Unfinished mission Part 27
geva02 told you it wouldn't be long XD
~ Y/N's P.O.V~
I got up to go get Angel some flour,I was still disappointed that this is how she was spending her life though. Fantasy I wasn't sure what she'd been doing to be honest. But I assumed she'd been hanging out with friends and finally living her life to the fullest,unlike the old Fantasy...the one that was practically the definition of scaredy cat. She was scared of heights,spiders,the dark,bees,fire ants,ledges,and even stuffed animal eyes that were "looking" her direction at night,etc. So yeah,maybe what Frisk seems to call 'The absolute God of Hyperdeath' would loosen her up. I was now in the kitchen's pantry just standing there thinking about it until I was snapped back to reality. I dug up some flour and poured some into a small pouch,about the size of my palm. I walked over and gently tossed the pouch to Angel who gripped it tightly.
"Tonight,we heist..." she told Moonstar as she looked down and a shadow covered her eyes,making one of them seem to glow a sparking blue. Moonstar sighed and hesitantly nodded. Angel tightened her grip only to let it go and fix her bandanna so it was completely cover her mouth and nose. Moonstar did the same,pulling out his night sky bandanna. They nodded at each other and Angel looked at me sympathetically.
"We'll be back...ok..?" She asked not moving her gaze on me. I nodded giving them each a hug before letting them go....which seemed like the biggest mistake....to just let them walk out of my life all over again....like when we were younger.
Young you:"Angel where you going..? And Moonstar why you leaving too?"
Young Moonstar: "our parenths (parents) wants to teach us....the family ways"
Young you:"oh...ok....just..just don't leave me for too long!" *fake pouts*
Young Angel:*laughs quietly and puts on a small bandanna*
Young you: "what so funny?" *stares at Angel*
Young Angel: "The way you don't want us to go.."
Young you:*blushes*
Young Moonstar: "hey don't forget us..." *gives a sympathetic look*
Young Angel:"We'll be back...ok..?"
Young Moonstar:*hesitantly puts on a bandanna*
Young you:"ok just don't leave me forever!" *smiles*
Both:*nods and hug young you then walk away*
--flash back end--
I started to tear up at thought of then,but the memory didn't leave me. It haunted me in the back of my mind.....and just let the tears fall. A moment later Sans walked over and put a hand on my back.
"You alright kitten..?" He started rubbing my back. I nodded wiping the tears away and forcing a smile. I got up and walked to an open area. I then pointed my toes and held my arms and hands out like blades to the sides. I started spinning carelessly,I wanted to dance....I wanted to dance to forget. I started leaping around,never truly moving from the spot. I spun in the air as the tears streamed across and they flew off to the side of my face. I then put my arms above my head,like most ballerinas and lifted a foot after spinning myself slightly,I glided around the tears stopped streaming....the haunting memory was leaving me for the moment. Soon though,since I didn't specialize in ballet I fell to my knees,blood spread on my knees due to the jagged wooden floorboards. I skid my hands as well but got up,I wanted to forget....I wanted to forget the pain. I spun around at least 30 times the blood streaming down my hands and knees,the tears were coming down hot now.
I fell again,get back up,dance. And again,back at it. And another time,force back up,dance. Once again,shaking back up,dance. Fall hard,struggle back up,dance. Fall harder,attempt to get up.
I was stopped by a skeleton,probably Sans. I thought. Until I looked up to see a worried Papyrus,his bone legs shaking in his boots...clearly worried, i thought with a small frown.
"Human....please stop....you're in pain.." he whispered. I grunted,attempting to get up but he forcefully kept me down. I soon heard someone on the phone,it sounded like Alphys...but my hearing was so muffled from the loss of blood I could barely hear her.
