Chapter 2: Gangs Race Fight
Previously on motor city...
Ethan: You're not racing...
Y/N & B/N: Shocking. What!?
Ethan: You're not racing! I thought you two wanted to make and fix cars for yourself, not for racing! That's the only reason why I let you make your own cars even after all the races you lost.
Y/N: And we'll keep making them out of scrap. Like it or not, we're going to race tomorrow.
Ethan: Why?
Y/N: Because its our dream. To live fast, live free.
Everything went dark and we see Y/N and his little brother got up early in the morning heading to their garage to check their own car.
When we were back home we about to say bye to our uncle but he wasn't home nor at his garage for some reason, he's probably looking for spare parts of the car or probably doing something else. Least he won't bother us for a while.
B/N: Worried. So what do you think our uncle is doing right now? Cuz you know, after what happens yesterday.
Y/N: I don't know but I don't have to worry about him much. He's probably going shopping or something. But either way I'm glad he wasn't at home.
B/N: Confused. Why?
Y/N: Its kinda obvious when you think about it. If he was still at home he would've try to stop us from driving our car.
B/N: Oh yeah, good point.
???: Good point for what?
Y/N & B/N: huh?
We both turn and see Serra and Duncan near our garage.
B/N: Oh hey guys, what are you guys doing here?
Duncan: Isn't it obvious? We want to see how good is your car before we go eat
Y/N: Sarcastic. Sounds good to me and I hope you brought some extra tools because we may need to fix it up.
We all laugh until I notice that Jay wasn't here.
Y/N: Curious. So where's jay anyway?
Serra: Her mentor wanted her help for a bit to fix come couple cables. Other people could've helped but you know, Cable's Settlement is like a huge tower.
Y/N: And then couple of people are afraid of heights.
Serra: Bingo. But she'll be at the race soon.
Duncan: Yo maybe after giving your car a test drive we should stop by somewhere to eat. How bout Antonio's Diner?
We all agreed by nodding and we head to the garage to get our car. After a couple a test drive the engine seems to be in a good conditions even with some blaster on it, we all head to Antonio's Diner. One of the best diner in Motorcity. Just as we arrive at the diner with our cars we notice that almost all of the gang racers are at the diner.
Duncan: Surprise. Whoa, has there been a lot of gang racers in one place?
B/N: Not since the battle for Motorcity.
Serra: The Mama's Boys, Skylark, Weekend Warriors, The Amazon's, Electroblades, even the members of The Duke's are here!
Y/N: I guess we're not the only one's who wants to eat before racing.
After we parked our cars we heard a voice calling us and we turn to look.
Jay: Cried out from distance. Hey guys! Waves.
G/N: Surprise. Jay!
Duncan: What are you doing here?
Jay: We always come here to eat duh. I figured you guys would go get something to eat after you guys tested Y/N car. So I went to go save a table for us.
Duncan: Nice! I hope they still have some chicken pot pie because right now I'm definitely in the mood for that.
B/N: Jokes. Oh how bout we just get raw eggs and use our cars to cook them for us.
Duncan: Oh yeah and with a couple bread to make a toaster too!
Serra: Glares at them. WHOA WHOA WHOA! You guys are not gonna ruin our paint job!
???: Oh yeah? How bout we ruin it while you guys have some fight. Haha!
We all turn around and see The Mama's boys gang leader with the rest behind him.
Before Serra was about to get her spray paint to paint his face I stepped in before there's gonna be a huge fight. I now went face-to-face at their gang leader or should I say "leader-to-leader".
Mama's boys leader: Well well well if it isn't Y/N and The G/N. Come to race again or to get your cars destroyed again? Haha!
Y/N: Jacob, the gang leader of The Mama's boys. What brings your gang here, didn't like your Mama cooking or something?
Junior: Oh you have a lot of nerve to talk about my mama! Least I still mines still alive.
I grip my fist and about to punch him for mentioning about my mom until Duncan cut us off from the fight along with one of the Mama's boys member.
Duncan: Alright alright, we can save our fight in the race and its going to be a long day. How bout we go separated and eat? Then we can fight in the race.
Y/N: Fine by me.
Junior: tsk. Fine, better watch your back G/N cuz this'll be a race you'll regret. Walks away.
Y/N: Shout from distance. Don't count on it!
B/N: Phew. Glad that's over for the moment. Could've been worst.
Y/N: Turns to the gang. OK I went just a little bit off the course. But I had it under control.
Jay: Tilts her head. And by under control you mean by people destroying our cars?
Y/N: um....Yeah OK that was way out of our hands but definitely not our fault. Its part of the race.
Jay: Point taken. But now we gotta be careful at the race.
Duncan: Come on guys! Chicken pot pie are waiting! Let's just go.
