They went outside in a clear area. We told them the rules,
(1)going into the forest and using the trees for protection is allowed.
(2) any power you have is allowed to be used.
(3) creating diversions and illusions are fair play.
(4) you're allowed to go to one other person for backup.
After the rules we set up a care center for after the fight. Then they started.
~Gravestone's P.O.V~
I got myself ready,I took off my high heels In case I had to run and put on some red converse. I spread out my bat wings and got ready to fly. Fantasy was in her demon form.(ain't no way I'm explaining what that looks like again)
"On the count of three.." Y/N started
"ONE!" Papyrus started.
"THREE!" they all yelled and I took off,Fantasy flew in the other direction.
I went into the trees and I saw Fantasy dive into the forest as well. I blew a gust of wind at some trees to make some sound,then flew in the other direction. I heard her walking on the ground, I dropped down and swooped towards her. Only to see a fox roaming around,it looked rather frightened at the sight of me,worried almost. I gently pat it's head and then something weird happened. It grabbed my hand with its fluffy little paws. It then morphed into the demonic Fantasy.
"SURPRISE~..." Fantasy smiled tossing me to the ground. I should've known, she was usually one for the element of surprise. I hopped back up to my feet and made a giant hand rise from the ground(I dunno). I took control of it and made its fingers close. I then saw a bright light come from the inside, my hand started to burn. I let go of Fantasy , only to have her soar upwards above the trees, then swoop behind me and trap me in a claw cage. She laughed darkly and walked closer with her hands behind her back. It wasn't going to end now, we practically JUST started the fight! I growled as bat wings cut into the claws. She hissed in pain as she went on one knee. I broke out of the cage and flew threw the woods. I noticed a small fire on the ground,
'This must be where she started...' I thought sitting near the tiny fire. It was made of sticks, dry leaves, and definitely Fantasy's tail fire. I then ran off blowing a gust of wind in one direction, then flew up to a nearby branch. I saw Fantasy swiftly yet 'professionally' glide into the spot. I then glided down and tackled her. I twisted one of her arms behind her back and held the other at her side firmly.
"Give up yet~?" I asked her. She grunted in response stomping on the ground. I smirked then felt the ground shake. A huge circle appeared on the ground.
'Crap..' I thought knowing what's gonna happen. She flapped her wings and eventually got free. The circle blew out its beam the second she left contact with the ground. I was shot by the beam and saw a bit of blood on my arm. I smiled at it considering I liked gore. Fantasy started flying circles around me while facing me, then threw a knife but barely missed. I picked up the knife she threw at me and tried to stab her. She started flying backwards in one direction, dodging all objects...and my swings from the knife. She did a shrug and smirked.
"Keep on trying why don't ya..?" She asked sarcastically rolling her eyes upwards. I took in some of her looks in and saw how demonic she really looked. She gave me a toothy and sharp smile that could raise certain people's hair. I smirked at the Gorey thoughts I was getting, but didn't stop swinging. She then turned into a fox again, running in the same direction then making a sharp turn. I stumbled a bit but soon caught up to her. I grabbed her tail and pulled her up. I swung her around a bit then tossed her into a tree. She returned to demonic Fantasy and I cut a bit of her arm. She let out a small scream. She quickly covered her arm. She'd never lost a fight before, well ever since she was able to turn into a demon; and I was planning to change that. She flew into a tree and then came down with a long leaf wrapped around her arm almost like a bandage.
She pulled her hands into fists at her sides and looked down as a shadow crossed her face. She let out a chuckle, I was a bit confused until she pounced at me. She pinned me down to the ground roughly. I grunted trying to free myself. She then cut her hand on one of my bones and she leapt off whining like a puppy. She flew off and went to her friends. I smirked and raced over there as well knowing what she was thinking. I saw her grabbing the goat boy's wrist tugging him along with her. He held up his paws as if surrendering.
"I'm kinda going for being a pacifist right now.." the goat boy told her. could I hear them if I was so far away..? I then felt someone shoot some type of beam into my spine.
