Spottedstar: Slender she-cat with light fur with brown spots and blue eyes.
Firestorm: portly warrior with reddish fur and ice blue eyes.
Medicine Cat
Brownear: light brown she-cat with white chest, ears and tip of tail.
Apprentice: Stormpaw
Whirldwingfang: white cat with yellow eyes.
Apprentice: Swiftpaw.
Whitefoot: gray she-cat with four white claws and leaf green eyes.
Turquoiseclaw: brown she-cat with black, and turquoise eyes.
Floweredheart: Tom light golden brown with darker spots of amber eyes.
Apprentice: Hawkpaw.
Wastelandflight: light brown cat with light blue eyes.
Apprentice: Otterpaw.
Sunnyflash: is a slender warrior with sand-colored fur and yellow eyes.
Stripedfur: muscular warrior with brown fur with gray stripes and amber eyes.
Apprentice: Stalkingpaw.
Whitefrost: light blue-eyed snow-white she-cat.
Apprentice: Willowpaw.
Flyingwind: warrior with white fur and brown stripes of green eyes.
Swampflash: dark gray almost black cat with yellow eyes.
Snakepelt: gray warrior with brown white stripes and orange eyes, he has a scar on his left shoulder, made by a snake.
Brownpelt: brown warrior with black and white spots with gray eyes.
Goldensplash: she-cat with golden brown fur with black ears, legs and tail, ice blue eyes.
Hawkpaw: portly cat reddish brown blood with amber eyes.
Otterpaw: reddish she-cat with blue eyes, with white chest and ears.
Stormpaw: she-cat with ash fur and blue eyes.
Swiftpaw: black tom with white chest and tip of tail, blue eyes.
Stalkingpaw: a big tom with white fur, and the legs, tail, ears and part of the snout black, with yellow eyes.
Willowpaw: white and cinnamon, with blue eyes.
Ashflower: she-cat with ash fur and blue eyes.
Mother of: Firekit (Reddish) and Stormkit (gray)
Mate of: Firestorm.
Pearlfoot: white she-cat with blue eyes.
Mother of: Sunkit (Gold), Snowkit (White) and Muddykit (Brown)
Mate of: Floweredheart.
Wetstep: black-legged warrior with dark fur and amber eyes.
Dawnflower: is a slender she-cat with cinnamon fur and green eyes.
Toastedclaw: cat with light brown hair and gray eyes.
Feathernose: white and gray cat, with white nose, and dark green eyes.
Streamstar: burly warrior with light brown hair and green eyes.
Brokenheart: A reddish-brown warrior with amber eyes.
Medicine Cat
Flowpelt: cat light brown, with white spots with blue eyes like water.
Apprentice: Sandypaw
Warmpelt: warrior with white fur and light brown back.
Apprentice: Foxpaw
Fineclaw: slender she-cat with mottled sandy hair and green eyes.
Apprentice: Cedarpaw.
Candyfrost: brown she-cat with white fur and pink eyes.
Apprentice: Treepaw.
Courgarjump: muscular light brown warrior with black snout and white ear tips, has pure brown eyes.
Apprentice: Dottedpaw.
Airfeather: It is a white she-cat with a gray back so light that it appears dark white, it has two-color eyes, one green-yellow and the other gray.
Luminousmist: gray she-cat, with phosphorescent yellow eyes, with a black nose.
Squirreltail: cat reddish green eyes, with a large fluffy tail.
Apprentice: Woodpaw.
Featherwing: white she-cat with black and gray spots.
Thrushclaw: light brown cat with golden paws and cream eyes.
Apprentice: Dustpaw.
Fernshell: stout warrior black with reddish and amber, green eyes.
Foxpaw: muscular cat with black and reddish fur with amber eyes.
Sandypaw: slender and small she-cat with white fur with brown spots of sky blue eyes.
Treepaw: dark brown cat with light green eyes.
Cedarpaw: dark gray cat with blue eyes.
Dottedpaw: white she-cat with gray spots, icy blue eyes.
Woodpaw: light brown cat with white water green eyes.
Dustpaw: slender she-cat with light brown fur with white ice blue eyes.
Nightheart: black she-cat with one electric blue eye and one gray.
Mother of: Elmkit (kit dark brown, with a white right ear, with one apple green eye and the other dark brown)
Typhoonkit: (light gray kit with black and dark gray tufts and has black eyes)
Seakit: (black kitten with sea green eyes)
Mate of: Courgarjump.
Wakepool: a light brown she-cat with white spots and blue eyes.
Mother of: Lagoonkit (brown kit with white and blue eyes)
Reedkit (black kit with silver blue eyes)
Mate of: Brokenheart.