Y/N: He's right, we're not racing with a empty stomach, let's eat!
We head to our favorite table we always sit and order our meals. While we were eating we were making jokes to kill time. Right after we ate, we head to our cars and then my brother saw someone at our car.
B/N: Hey N/N is that our uncle Ethan at our car? Points at him.
I saw my uncle leaning on our car. Great, he's probably gonna try to convince me not to race anymore. I walk towards him to see what he wants.
Ethan: Figured you two would be. So, this is your car huh?
Y/N: OK uncle if you're gonna try to convince me or my friends not to race or drive, you know exactly what's my answer is.-
Ethan: I'm over with it.
Y/N & B/N: tilts their head confuse. Huh?
Ethan: I'm over with it. If your gonna race you race. I'm just want to say good luck surviving the race. I'm just worried you guys might get hurt. So be careful.
He walks away without looking at us as B/N and I look at each other with a confused look until Serra interrupt us.
Serra: Hey guys, we gotta go to the race right away.
Y/N: Oh um right right. Rubs my head. Let's go.
We hop on our car and drive at the race. Wonder why my uncle came by.
3rd POV
One hour later we see the everybody in the race the crowd goes wild cheering at all of the racers including the G/N. We then see B/N at the crowd using his green screen to see Y/N vehicle so he can see better.
I'm at crowd looking at the my green screen where I see The G/N cars and I use my microphone to communicate them while they race.
B/N: Testing testing you guys read me?
Jay: "Loud and clear."
Duncan: "You bet."
Serra: "Crystal clear."
Y/N: "You know it brother."
B/N: OK, we're good to go.
Y/N: "Alright G/N, you guys know the game here. B/N will watch our back while we focus on winning, if any other racers tries to do anything at us B/N will let us know who and what are they going to do. Once we know it, we'll get ready and counter their attack. They're not gonna know what's coming. Got it?"
G/N: "Got it."/Got it.
B/N: Alright gang, get ready because the race is about to start.
I saw all the racer behind the starter line and everybody saw fireworks as a hologram that looked to be the one man and only, The Duke.
He's like the big shot on Motorcity. He's alright long as you don't mess with his cars even the ones that are junks. Just then the Duke made a speech for the crowds.
Duke: Smiles. Salutations Motorcity! Hope you're ready because this is abooout to be an action race of all the gang racer! Get back!
The crowd goes wild cheering as we see fireworks once again.
Duke: To the racers. Racers! Start your engine!
As The Duke hologram disappear, all of the cars start their engines and I saw a lady with a red hair wearing sun glasses raising her left arm.
It looked like she's hold a bandana on her hand.
Red hair lady: On your mark!
Duncan: Cracks his neck. This is it...
Serra: Grips the wheel. Our moment...
Red hair lady: Get set!
Jay: Tighten her gloves. Now or never...
Y/N: Closes his eyes for a moment. Live fast...
Just when she's about to say go her phone rang and she pick it up.
Red hair lady: Hello?
All racers: Tilts their heads. Huh?
Red hair lady: yeah why?
B/N: Seriously?
Red hair lady: Yell yeah its there, now go there!
As she was distracted by her phone she drop the bandana and they all drive so fast.
The Duke: Laughs. Haha! Now that never gets old! Now let's see how the racers are doing so far.
Everybody looks at the huge red screen where we see all the racer driving on the race track.
Jay: Upset. "Urgh, how did we almost missed that!?"
Serra: "Let's just be glad that we didn't fall for that trick. B/N how are things going from here?"
B/N: So far so good but you guys got couple of Weekend Warriors coming from behind. They're keeping their distance from you so they may probably gonna shoot you guys.
Y/N: "On it. Serra, we need cover."
Serra: "You got it. Time to some paint."
Just then I saw her car drop hug can and as soon as it hit one of the Weekend Warriors vehicle it explode with random color paint enough to cover their windows and they crash on each other.
Jay: "Wohoo! Nice one Serra!-"
B/N: guys! You got logs incoming! A lot of them for sure!
Duncan: "I got this guys get behind me!"
The gang went behind Duncan as he accelerate his car. Thankfully Y/N and Duncan made his car to ram through anything. Though I have no idea if its strong enough against a 5ft concrete wall. Just then Duncan log them out of there. Lol get it?
Y/N: "Looks like theres gonna be traps ahead." To Duncan. "Duncan, how's your car holding up?"
Duncan: Concern. "Its fine but I don't think it can take another hit like that."
Just as they were racing, there are mines that are set off trying to blow them up as they're struggling to avoid the mines.
Y/N: "Dammit! We can't tell where are the mines. We need to find a way to clear a path!"
Jay: "I'll do it. I'll speed up and go through them to clear a path!"
