Let them go!
Your eyes were now dark wide holes with blood dripping from them.Your mouth was forced to stay open,but no teeth were visible only a black abyss with blood pouring out.You laughed like a maniac."since when were you the one in control?"you asked with a demonic glitching voice turning around to see a Sans."that phrase.." Sans said with a shaking voice."th-that's Chara's phrase.And that first voice,no it can't be Error Sans..."he trailed."oh it's ok Sansy your friends will be safe soon..."You told him letting go of all the souls but then grabbing his.That's when your head started spinning and your face was normal again but you now had dry blood on it.You let go of the Sans's soul...when you realized it was your Sans..You gasped and ran up to him."Sans I'm so sorry...I just..."you trailed.He was breathing very slowly "please be ok,please be ok,please be ok.."you whispered.You started crying black tears but just to be safe you made sure they didn't touch Sans.You gently touched his face and your soul was a mix between pink and green.You held his head close."don't die on me now....I love you too much to let you go..your the light to my soul..please don't go.."you bit your lip when you finished singing.His breathing slowly stopped.But the white dots in his eyes were visible and moving.
He leaned to your ear."let's destroy this universe,together..."he smirked.His voice sounded like Gaster's but you could understand it perfectly.You groaned as your eyes fluttered closed.Your mouth was shut tight.But then...your mouth was forced open and you felt the blood coming up from your throat,your eyes quickly opened and were now the dark abyss with blood again.Sans then turned into Gaster."what have you done to Sans?!"you screamed.But it came out as "deal...And then you W.D Gaster will get what's coming to you.."you smirked.Your words might not have been correct but they were certain words that could be twisted."popularity,my old job as the Scientist back,be able to toss that Alphys out of the picture.."he smirked.'no,death,despair,and to be hated forever 'you thought as your soul became a dark abyss of black again.A giant knife came into your hands."a gift.."Gaster smiled pointing to the knife"it has the ability to tear apart universes and it's indescribably strong and sharp."he smirked.The blood stopped pouring from your mouth and eyes as soon as it was described."cool"you said and it came out as that too only glitchy and demonic.
You studied the knife."how about I try it out on you!"you exclaimed darting towards him slightly cutting him before he teleported away.You heard him grunt."no no no,if you hurt me you hurt him!"he exclaimed becoming your Sans then back to him.Your eyes flashed normal with tears on the corner of them but then back to the abyss with blood on them.But You already could tell he was faking it.He would just try to become Sans before you cut him.You laughed demonically.And darted towards him again this time getting the knife at the right angle so it would do a good amount of damage."I know how your mind thinks Y/N"he grinned punching you in the gut then teleporting away."that's why I chose you to have this and the powers of puppet mastery.The only thing is that the puppets are people.."he laughed softly.You closed your eyes and concentrated on the knife.You felt your soul flash rainbow but then back to normal.You focused even harder you felt your soul flash again and the handle of the knife get warm along with your back.You focused again.This time the knife became bigger.. it was a little hard to hold,it was probably around the same size as you.(I'll try not to do anything anime like a lot,sorry Alphys!)It also had a rainbow blade now.You then felt Galaxy wings appear on your back.
You aimed the knife at Gaster and you both teleported into the room you first met Gaster.The only light was from the floor and from you,your soul,your wings,and your knife.But even then the room was still fairly dark.You closed your eyes and they became an abyss of white,and the blood was now rainbow,your mouth was now normal with rainbow lipstick on though."It's time to end this Gaster!"you pointed the sword at him.He punched you with a huge magic hand."You're right, say goodbye to the world Y/N"he smirked.You focused and the knife turned red/determination.You focused harder and then y/f/c(your favorite color)armor came out of nowhere,you then put it on after focusing one last time.You opened your eyes."no it's time you say goodbye Gaster!"you smiled.You darted towards him and cut Sans by mistake.You gasped.Gaster was still Sans,your knife turned green/kindness.You pointed it at him and Sans was healed.He turned back to Gaster."impossible!"he scowled himself.While he was distracted you cut him just right.
You returned to the ground.Gaster looked weak."go on finish me.."he smiled.You stared at him for awhile your eyes filled with kindness."I offer you mercy Gaster.."you smiled.His face looked disgusted.You shrugged and teleported yourself back to the other room.You focused really hard and you turned back to normal,you felt dizzy.You turned to see your Sans running up to you."S-sans?"you asked.You felt yourself falling backwards and in no time at all you were either sleeping or knocked out you didn't know.All that you did know is that you wouldn't do that again/use that power again unless it was needed.You woke up on Sans's bed,Sans was putting on a shirt."Sans?Wh-what's happening?"you asked."did you meet anyone named Gaster?"he asked you seriously.Your head hurt you couldn't think."I-I don't remember.."you told him truthfully holding your head."kitten...you have to try and remember."he told you still serious.You nodded,when Sans wanted an answer you'd have to give him one.You tried to focus but you got a serious headache when you did.You darted out of the room and to a trash can,you then barfed glowing orange.Your back felt warm and so did your fingertips.
Soon the galaxy wings came up and the blue cords came."SANS!?"you screamed for help.Sans came darting out of the room and to your side."H-Help San-GAAHH!"He went to pat your back but the cords soon wrapped around his wrist.You turned towards him,you had the bloody face again."W.D Gaster is here he seeks revenge..."you barfed again but in the trash can.You repeated the sentence over and over again.Papyrus soon walked in the room,you were now on the couch with your soul visible.It flashed pink,black,and brown/unknown.Papyrus's face flashed between his and Gaster's.You summoned the knife."but I'm here for revenge to!"you screamed in the glitching demonic voice,then darted at Papyrus."HUMAN!I'M NOT SURE IF YOU'RE HUMAN ANYMORE..."Paps exclaimed you laughed like a maniac slashing your sword at him but he was almost a good at dodging as Sans."hold still Gaster!"you laughed.Sans used the magic and made you stay still.Sans looked serious,dead serious."Papyrus get out of here NOW!"he yelled.Papyrus looked worried for your safety but still ran out of the house.
A/N hey guys remember feel free to leave a comment!i could use some ideas,and other things like that!Hope you're all enjoying stay happy my little kits!
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