The ships begin (Part 25)
Sans grabbed me into a hug and Mettaton just said 'hello~'And smirked at Sans.
I walked in and Sans kept an eye on me.I wasn't really sure why...had something happened while I was gone?I was about to shut the door when someone came bolting through.It seemed like a girl but it was a blur.She looked around and then hugged Moonstar and Angel quickly.
"Guess who!"she yelled making jazz hands.
"Fantasy?"Moonstar asked the girl.Nuh-uh it wasn't her,right?
"Corrrrrrect!"she jumped up and down.
"Ahhhhh!You're back!!!"Angel yelled jumping up and down with her.Was it really her?
"Fantasy??"I asked her.
"Y/N!!you've changed so much!"she squeaked trapping me in a hug.
"Y-yeah so have you..."I replied.
"Hah hah!Yeah my Mom's looks must've passed down to me finally!"she smiled rubbing the back of her neck. She used to have brown hair and blue eyes with slightly tanned skin and was a human.Now she was a fox neko!She had aqua green hair and ears,ocean blue eyes with a small silver X in the corner of them,a blue bolt(it's a color) tail,and was wearing a purple sweater that said,'all I need is coffee',with black shorts,brown boots,and a black choker with a skull charm.
She released me from her hug and that's when I remembered Asriel,he'd love to have a friend that's part monster!"You've gotta come with me!"I told her grabbing her wrist.
" just got back...."Sans said looking upset.
"I'll only be gone for a minute I've gotta take Fantasy meet someone"I smiled innocently and then took off with Fantasy who I noticed had her dad's emerald dagger with her.We went to the garden and I cracked open the door to see what Flowey was doing and let Fantasy see too.
"DIE FRISK SIM,HOW ARE YOU STILL HERE?!"he yelled at his game.
"I like this flower..."Fantasy thought outloud and I giggled opening the door.
"Oh well if it isn't the top idiot..."Flowey crossed his leaves looking over at me.
"I changed my mind.."Fantasy growled reaching for the dagger,but I slapped her hand away from it.
"Why are you back already?"he asked unfolding his leaves as his stare moved on to Fantasy."And why'd you bring this......hybrid?"He asked still staring at her.
"She's a friend and I'd like her to meet Asriel Flowey...."I told him and his stare came back to me as a smirk crawled onto his face.
"Ok hand it over..."he held out his leaves and I did the same process as last time.He turned into the small version of Asriel and I could sense Fantasy staring.I turned around to see a blushing Fantasy.
"Well.....come on.."I motioned for her to come over.
"Fantasy,Asriel.Asriel,Fantasy...get to know each other please,i'll be in Toriel's house if I'm needed."I smiled and walked out of the shed.
~Fantasy's P.O.V~
What's a Toriel?Anyways...
this little goat guy was sooooo fluffy and suuuper cute!I was starting to hope Y/N wasn't dating him.
"S-sorry to ask but c-can I pet you?"I blushed as I stuttered.
"Y-yeah just don't be h-harsh..."he blushed and I reacher to him.He was so soft and fluffy I never wanted to move my hand.I began to stroke his fur gently then stopped after awhile.I looked at him to see he was blushing like crazy.
"*cough* do you uh....wanna play a videogame?"He asked.My eyes lit up like stars.
"YES!"I smiled he nervously smiled as if I were going to stab him at any minute so I hesitantly set down my father's dagger and put my hands up.
"Don't worry about it,I can't remember the last time I killed something other than mosquitoes and flies."I awkwardly laughed and he relaxed.He pulled up minecraft for p.c on his computer and on a laptop that he handed to me.My eyes lit up even more.
"Are you ok with playing this?"he asked.
"Heck yeah!Minecraft is awesome!"I laughed at myself.
"A-Alright then.'he smiled getting onto a server and I joined.
~Asriel's P.O.V(warning:starts from the beginning of when they came to the shed)~
I was still Flowey,simply watching through his eyes,watching him play Sims.I sighed waiting for Y/N to come back and give me part of her soul again.That's when I heard the door to shed open.I turned my head around to see two girls.One of them was Y/N and the other I didn't know...but she seemed like a nice lady.
"Oh well if it isn't the top idiot.."I crossed my leaves and stared at her.
