Untitled Part 38
"It ok Blook..." Fantasy sighed. She then ran over to Asriel and brought him back over towards us all. She pulled out a microphone and a list of lyrics. Asriel nodded and she smiled.
"Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt, suddenly goes away somehow
One step closer" they sang,We danced.
"I have died everyday, waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more" they sang as Sans stared into my eyes.
"Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything, take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath, every hour has come to this
One step closer" Asriel sang on his own, Sans gave me a look that practically said, 'that's what I think of you'
"I have died everyday, waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more" they sang together, Sans lifted my head up so I was completely facing him. He 'kissed' my cheek as my my face flushed with pink.
"And all along I believed, I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more
One step closer" Fantasy sang on her own until the last bit when they sang together.
"I have died everyday, waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more" they sang together,Sans twirled me around.
"And all along I believed, I would find you..." Fantasy sang smiling at us.
"Time has brought your heart to me" Asriel sang as if he were talking for Sans.
"I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more" they sang together finishing the song with a quick kiss. I smiled at Sans I was happy to be here with him, and he seemed glad to have me back in his arms.
"You two were amazing darlings~" Mettaton told us. Sans looked like he was about to scream but then didn't. Screw clapped while smiling at both me and Sans. I took a small,playful bow. And everyone let out a small laugh. We then saw the sun start to rise and we also heard a car pull into the driveway.
"CRAP IT'S TORI!" I yelled to myself running into the house and cleaning up a bit. Fantasy locked the door and we'd pretend we couldn't hear Tori over the t.v which Angel and Alphys turned on. Screw helped clean up and we occasionally exchanged smiles, Fantasy and Sans watched all the doors, Mettaton kept watch of most the windows in case Tori popped up,and the others ran into the guest room to hide from goat mama. There was then knocking on the door. Fantasy's tail flickered, not knowing who Tori was. And apparently she didn't know Tori was an innocent goat women. Sans put a hand on her shoulder to try and calm her down she let out a huff and slapped his hand away.
"Go hold your girl~" she told him.
"I uh-" a blue hue spread across his face.
"NYEH COULD YOU PLEASE LET ME HUMAN Y/N?" I heard a familiar voice ask. I let out a sigh of relief and everyone came out from their spots,the t.v was only turned down slightly since Mew Mew was on... Fantasy and Sans opened the door smiling up at Papyrus. (He left earlier...)
"OH, HELLO FANTASY! ARE YOU FRIENDS WITH HUMAN Y/N??" Papy asked her. Fantasy nodded smiling brightly at him. Papyrus smiled back and put her on his shoulder. (She's fairly small...)
"I FIGURED YOU'D WANT THIS DANCE PARTNER!" Papyrus beamed handing Fantasy a rose. She sniffed it and nodded.
"Thank you Paps!" She exclaimed. I smiled at them and then looked at Asriel who looked ticked off. Fantasy soon met eyes with him and she smirked at him.
"Papyrus you're so sweet~..." she told him kissing Papyrus' cheek(?). Papy blushed a bright orange. Asriel's face went slightly red and he balled his hands into fists. Fantasy laughed and hopped down from Papy's shoulders, then walked over to Asriel. She went on her tip toes and quickly kissed him.
"Happy?" She asked. Asriel looked away.
"Not quite..." he told her smirking. And with one quick movement he picked her up and put one of her legs on each of his shoulders. She blushed but looked amazed at the view from her higher position than usual.
"Is this what you always see?!" Fantasy asked with literal stars in her eyes. He laughed at her and shook his head then sat on the couch ,placing her at his side and then cuddling with her. I smiled at them and then directed my attention towards Papyrus.
"So...Papy...What are you doing here anyways?" I asked him.
"Oh.." I said plainly.
"Well glad you're here Paps..." Sans told his brother.
"THANK YOU BROTHER!" Paps smiled brightly with a light orange blush spreading across his face.
"No prob bro...I was starting to get a bit BONE-ly without ya..." Sans told him.
'Back at it again with those puns...' I thought sighing.
"BROTHER WHY MUST YOU DO THIS TO ME?!" Papyrus asked clearly upset.
"Cuz I love you bro..." Sans told him putting up a thumb up.
"I LOVE YOU TOO BROTHER...." Papyrus sighed.
"ALSO I BROUGHT THIS OTHER SKELETON WITH ME! THEY SAID THEY WERE LOOKING FOR FANTASY,SCREW, ANGEL,MOONSTAR,AND YOU Y/N" he told us all holding up a girl who was a skeleton with gray skin on one side of her face, skim on one of her arms, blood red lips, long raven black hair. She had on a long black and gray dress with black high heels.She also had solid white eyes,and bat wings.
"Sup" the girl said holding up a hand in front of her chest.
"Gravestone?" Fantasy asked.
"Eyyy" Gravestone made gun symbols with her hands.
"SHOULD I....PUT YOU DOWN NOW..?" Papyrus asked Gravestone. She nodded and he set her down gently.
"Hai Gravestone!" Angel smiled. Moonstar waved shyly.
"Hi Angel, Moonstar!" Gravestone smiled tilting her head to the side.
"Sooooo...Fantasy..." Gravestone started looking over towards Fantasy,who was still cuddling with Azzy...
"Looks you've gone as soft as your little friend over there...wanna fight?!" Gravestone asked getting a wild smile on her face. Fantasy's eyes turned a dangerous red and the purple liquid poured out of her eyes.
"You bet!" Fantasy smiled. She quickly kissed Azzy then leapt off the couch to fight.
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