Silentstorm: black she-cat with golden white eyes.
(She is in an advanced state of labor)
Frogfur: small white and brown tom with green eyes.
Blindsight: brown she-cat, currently blind.
Rabbitstep: white cat, fluffy tail and reddish nose.
Berryscarlet: she-cat with reddish fur so dark and intense that it looks scarlet, has blue night eyes.
Icestar: dark brown cat with lighter stripes of ice blue eyes, its claws are so fine and sharp that they look like ice.
Moonflight: black and brown she-cat with yellow eyes eclipse.
Medicine Cat
Grasswind: black and white blue-eyed cat with gray muzzle.
Breezefur: black and brown cat with yellow eyes.
Apprentice: Flamepaw
Leveretpelt: small cat with light brown fur and orange eyes.
Apprentice: Mudpaw
Owlview: white cat with brown gray eyes, has very sharp vision.
Sorrelstream: brown and white she-cat with white muzzle and ears.
Apprentice: Pineapplepaw.
Swiftflutter: gray cat with amber eyes.
Linenbar: black cat with green eyes and white chest.
Mossclear: light brown she-cat with small ears and white eyes.
Apprentice: Rollypaw
Obliqueclaw: muscular green-eyed warrior with white and light gray fur.
Flamepaw: brown she-cat with orange eyes.
Mudpaw: dark brown cat with black eyes.
Pineapplepaw: she-cat with a rough and pointed coat with yellow eyes.
Rollypaw: little with electric yellow eyes with white and cinnamon fur.
Heatherpearl: light reddish she-cat with turquoise eyes.
Mother of: Russetkit (reddish) and Stripedkit (brown)
Mate of: Icestar.
Icesheet: slender she-cat with white fluffy fur (In an advanced stage of labor)
Moonshadow: black she-cat with night blue eyes.
Poisonivy: gray she-cat with white and brown, is currently blind due to the venom of a viper.
Jabbedfire: golden brown tom with blue and yellow eyes and scarred jaws.
Sphericalhawthorn: tom with dry brown fur and eyes like spheres.
Hailtooth: cat with frosty black hair and ice blue eyes.
Daystar: large black cat with yellow eyes.
Stonetooth: dark brown cat with amber eyes and greyish teeth.
Medicine Cat
Willowfur: small light brown cat with blue eyes.
Shadedpetal: great black and brown striped and spotted cat. Bright yellow eyes with broad shoulder blades and strong legs
Turtleclaw: small cat with green eyes and fine but sharp claws, with amber brown fur.
Apprentice: Vainipaw
Lizzartshadow: green-eyed black cat.
Apprentice: Molepaw.
Dawnblood: cat with amber eyes blood red fur
Stonepeak: light gray cat with green eyes.
Stripedclay: sand cat with black stripes, orange eyes.
Goldenblood: muscular she-cat with golden fur and blood red eyes.
Apprentice: Tigerpaw.
Whirlwindscarlet: night blue eyed red she-cat.
Amberbee: cat with amber fur and yellow eyes.
Goldensilver: silvery she-cat with golden eyes.
Brightpool: silver she-cat with lime green eyes.
Skypoint: warrior light gray almost white with sky blue eyes.
Vainipaw: she-cat with cream fur and blue eyes.
Molepaw: Tom with brown fur and green eyes.
Tigerpaw: white she-cat with black stripes and blue eyes.
Eveningnight: she-cat with black fur and blue eyes.
Mother of: Silverkit (Silver) and Spectrumkit (brown with silver)
Mate of: Stonetooth.
Autumnflower: orange brown she-cat with green eyes.
Mother of: Dragonflykit (white) and Sprinkledkit (reddish)
Mate of: Dawnblood.
Frostydove: white she-cat with bright yellow eyes.
Windrose: she-cat with cinnamon fur and orange eyes.
Hummingbirdflight: tom with brown fur and green eyes.
Badgerfang: black cat with a white stripe of blue eyes.
(In charge of making decisions after the leader)
Tornmoss: cat with pale brown fur and yellow eyes.
Dark Forest
Elkstep: muscular dark gray cat with black tail and yellow eyes.
Solarreflection: orange cat with darker shades of green eyes, has a long scar that divides its face.
Brightstream: brown she-cat with blue eyes.
Glassmirror: silver cat with blue eyes.
Scarletfur: She-cat reddish blood with amber eyes.
Tigerblaze: corpulent dark brown cat with orange stripes, has yellow eyes.
Sharpbeak: black warrior with claws as sharp as needles.
Honeymoon: she-cat with light honey fur with green eyes, has a long cut on one side.
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