"I changed my mind."the other girl growled reaching for an emerald dagger but Y/N slapped her hand away.I made a confused look for a moment towards the girl then looked back at Y/N.
"Why are you back already?"I asked unfolding my leaves.As my stare moved over to the other girl."And why'd you bring this.....hybrid?"I asked not letting her answer the first question,still staring at the other girl,she was kinda....pretty...I guess.
"She's a friend and I'd like her to meet Asriel,Flowey..."Y/N trailed,I smirked a bit.
"Ok hand it over..."I held out my leaves and she did the same process as before,and I took the half of the soul turning into the true me.I opened my eyes and looked over to see that one girl staring at me with a pink blush,I blushed back a bit.
"Well come on..."Y/N motioned for the girl to come over.
"Fantasy,Asriel,Asriel,Fantasy....get to know each other please,i'll be in Toriel's house if I'm needed"she smiled then walked away leaving me with....Fantasy was it?Another name I won't be forgetting.Fantasy had a puzzled look on her face for a moment then looked up at me a faint blush still obvious.
"S-sorry to ask but...c-can I pet you?"she asked,her blush hardening.
"Y-yeah just don't be h-harsh"my fur must've looked pink like when Y/N asked to pet me.She gently touched the top of my head and then started gently stroking my fur and my blush hardened as did hers.After awhile she stopped and looked down at me,a blushing mess.
"*cough*do you uh....wanna play a videogame?"I asked trying to find something to do.Her eyes seemed to light up like stars at night.
"YES!"she smiled as smiled nervously noticing the dagger with my own eyes and not Flowey's.It was shiny and sharp enough to cut through rock.That's when those terrible words I never wanted to hear in my life again rang back.'it's kill or be killed.'I thought.She must've noticed because her excitement seemed to die down some.She walked over to a table and set the dagger down gently and hesitantly,then put her hands up as if surrendering.
"Don't worry about it,I can't remember the last time I killed something other than flies or mosquitoes..."her voice was delicate even when she started awkwardly laughing,I relaxed at her voice and thought about any multiplayer games we could play.I pulled up minecraft for P.C and on an old laptop Y/N plays on when we started playing computer games with each other.I turned back to her,her eyes lit up even diamonds almost,beautiful sparkling diamonds...that really wanted to play video games.
"Are you ok with playing this?"I asked being dumb seeing as she obviously wanted to play.
"Heck yeah!Minecraft is awesome!"she shot a fist up in the air,seeing how quickly her enthusiasm came back made me stutter,she seemed a little too much like Undyne for a moment.
"A-alright then.."I smiled getting onto a new world and watched impatiently for her to join the server.She bounced with excitement when she got on and smiled already jumping straight into the game.
~Your P.O.V~
I was just snuggling with Sans for now watching t.v. Unfortunately Mettaton was still here and he took control over the t.v turning on his show.
"Aren't I beautiful?~"Mettaton asked.
"Maybe you should ask Paps.."Sans taunted.
"Wait...Mettaton you like...Papyrus?!"I asked while yelling.
"N-NO!Don't be ridiculous darling.."He smiled nervously with a faint blush spread all across his face.
"Yeah he does..."Frisk pointed smiling as Mettaton shot his head over towards them.
"DARLING!!"he yelled,Frisk shrugged with a small giggle.
"*gasp*Undyne has to hear about this!"Alphys squeaked already dialing Undyne.
"Alphys!Please don't!"Mettaton attempted to beg but Alphys was already talking to her.
"Undyne you have to come to Toriel's house RIGHT now!This information needs to be heard in person!"Alphys' hands were in fists and shaking as if a new anime just came out,Maybe a minute after the little talk Undyne came running through the pre-opened door,considering we knew she'd run.
"What's up Alphys?"Undyne asked smiling without a single drip out sweat on her.Alphys stared for a minute but then shook her head.
"Mettaton.Likes.PAPYRUS!!!!!"she giggled,Undyne gasped and turned to face Mettaton.
"Come with me punk"she motioned to another room where they couldn't be heard.Mettaton gulped,but walked over nonetheless.
~Undyne's P.O.V~
I led Metta over to another room,the others didn't AND I REPEAT DIDN'T need to hear this.I yanked him by the scarf he was wearing into a room and accidentally slammed the door shut,obviously freaking him out.
"Y-Yes darling?"he stuttered.