"C'mon Angel pick up pick up..." I heard. Someone else was in the freezer, the cold air from it filled the room and my knees numbed. Soon Undyne and Mettaton came over. Mettaton had bandages,and Undyne had some ice. They carefully wrapped my knees after putting rubbing alcohol on them which burnt like frick. They also put some type of cream on the bandages before wrapping them on. They then put normal band-aids on the pained parts of my hand,considering the damage was on my palms. They did they same procedure making me hiss when the alcohol made contact with my skin. They then handed me the ice to hold in my hands to make them numb as well. They then walked over to Alphys to listen in on what was going on over the phone. Sans then came to me rubbing my back gently as Papyrus watched fearful that I might burst into tears or start bleeding again.
But I didn't,my hands and knees weren't the only thing that were numb my mind was,it was a lot like when Gaster stole my soul...but I still felt fulfilled due to my soul being there. My head hug so a shadow cast upon my face.
"Call Fantasy..." I whispered to Papyrus pleadingly. He nodded and I handed him the number,soon enough Fantasy came bursting through the door followed by Asriel. She rushed over to me and Sans moved back slightly. She then wrapped me in a huge hug desperate to see my face Asriel pulled it up gently to make sure it wasn't bruised or anything.
"Y/N I told you not to push yourself.....even back when we were kids...I-I tried to p-protect you...b-but I failed..." Fantasy sobbed quietly. "They told me about the car accident, I-I'm not a guardian like m-my dad..." I gently wrapped my arms around her,she was blaming herself for my recklessness,and I felt bad.
"Guardian?" Sans asked looking over at me. I nodded taking out a diamond heart shaped locket that I'd always worn,but never showed it. Fantasy pulled out a matching one,only hers had an emerald at the tip.
"Her job as a half-ish Neko I suppose is what I should say...from...well..I'm not supposed to tell anyone where she's from but....her job as well as her mother and father's job is to protect a mortal...I happened to be that mortal." I started. Fantasy griped her father's dagger and stared off at nothingness as tears streamed down her face.
"She was assigned to me when we both very young...that was before I even knew who she was...she was a---" I was cut off by Sans.
"So she was a stalker" he hissed. Fantasy buried her head in her hands and started growling into them at the rude nickname,I slapped him and continued.
"Anyways...later on she fell down when guarding me and it was around when we were 12. She stood up for me and fought a few of my battles...punching the bullies away. Even though she was obviously scared as frick...she still protected me.." I tightened my fists remembering it all.
"After awhile....when I turned 18...a legal adult..she left..."
"But I failed,I was too much of scaredy cat to keep protecting her...so I never got assigned to anyone again." She looked down at her lap thinking about her failure. I scooted over to her slowly trying not to harm myself again and hugged her tightly.
"You never failed..." I told her as a small smile crossed both our faces. I looked up to see everyone staring at us.
"Well,I suppose now you all know how me and Y/N are friends..." she smiled out of sympathy to herself.
"That's a cool job!" Undyne shot a fist in the air.
"It's hard,especially when you're assigned to this crazy girl.." Fantasy beamed. I nudged her playfully. Then it happened again,Angel and Moonstar ran through the door asking what happened. I explained to them and the replied just about the same way as Fantasy and Asriel.
"Well alright..see ya round Y/N" Angel said seemingly not wanting to go.
"No.." I protested.
"No..?" Angel questioned as if never hearing the word.
"I'm not letting you waltz out of my life all over again.." I told her.
"Again?" They both questioned
"Back when we were young...you guys left...and didn't come back until we were all 15..then you left again..and this is the first time I've seen you all in years.."(you're like 21) I told her fighting back tears. Moonstar looked down at his feet and balled his hands into fists.
"Why do you still care..?" He asked.
"What do you mean?" I asked back.
"Why do still care about us.? We've left you so many times and for so long too..." his fists tightened.
"You guys were--the first people that didn't make fun of my nerdiness....and you're both so nice to me.." I told him. They both stood in silence that's when they all wrapped me in a huge group hug- and I mean all of them. Sans kissed one of my temples which made my face blush instantly.
"My strawberry~" he teased. I kissed his cheek and a light blue dusted across his face.
"My blueberry~" I teased back.
A/N So now you know some of Fantasy's (my) backstory. There's a lot more of a sad part to the backstory though. Anyways,hope you enjoyed this and I'll see you in the next chapter my lil kits!
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