"We're about to have... visitors."
Kazue ignored the outbursts from his fellow classmates at his vague wording, slipping through the crowd to get a better view. Head tilting slightly to the side and eyes narrowed, he could only watch as the air above the fountain began to swirl, turning a dark purple.
"Warp Gate," he reported flatly, glancing up at the two alarmed pros for a millisecond before fixing his eyes back on the swirling mass with expertly hidden concern. "Three, two, one..."
The purple mist expanded as soon as the countdown had finished, something similar in form to a ghost appearing out of it. Someone.
A hand slowly reached out of the darkness, taking hold of the side of the portal and pulling a face into view. Although covered by a sickeningly white hand, there was no mistaking it.
"And there's Decay," Kazue muttered. Of course. The guy had destroyed the gate to Yūei, letting the press in... wait. He'd left right afterwards. The pieces didn't add up, but maybe it was because some of them were still missing.
Eraser Head wasted no time, flinging a hand urgently back at the other students. "Gather together and don't move! Thirteen, protect the students!"
The brunet could only grit his teeth as his eye twitched in agitation, watching as the scene unfolded below. The Warp Gate had expanded considerably, and Decay had stepped out into the facility. The man's Quirk, as deadly as it was, definitely wasn't the biggest concern at the moment.
And neither was it the massive hoard of villains that poured out of the portal behind him.
Not even close.
Rather, it was the hulking mass of black flesh in tan shorts that took post next to Decay, brain fully open and on display, along with beady eyes and a beak complete with teeth. If that wasn't enough, the Quirk reading...
"Is this like the entrance exam where the lesson's already started?" Kazue's thoughts were interrupted by Kirishima asking a question from behind in a stunned tone.
He cast a look over his shoulder, holding up a hand to halt the other boy from moving forward to get a better look. "No one move," the green-eyed teen ordered flatly as Eraser Head moved his yellow goggles from his neck to cover his eyes. But no matter how steady he kept his voice and remained calm on the outside, he couldn't help but be gripped by fear in the face of the mutant creature. It was unnatural, and in more ways than one. "Those are villains, and none of them would hesitate to kill any one of us."
Kazue subtly shifted his stance from a relaxed lean to one ready for movement, scanning the rows upon rows of villains slowly making their way towards the stairs.
"The trespassing the other day was the work of these scumbags after all, huh?" Eraser Head mused, his voice hard. He gripped his capture weapon, both it and his hair floating up as a result of his Quirk.
"Looks like it," the brunet replied darkly, about to take a step forward to better see the entire crowd when an arm stopped his movement.
"Even if you might have a bit more experience than most, stay back. This is no place for a student," the hero ordered, head moving slightly to look back at Thirteen and the rest of the teens conversing.
Kazue hesitated before sighing under his breath, resigning himself to be backup. Even if he had no desire to be a hero, he couldn't let those who did have their dreams crushed halfway. Few things were crueler than that. "Fine."
But don't expect me to sit idly by. My Quirk may not be explicitly suited for combat, but neither is yours.
"Thirteen, start the evacuation," the erasure hero instructed. "Try calling the school. These villains even had something to counteract the sensors. It's possible someone with radio-wave-type powers is interfering. Kaminari. You try contacting the school with your Quirk, too."
"Yessir," the blond replied, hurriedly putting a hand to his headphones.
Midoriya, looking like one of the most panicked of the class, surged forward. "What about you, sir? Will you fight by yourself?"
Kazue eyed the approaching villains warily, scanning over their Quirks again as they'd appeared to be changing positions a moment before. Midoriya's concern was well-warranted, as the main group was large. Their powers might not have been well-developed, several rather weak, but they had the upper hand of numbers.
"With that many, even if you can erase their Quirks..." the green-haired boy continued, voice wavering. "Eraser Head's fighting style is capturing after erasing the enemy's Quirk. A frontal battle is..." he trailed off, looking down.
The brunet snorted. "Have faith in the pros, Midoriya-san. They're not called that for nothing," he muttered under his breath. Although, he was fairly certain the hero he was mainly talking about had overheard regardless.
"You can't be a hero with just one trick," Eraser Head responded, shifting his stance. "I'm leaving it to you, Thirteen."