"Look,Mettaton....we need to be real for a take everything out of your brain for now to make room for this..."I said calmly,looking down at the floor so a shadow covered my face.
"Darling...can this w-wait?"he asked trying to get out of this.
"Mettaton,take everything you know about me and throw it away if you have to.This is WAY more important.."I told him being serious,with my face still down.
"O-Ok darling y-y-you have my full attention...."he shook a bit and stared right at me.
"Alright,here's what I wanted to say..."I trailed as I kept my head down....this was extremely serious."You're gonna treat Papyrus nicely got it?If you ever break his precious heart you'll have me,Sans,and possibly Y/N to deal with..."I trailed off again waiting for a response....and I got one.
"Ok....I don't know why you'd say that,I----I love him.."He smiled looking at the floor with his eyes only,a faint blush spread across his face.
"Alright because if you break that precious cinnamon roll's heart...hah-hah-HAH!"I pinned him to a wall loosing control."I will personally get rid of you.."I told him.He gulped knowing I was serious.I let go of him and walked out the door sitting next to Alphys.
"W-what was that a-about?"Alphys asked me.I whispered EXACTLY what happened to her then held a fingers up to my lips.
"Yandere much?"Alphys asked crossing her arms.I shrugged and told her.
"I'm just being honest..."I mumbled.She sighed and looked up at me.
"That's kinda m-messed up U-Undyne.."she stared right at me,but I refused to look at her.
"I don't care....Papyrus too sensitive for his own good...if something happened to him...I...I.."I hesitated to find the right words.
"You'd find a w-way to hold y-yourself responsible?"she asked sounding disappointed.I shrugged with a sigh glancing over at Mettaton who was simply sitting down with Frisk.
"It's just--I care about the punk,alright.I can't handle him being hurt...he's...just...*sigh* a bit too.....sensitive....and innocent.."I sighed frowning slightly and Alphys looked down at her feet,as if she hadn't seen them in ages. I assumed she didn't want to make eye-contact. I frowned knowing at this point she didn't even want to talk to me so I went and sat on the counter by two other people. One looked over at me,the guy,he smiled and held out a hand.
"H-Hello,my name I-is Moonstar!"his smile seemed to widen.
"Heya punk! Im Undyne!"I forced a friendly smile and shook his hand,the girl's head jolted to look at me.
"WHAT,DID YOU JUST CALL MY BROTHER?!"the girl yelled at me pointing her diamond katana towards me,which I had just noticed.
"She calls everyone 'punk' even me....chill out Angel.."Y/N turned her head over towards the scene and then back towards Sans to talk about something...
"Seriously? You think that's gonna work out?!"Sans asked with a slightly disappointed look on his face.
"Yes,he's a good person Sans......I know he messed up but...."Y/N frowned at him.
" he's not....I wish you could understand....what he was like in the underground....he's not a good person Y/N.....never was....never will be.."Sans mumbled.
"I believe everyone can change if they just...."she trailed.
"Let you forgive them?!"He asked her ticked off.
"I'll forgive them...once they forgive..themselves..."she looked down at her hands as if she was going to continue protesting against him,but said nothing. Frisk turned and looked at her,soon running towards her and wrapping her a hug.
" mercy...too..."I heard one of them whisper,but I was too far to figure out which one said it.Y/N looked straight at Frisk and smiled with a slightly shocked expression. Frisk giggled and I smiled at that,she was such a good kid...a lot like Papyrus to be honest,speaking of which. Where is Paps? Probably a
"Sans?" I spoke up, Mettaton shivered at my voice.
"What's up fish breath?" He responded rudely,only to have Y/N turn and slap him. I saw some type of dust like powder on his skull and jumped.
"Sans,y-you've got a little d-dust there" I shivered in fear he might die.
"HOLY FRICK YOU'RE RIGHT!" He yelled jumping after touching his skull.
"I'm gonna die..." Sans frowned. Y/N was clearly holding back a laugh and I glared at her.
"Chill's just flour" she informed us holding up her hand,which was covered in flour. Sans let out a sigh of relief.
" Y/N??" The girl who was introduced as Angel spoke up.
"Can we have a pouch of make it look we murdered the lady who lives here. She was for some reason....our target." She sighed. Y/N looked over at her,a disappointed look on her face. But she nodded and got up to go get flour.
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