B/N: Are you nuts!? Your car may be fast but it can't take all that damage!
Jay: "If we don't clear a path we'll be sitting ducks pretty soon! If one of our cars can at least make it to the finish line we'll win!"
Serra: "I don't know, sound risky."
Duncan: "yeah but its the only choice we got."
Y/N: Sigh. "Can't believe I'm saying this, but Jay you sure you want to do this?"
Jay: "Too late I'm going for it!"
Jay boosted her car and set all the mines off clear their path. As soon as the path was clear the rest of the team made their way out of the mines. Unfortunately the explosion caught up to Jay's car causing it to flip upside down. Jay wasn't able to drive.
G/N: Shouting. Jay!
Jay: Coughs. "I'm fine guys, but my car won't start. Good luck."
Y/N: "Got it! What have we got bro?"
B/N: Alright you guys are about to head to the bridge but you have The Mama's Boys up ahead.
Serra: "If they cross the bridge to the other they'll cut us off."
Y/N: "Not unless we get there first. Let's go I have an idea!"
As the G/N were at the bridge they speed up to get close to the end as possible but then I saw Mama's Boys are at the other side.
Junior: Let's make this more fun for you guys, see how much you like it. Haha! Cut it boys!
3rd POV
They cut the bridge that way they have the upper hand but just when G/N were almost at the end they grapple at the cliff and pull themselves to the end. As soon as they're back in the road they continue to race.
Meanwhile, The Duke saw this from his personal screen and impress that The G/N are back on the road.
The Duke: Whoahoho, looks like The G/N ain't slowing down without a fight! So let's make this more interesting! OW!
The Duke push a button next to him and next thing we see the ground gets destroyed. Now the road is completely block while the Mama's Boys are still ahead.
For the moment we felt a little earthquake and I didn't know what caused it but then I saw what's ahead and its definitely blocking our way.
Y/N: Shoot, we're block again!
Duncan: I'll make an open!
Y/N: What, no! You're car can't take another hit!
Duncan: Y/N, I'll make an open so you guys can finish the race and we're close to the finish line. All that's left is the Mama's Boys between us and the finish line.
Y/N: Frustrated. Dammit-
Serra: Hey, we got this. Once we're close to them we'll get them. Plus I got some scores to settle with junior for my art design.
Y/N: Chuckles. Alright, Duncan clears the path and the rest is up to two of us.
Serra & Duncan: Got it!
Duncan: Let's make this count!
Duncan accelerate his car more and he made a open through by ramming through the rocks. Serra and I went through but Duncan vehicle wouldn't start anymore.
Duncan: Raise his fist. You guys got this!
We manage to catch up to them and it looks like they're about to do something.
Junior: huh, I'm surprise to see you two made it this far. But you're still gonna loose this! Let's do it!
As we got closer all five of them started to connect together like a snake and they try to hit us with their electric.
Y/N: Alright Serra, let's do this while we're behind them!
Serra: "Aw yeah! I've been waiting for this!"
Serra got behind them and she fire her grappling hook at the last car while I got closer to the wire and electrocute it. As it happened it breaks their formation and they couldn't drive except for the leader Jacob.
Y/N: Nice one Serra!
Serra: "I'm out, can't start anymore. You can do this!"
I catch up on Jacob as we were at the same distance but he tries to crash me trying to slow me down.
Jacob: You're gonna loose Y/N!
Y/N: I'm winning this. For. my. friends!
I push a red button that was on my wheel and the nitro gave me a boost to speed up more.
The Duke: Two gangs are left and who will win this!? Here they come! They're close! And its!
As soon as we both cross the finish line we immediately hit the brakes even the emergency brakes. Our car stop and mine just fell apart but I still held the wheel.
The Duke: whoa looks like his car came apart! Time to see what we got! Oooon screen!
I saw my brother down there, still holding on the wheels. Then everybody look at the red screen and saw it. I couldn't believe it what I saw that made go nuts.
B/N: Excited as I shout. He did it! We won!!
The crowd goes wild seeing that we finally won. I soon rush to my brother and the others came back with their cars. As soon as they got off their car, we rush to him for a group hug.
Duncan: shout. Yeeeaaah!!!
Jay: You did it!
Serra: I knew we'd win! Haha!
Y/N: We...won? We won!
We all laugh together, happy that we finally won. But it didn't last long until we all heard an explosion nearby.
B/N: Worried. What was that!?
Random stranger: Look! Points.
G/N: Huh?
We turn and we shockingly saw it. Something we never expected to see since the battle of Motorcity...the Ultra Golem.
(Looks like there's gonna be a little fight on the next chapter. But what will happen next? Who will save them? Who will ride...for freedom?....)
Find out more, on the next chapter
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