Chapter 22
Standing in front of me was the one man I had never wanted to see again in my life. I was looking at the one and only Ben. "What are you doing here?" I asked.
He just laughed at me. "What do you think?" he asked.
His smile widened in an almost inhuman way. I was about to turn and run when he grabbed my arm and started dragging me down the hall. Gabriella got out her phone to call the police while going to go get our principal. On the other hand, Anthony was trying to help escape Ben's tight grip. "Let go of her," he said aggressively.
Ben picked him up and threw him down the hall. "Anthony!" I cried
Ben picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I watched as Anthony tried to get up, failing with each attempt. I chocked back my sobs as I fought against Ben. "Put me down!" I screamed.
He just laughed. His laughter faded and he stopped in his tracks. I looked back to see what was happening. I saw Gabriella running towards us with Mr. Brown, our principal, right behind her. Ben quickly turned around to face a limping Anthony, and Mrs. Reynolds, our biology teacher, heading our way. I could feel his breath get heavier as he got surrounded by teachers.
"Mr. Brown! Their here!" Ms. Mage called as she lead the police towards us.
Ben put me down before surrendering. He went with the officers in fear. "Are you OK?" Gabriella asked, giving me a hug.
"I'm fine," I replied, "The real question is Anthony OK?"
We both looked at him as the teacher left to their respective classrooms. "I'm fine," he said, "My leg just hit the ground really hard when he threw me."
"You still might want to get that checked out," I said.
He nodded before starting to "walk" again. Gabriella and I helped him to the nurse's office before going back to homeroom. The bell rung and we grabbed our stuff. "You go without me. I'm going to bring Anthony his stuff," Gabriella said.
I went to calculus while she headed towards the nurse's office. Soon it was lunch and I still hadn't seen Gabriella since homeroom. I went to our usual table, hoping that she was there. She wasn't. As I was about to leave, she came walking in with Anthony. Neither of them had their stuff and they were laughing about something. I walked over to them as they got in line for lunch. "Hey. Where'd you disappear off too? You went to bring Anthony his stuff and I haven't seen you since," I said, a little confused.
At first she looked confused, then she remembered what had happened that morning. "Sorry, I got distracted," she said flashing me and awkward smile.
I sighed before smiling. "It's fine," I said.
We talked about absolutely nothing as they ate their lunches. After lunch, we went back to the nurse's office to get Anthony's stuff and headed to French. I smiled as they held hands and flirted shamelessly. "You two are a cute couple," I said as we were walking into the French room.
They both just blushed before heading over to their seats. This was the only class where our seats were nowhere near each other. Mrs. Dubai had hated us ever since ninth grade when we accidently said she looked like Bruno's grandmother. After school, we went over to Nico's house to do homework. "I'm home!" Nico called up to us as he walked through the door at around one.
We all ran down stairs and tackled him in a huge group hug. "Hey you guys. I was only at work," he said, hugging us back.
"You could have gotten hurt trying to handle some criminal" I said before giving him a kiss on the cheek.
He smiled before breaking free from us. He laid down on the couch and closed his eyes. I rolled my eyes before going up to my room. A few hours later, Anthony and Gabriella had to go home. I laid on my bed, scrolling through Instagram, when Nico came into my room. "Hey there monkey," he said before laying next to me.
"Hey there butt face," I replied with a small smile.
He pretended to be offended by my statement. "How dare you!" he said dramatically.
I rolled my eyes as he pretended to cry. "I'm sorry I offended you," I said before giving him a big hug.
He stopped "crying" and hugged me back. "I love you Nico," I said as he laid on hid back, dragging me on top of him.
"I love you too princess," he replied, giving me a kiss on the forehead.
We laid there until I went to go take a shower. When I got back to my room, he had fallen asleep on my bed. I rolled my eyes before turning off my lights. I climbed next to him and laid my head on his chest, He wrapped his arms around me helping me to fall asleep.
The nightmares I had that night were almost unbearable. Everything from losing my mother to being hurt by Ben again. I accidently woke Nico up during one of them. He helped me through the night. I already knew that school was going to be a challenge without my beauty sleep.
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