Chapter 15
**Warning mentions/contains the following things:
Rape (At the end of the chapter)
The next morning, we packed up and started walking. Gabriella was full of energy, but something about her was different. She was a little more... humble. I smiled at the thought and kept walking. It wasn't until we go to a small area with a couple of small cabins and a large one with the word Lodge printed at the top, that I stopped. I heard Myst gasp from somewhere to my right. "It's so pretty!" she giggled excitedly.
I smiled. It WAS beautiful. There were flowers surrounding most of the cabins and a stone path coming from the lodge. You could smell the food being made in the lodge and that made the scene even more beautiful. "Here's our stop," Mason said with a small smile on his face.
He lead us into the lodge where we were greeted by a tall man with big brown eyes. "Mason! Your back!" he said with a huge smile on his face.
His grey hair fell in his face as he almost fell. Mason chuckled before giving the man a big hug. "Hey uncle Ben," he said," Of course I'm back. I had to bring some pretty amazing people up"
He motioned to us with a proud smile on his face. The man - Ben - looked at us as if he had just noticed us. "Hello and welcome!" he said, giving each of us a big hug.
When he got to Myst, his hug was more gentle. "Hey there little one," he said, tickling her stomach.
Myst giggled and hid behind me. "She's a cutie," Ben told me before motioning for us to follow him, "Come on, let me show you around the place.
The lodge turned out to be bigger than it seemed. They had a pool, an art room, and an aquarium, which Myst loved. "As much as we love to give you an outdoor experiance, we realize that we could give you a better experiance with things you could enjoy indoors, such as painting and swimming, especially in the winter time," Ben said as we left the aquarium.
"I think Myst wants to live here," Anthony joked as Myst ran in and out of different rooms.
I laughed as she watched a small puppy run around. "Myst come on!" I heard Bruno call.
We both looked at him and followed the rest of the group outside. "I'll let Mason take over and lead you up to your cabin," Ben said, sending a wink my way.
I shuddered and quickly followed Mason up a small hill to where a cabin stood. It was the size of my house. There was a huge porch swing and a couple of tables for us to eat on. There were flowers wrapping up the railing and on the roof. "Wow," Anthony breathed, his eyes wide open and drool dripping out of his mouth.
"Wow indeed," Bruno said before unning over to the porch swing with Myst.
I smiled and watched they goofed around together. "Isn't it beautiful?" Mason asked from behind me.
I jumped before turning around. I rolled my eyes as he smirked. I turned back round and started to walk towards the cabin. "You didn't answer my question," he called after me.
"It's gorgeous!" I called back before sitting next to Myst on the swing.
She looked up at me with a huge smile on her face. "Having fun?" I asked, giving her a hug.
"Yeah," she replied before turning towards Bruno.
We spent the rest of the day talking and laughing. Soon it was time for us to go to bed. As we all laid down, I heard a banging noise from outside the cabin. It was almost like somebody was trying to get in. I sat up to see if anyone else could hear it. "You guys? Is it just me or is there a really loud noise outside?" I asked, my hands shaking.
"I don't hear anything," Myst said softly.
"It's probably just your imagination," Bruno said.
I sighed before laying back down. It wasn't long before everyone else had fallen asleep. I stared at the bunk above me still thinking about the noise I heard. Then it was there again. This time it was louder. This time, I knew someone was trying to get in. I hid under my blankets and squeezed my eyes shut. Then I heard the door creak open before slamming shut. Even after the noise, nobody woke up. My breathing started to get heavy. I gasped as I felt my cover being pulled off of me. Then I heard a low chuckle. I looked up to see Ben, the man who had happily welcomed us earlier that day. There was an evil gleam in his eyes.
Before I knew it, there was tape in my mouth and I was tied to the bedposts of his bed in his cabin. I was naked and alone with him. Tears ran down my face as he slowly, and roughly, ran his hands over my chest. "Don't cry," he said with a creepy smile, "I'm going to take care of you."
This made my cry even harder. His hands trailed down my body and onto my thighs. I squirmed at the thought of him touching me down there. He climbed onto the bed so that he was hovering over me. "Your so pretty," he whispered seductively in my ear.
Slowly, he pushed his fingers into my as he left small kisses on my body. He started to go faster with each kiss. Soon, he was going at an almost unbearable speed. Tears were rushing down my face as I tried to scream with no success. All I could feel was pain. He laughed as I slowly started to bleed. My vision went blurry before I passed out completely.
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