crazy, I know, we all gotta calm right down because my youngest daughter, isn't here, and we gotta find her before this happens again" Rose said firmly as she held you tight.
"Mom, we have to find Sharon, if she get's caught in whatever that was..." you said, starting to tear up imagining Sharon getting stuck in this town with those monsters, or worse, if she was already dead.
"Hey, it's going to be okay, we're going to be okay, I promise" your mother said as she kissed your hair and held your hand, walking you and your new companion out of the school, to find a Hotel in this town.
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