A party with Chara
The knocks continued so you ran upstairs to open it."oh hey guys."you said stepping aside.It was Undyne,Papyrus,Alphys,and sans.And not to long after they all walked in Frisk came bolting through the door with her friend/enemy,Chara who you hadn't met yet.Chara seemed to be a hip hop dancer as well judging by her clothing which was a black dress with torn up leggings(also black)and the sleeves were mainly just ribbons tied on her arms.She also seemed to have the same hat on as Sans on she wore hers backwards.After awhile of trying to figure out what to do you had all finally come up to the ideas of video game battles then a dance battle.You didn't have many fighting games so you just decided to play Mortal Kombat.Which in the finals was Chara against Sans.You noticed Chara was singing and so was Sans during the battle,from what you knew you were pretty sure it was their stronger than you song.
In the end Chara was the winner and as the winner she got an ice cream sandwich.Which she took the first bite out of in front of Sans face to tease him."Your just lucky since you did so many genocide routes after and before your pacifist ones."Sans told her.
"ya well I guess I do have skills."she winked then did a melty face which sent a chill down your spine.Now in the second to last dance battle it was you against Chara who looked like she had been taught how to dance by Sans.But in the end you won.So now it was you against Sans like on the day you first met,but better!You and Sans told puns between each other's moves one you could recall that you told was,'hey Sans what do you call a belt with a clock on it?' 'Don't know kitten.' 'A waist of time!'and then you all shared a laugh.At the very end Sans and you were in each other's faces like last time as well,another thing that was the same was you won!
And because you won ,you got to wear Sans's hat.Ya' know because it was your house and you could eat an ice cream sandwich any time.As you and your friends continued to play video games and dance you noticed Chara stayed sitting in a corner watching everyone.You noticed she and Sans would glance over at each other from time to time.This made you think they were at least slightly friends,but from what you actually heard Chara killed everyone in her 2nd timeline including Sans who probably remembered it all.But now she reset not to long after you met her so she was back from genocide and now becoming pacifist slowly.And you figured her dancing would help dodge attacks.
When you looked over at Sans he was looking upwards from where Chara was sitting and had blue flames around his hand.But....Chara wasn't over there...You looked up where Sans was looking and saw Chara laughing and having fun surrounded by blue flame as well and her soul was visible and blue now.But...then Sans made the flame disappear and you saw Chara falling.You started to run to catch her but you were behind Sans so he didn't see you.What he did do though was catch her just before she hit the ground and began lifting her back up again.Sans glanced over at you and lifted you up too."S-Sans..?"you looked a little worried.
"yeah kitten?"he grinned.Then you noticed the blue flame started to disappear from around you.you looked over at Chara who was grinning.
You noticed the flame around her was disappearing as well."you trust me kitten?"Sans asked.
"well um,erm y-yes.."you said truthfully.After that you came dropping down and felt like screaming but didn't,you trusted Sans..he wouldn't let you fall.Just before you and Chara hit the ground you were lifted up by the flame again."heh heh,what's wrong kitten scared?"Chara teased.you felt really embarrassed.
"n-no.."you lied.
"hey!only I call her kitten."Sans protested putting you and Chara back on the ground.You were now blushing a deep red after what sans said.
"alright sorry Sans."Chara winked and stuck out her tongue.You and your friends continued to have fun for another hour until it was just you and Sans.You 2 were sitting on the couch you were sleeping and you didn't notice it but you were leaning on Sans who was still awake.When you woke up you stretched accidentally hitting Sans in the face.You felt it and heard him groan.You felt like the worst person in the world."Oh my gosh Sans I'm-im so s-sorry"you told him hugging him with one arm and making sure he was ok with the other.
A red and yellow bar appeared below Sans it said 0.5.You knew that was his health,you hurt him and you felt like crying and had a small feeling he felt like it too.But you both blinked back the tears and hugged each other."k-kitten..got any..ketchup?"he asked you.
"yeah.."you told him with sadness and confusion in your voice."
c-can I have it?"he asked closing his eyes.
"uh-sure.."you told him sprinting to the kitchen.You grabbed the ketchup then bolted up the stairs.You handed it to him noticing he didn't have his hoodie on.
"y-you wouldn't mind if I d-drank the whole thing would you?"he asked sounding weak.you hesitated for a moment,you didn't think that was good for his health,but he was a monster so maby it worked differently with him.
"no it's fine."you smiled still blinking back tears.
A/N sorry for the fairly short chapter my dog is having me play ball with her for like the 50th time.XD
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