"HEY WHO DID THAT?!" I asked turning around to see Fantasy flying by Y/N.
"Nice one Y/N!" Fantasy complemented
"Thanks!" She smiled with a wild look in her eyes
I smirked at the two, 'so that's how she wants to play huh?' I thought going towards the real people,not the illusion.
"Screw!" I yelled at my fluffy goat friend.
"You w-want my help?" She asked. I nodded.
"How good are you with a Weapon?" I asked her her. She gulped.
"Oh right I forgot about your fear of weapons..." I sighed. She seemed to get a spark of determination (uh oh..) in her eyes.
"I-I'm sure I can do it! For n-now at least.." she whispered the last bit. I nodded handing her a rainbow bladed knife.
She gulped but took it, she seemed fine with the colorful knife. I grabbed her wrist and tugged her along. (YEAH SOME ACTION FROM SCREW!) We went into the woods after Fantasy and Y/N.
"You go for Y/N, I'll go for Fantasy.. Sound good to you??" I asked her. She looked up at me.
"You do realize Y/N is stronger right?" She asked looking up at me.
"Oh right.." I sighed
"This is gonna be a tough battle..." I mumbled. Screw nodded in agreement.
We heard rustling coming from direction, but then footsteps in the other, and a thud in front of us.
'They're trying to trick us...' I thought. I looked at Screw who was shaking slightly. I put a hand on her shoulder. She steadied a bit.
"Ahead must've just been them tossing a rock..which way do you want to go..?" I asked Screw whispering.
She looked around and then pointed to the left. I nodded and picked her slightly making us both fly. She let out a small mouse noise. I was confused but brushed away the thought. We weren't making much sound besides the small flapping noises from my wings. I heard a bird like noise and then a loud growl. They were probably expecting us to go towards the sweeter sound. I looked at Screw, she looked up at me and shakingly pointed at towards where the growl came from. I nodded and flew that way to see a Y/N and Fantasy up in a tree.
"Brace for impact!" I told Screw letting go of her. They pounced at us. Fantasy fell towards Screw and Y/N fell towards me.
"Hi Screwy~..." Fantasy smiled, determination as obvious in Screw's eyes. She swung the knife cutting Fantasy slightly. Fantasy wiped away her blood.
"That was your one free shot.." Fantasy growled.
She started going for Screw with her knife like claws. Screw dodged her swings rather easily. Y/N summoned her slightly larger than most, knife and started swinging at me. I dodged slightly,but was cut on one of my bones. I hissed in pain. Screw continued to dodge, but she started shaking. I got an idea...
"Screw you're not scared are you?" I asked in a taunting voice.
She whimpered but then got a flame of Determination in her eyes. She started swinging much harder cutting Fantasy's sides, I looked up really quick and noticed a skeleton with a giant paintbrush up in the tree near us. I gave him a questioning look,but he seemed to watching Y/N and Fantasy. I looked back down to see Y/N with a powerful looking beam ready to leave the knife she had. I gulped and waited for the right time to dodge. She pulled the trigger and I heard it fire up, I moved to the side and the blast struck a tree that was behind me.
I looked back over to see Screw pinned to a tree by Fantasy. Fantasy moved Screw from the position and then held Screw's arms behind her back. Screw let out a small mouse noise. Fantasy then scratched a small spot on Screw's cheek. She let out a whimper when the blade made contact with her skin/fur. I soon found the same thing happening with me and Y/N,only he didn't scratch my cheek/skull.
"Give up?" They each asked in unison.
Screw and I exchanged looks then nodded while sighing. They each let out a small laugh before picking both of us up and carrying us out of the woods. We all set down at the so called 'care center' where everyone that didn't fight either, put ice on our wounds, bandaged our cuts, or gave us ice cream to try and take the pain away.. Fantasy sat next to Asriel and they each shared a big tub of chocolate ice cream, a small ghost child with brown hair and rosy cheeks occasionally stole some of the ice cream though. (Chara -_-" ) I looked down at my cut bone. I then looked up at the forest and saw the skeleton with the paintbrush again. He still seemed to be looking at Y/N and Fantasy, and he seemed rather worried too.
