Chapter 7
We walked up the hill a little bit before it starting getting steep. "This is one of the steepest parts," Mason told us sighing.
I looked around and off to my right, a rikety old cabin caught my eye. "Why is that there?" I asked, pointing towards it.
Everyone turned to where I was looking. Mason gasped before walking slowly towards it. He stopped about five feet in front of me. "That's my grandfather's old cabin," he told us.
"Why is it so dark?" Gabriella asked, tilting her head.
We all groaned as Mason turned around with a smirk. "Not again," Bruno complained.
Mason chuckled. "Your cute when you whine," he said, making Bruno blush.
Bruno got redder as he realized what happned. He quickly hid behind Anthony. "If you haven't noticed, Bruno is a little gay," Anthony said with a smile.
Bruno gasped loudly. "Shut up!" he yelled punching Anthony in the arm.
We all laughed. Mason's face turned back into a smirk. Everyone stopped laughing and looked at him. "Anyway... Story time!" he yelled throwing his hands up in the air.
I rolled my eyes and folded my arms across my chest. He cleared his throat before speaking. "A few decades ago, so around fifty-five years ago, my grandpa rented out that old cabin," he began, pointing at the cabin, "He wanted stay there for a summer. He decided to stay down here for two reasons."
We all looked at each other before looking back at Mason. "The first reason," He said, "was because of how steep this hill was. He wasn't that strong and knew he wouldn't be able to walk up the hill. The second reason, was because it had only been three years since the crazy man chopped up his wife."
As soon as he said that, we all shuddered. That story was still ringing in our ears, as if we had just heard it all over again. "He didn't feel safe going up to those cabins," Mason said, "So, he stayed down here. He was safe down here. Now of course he would go up the mountain, with assistance, and talked with the workers and other campers. He always made sure to bring a pocket knife, and pepper spray with him."
"No wonder. There was a murder up there," Bruno said, motioning to the top of the hill.
"The murder wasn't up there," Mason said, " It was on top of the mountain. We are only a quarter of the way there,"
Bruno sighed and hung his head. Mason laughed before continuing his story. "He came here every summer for five years. Every summer for five years he refused to go to the top of the hill because of the 'murder'," Mason said, " One year, the fifth, he arrived and was in this cabin as usual. He was tired and decided to go to bed early. He fell asleep and was peacefully sleeping. During the night, a man with long crazy hair, and a wild beard broke into the cabin. He smiled as he crept onto the sleeping old man. He took out a knife and killed him. He left the body and ran when he heard yelling from the hill. It was just a drunken fight, but it had scared him and he ran in the other direction. When some of the other campers came to check on my grandfather, he was dead with blood all over his clothing. They called the police. When the police arrived, they found somewhat fresh footprints leading into the lake. They could see a slight red tint in the water. They knew whoever it was, had paid the price for their crime"
When he finished, Anthony rolled his eyes. "That is such a lie. None of that actually happened, it was all made up to scare us," he said.
"Anthony shut up," Gabriella said, punching him in the arm.
Myst woke up and yawned. "What happened? Where are we?" she asked looking around.
"We're a little bit farther up the mountain," I told her.
She nodded her head before climbing out of my arms. She looked at Mason innocently, as if she were asking what to do next. He smiled at her kindly before looking around at the rest of us. "I guess we'll sleep here tonight," he said.
"No way!" Bruno yelled, "First of all, I'm not sleeping anywhere near that cabin. Second of all, it's still the middle of the day, we can get farther up the mountain."
"But we still need to set up our stuff and find food. We also need to make a fire so we could cook our food," Mason told him, "Even with the cabin, the guy who killed my grandfather is probably dead."
Bruno pouted for a bit before sighing. "Fine," he agreed, "On one condition. The first sign of something sketchy, we are out of here. Ok?"
"Cool," Mason said shaking Bruno's hand.
So we set up our tents and put our bags in them. Mason, Anthony and Gabriella set out to find food while Bruno, Myst and I started up a fire. When our "hunters" hadn't come back after an half an hour, I knew something was up. Then, I heard leaves crunching from behind our tents. Someone, or something, was coming. Myst, Bruno and I looked at each other and huddled really close to each other. I saw our favorite red-head, Gabriella, pop out from my tent, and our bitch, Anthony, come out behind her. They walked over to us, covered in dirt and grub. "Where's Mason?" Bruno asked, noticing he wasn't there.
"Fighting off a man. A big man, with crazy hair and a wild beard. He was crazy. Telling us how we would make good bait for the fish," Anthony said in between breaths.
"A man? Do you know where he came from?" I asked them.
They shook their heads and showed us some squirrels and chipmunks they had caught. "On the other hand, we have food," Gabriella told us, "Mason has the rest, we grabbed all we could carry"
I nodded my head. "That's good. As long as you're safe, that's the main thing. It's just Mason I'm worried about," Bruno said, biting his lip at the mention of Mason.
"Do you like Mason?" I asked him with a small smile on my face.
He gasped and shook his head. "No. I don't like him. Well, I like him as a friends, but not like that", he prattled.
Myst and I laughed a little bit. "It's ok Bruno," I assured him, "I know you don't like Mason like that."
All of a sudden, we heard somebody coming from behind the tents again. We looked at each other before looking back at the tents. Something was really wrong. I could tell the others knew as well.
A/N: Hey you guys! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. If you liked it, go ahead and vote. Don't hesitate to comment and tell me what you think:) Also Credit to @TheWintersVoid for the drawing of Mason.
- J'Naia
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