I glanced at Fantasy with a questioning look. She looked over at me and looked at me like I was insane. I shook my head and looked back up at the skeleton. He looked at me for a moment before going through a strange portal. I shook my head and smiled at everyone, but then suddenly my arm felt a lot better. I looked down at it and saw that it was 'repaired' . I looked for a few more moments before grabbing a small tub of ice cream. I wanted to ask Fantasy about the skeleton..but I didn't want to ruin her enjoyment. I decided, why not?
"Hey Fantasy..?" I asked her. She looked over at me with a questioning look.
"Do you know anything about a skeleton with a giant paintbrush?" I asked. She nodded.
"Why?" She asked.
"I saw him during our fight, and just a moment ago.." I told her. She let out a huff.
"Ink Whyyyy??" She asked lifting her head to the sky. Asriel laughed at her childishness and so did I.
She put her head back down and looked over at Screw.
"Hey Screw..?" She asked.
"Yeah..?" Screw asked back swallowing some ice cream.
"Why didn't you go demon on me..?"
"I guess I just wasn't in the swing of the battle..* She shrugged sighing, then taking another bite of ice cream.
"We were!" Y/N smiled proudly.
"Yes were my friend..!" she let out a laugh.
~Y/N's P.O.V~
I snuggled against Sans smiling happily as I ate F/F (Fave flavor) ice cream with him.(if ya don't like ice cream change it for the sentences of u with ice cream...)
"Kitten ya don't have to share your ice cream..." he sighed. " I know it's your favorite flavor.." he let out a huff as I held up another spoonful for him. He lifted me up and moved us to an open space. I smiled knowing what was happening. He turned on a song,
We did one of those dances where it was like the dancers were fighting. I started running away from Sans and then did a leap, I spun quickly to the point where I was facing him. He rolled over to me and did a few fairly cool moves. I did a graceful turn and then made the knife appear I smiled and did a leap before teleporting away. Sans did his classic baby freeze before teleporting to me. After a bit more of dancing like that we ended in a type of pose where it looked like I would strike sans at any time and Sans looked like he was about to gaster blast me.
Chara floated above all of us and clapped. We put away the weapons and smiled.
"Well done Y/N...and Sans" she told us.
"Thanks Chara," I laughed.
Sans nodded stiffly and I knew that was the best I would get from him. I sighed and plopped down before hearing a familiar voice.
"Y/N? Sans? Chara? Frisk?!" I heard the voice call.
'Oh great,' I thought, 'perfect timing Tori' I sighed and waited for her to come outside.
"There you all are,". She smiled. I smiled nervously when she looked over at everyone else.
"Oh my!" She Exclaimed.
"Y/N my child, who are these people?" She asked with a slightly nervous...scratch that... VERY nervous smile. I smiled back and so did everyone else,it was like a 'who can do the stupidest smile?' contest. After a few more minutes of that everyone introduced themselves.
"Very nice to meet you all," she smiled. When it came Azzy...well same reaction as everyone else. Then we went inside the house for some pie.
***2 year time skip, brought to you by lazy author***
Fantasy and Asriel moved in together, so now Fantasy lives at Tori's until they get enough money for their own house, but she still visits Napsta. Screw lives with Napsta now and she visits Fanta and all of her friends too. Y/N and Screw became good friends. Ink still stalks Fanta in his spare time, Azzy is the only one who notices. Angel and Moonstar got a house in the neighborhood. Angel and Mettaton have become fairly good friends, same with Alphys and Angel. Napsta is a bit more confident. Mettaton, Undyne, and Alphys all live together. Asriel became friends with Y/N's Human Friends. Y/N and Sans have been officially shipped for a deeper relationship by none other than the friend group,Sans still lives with Papyrus though, but Y/N visits very often....
....And Sans seems to have something on his mind.
To be continued...
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