Before he could leap off the edge of the stairs, Kazue clapped a hand on his shoulder and pulsed. He then walked back to the group without a word, stifling a yawn as he rejoined his classmates. Just in time to see Eraser Head nod once before he disappeared over the edge, scarf whipping through the air.
Thirteen wasted no time in leading the students back towards the entrance at a fast pace, but it wasn't quite fast enough. Kazue's eye twitched yet again as a Warp Gate opened up on the floor in front of them, the villain appearing.
"I won't let you," an undoubtedly male voice stated. "Nice to meet you. We are the League of Villains. It may be presumptuous of us, but we have invited ourselves into the home of the heroes, Yūei High School, in order to have All Might, the Symbol of Peace, take his last breath."
Kazue's lips curled downwards, eyes narrowing the longer he dug through the villain's Quirk. There was something... off about it. Like... like what he'd felt with One For All and the creature standing next to Decay, only this time, the Quirks that had blended together were like a smoothie. He could be able to tell what they were, but only through an extended period of time that he most definitely did not have.
More care had been taken while gifting the Warp Gate with his Quirk, that was for sure, but it all meant the same thing.
Whoever had created One For All was still alive, and was pulling strings from behind the scenes.
"I believe All Might should have been here. Has there been some kind of change? Well, that is neither here nor there," the villain continued formally, purple mist expanding from his sides. "This is the part I am to play."
Without warning, Kirishima leapt forward with an arm sharpened into a point, closely followed by Bakugō. The explosion that followed filled the air with ash and dust, obscuring everyone's vision in the process. "Did you consider that you'd get beaten by us before you did it?" the redhead questioned loudly.
Kazue gritted his teeth. Goddamned idiots. Thirteen had uncapped one of her fingers to use her Quirk, one that would be extremely effective on the purple mist surrounding the villain, but had to stop because of the two getting ahead of themselves. Read the room.
"Oh, dear, that's dangerous," Warp Gate commented ominously, the purple mist reforming easily around the main portion. Metal was now visible, showing that the villain did indeed have a main body. "That's right. Even if you are students, you are excellent golden eggs."
"No! Move away, you two!" Thirteen yelled, her finger still pointing at the yellow-eyed villain.
"My job is to scatter you all," Warp Ware continued, the metal being covered by the mist as it expanded rapidly. "And torture you to death!"
"He's lying," Kazue called out flatly as the purple enveloped them all in a half-sphere, shielding his face from the sudden wind. His thumbs hovered over the activator buttons for his jet boots, but he hesitated, knowing he had to elaborate on why. The other students around him had panic written all over their faces, but it lessened only slightly. "The portals he's about to open lead to other portions of the facility. Be prepared to fight the villains waiting for-"
He never got to finish his sentence as a portal only large enough for one deliberately opened under his feet. "Predictable," the brunet muttered in a mixture of morbid amusement and annoyance. He'd been reassuring the other teenagers, and thus, the villain had sent him to arguably the most dangerous part of the USJ facility after making him fall through the void for a good ten minutes.
Kazue activated his jet boots, his rapid descent towards the dirt halted by the reverse propulsion and stabilized by the device on his back. Releasing his thumbs semi-slowly, he dropped the rest of the way to the ground the way he'd practiced with his father so many times. "Sensei," he greeted, ducking under the punch of a villain with a Quirk that gave her an extra eye on her forehead. Not exactly the strongest power out there, so why she'd chosen a career as a villain when she couldn't enact real change with her weak combat abilities was beyond him. Why not bring attention to whatever issue in society had caused her to go down this path, as it seemed most villains were created that way?
Whatever, the brunet thought as he jammed his fist in her stomach, using his leg to bring her own out from under her. She hit the dirt, Kazue wasting no time in grabbing her head and slamming it into his knee to knock her out cold. It didn't matter at the moment, considering she was part of a group attacking a class of hero students and their teachers.
Eraser Head eyed him warily, his hair shooting straight up.
Kazue snorted, spinning around to deliver a kick to the face of the villain sprinting towards him, followed by an elbow jab to the solar plexus. The man crumpled to the ground with the blow, down for the count, but still conscious. "Oh, ye of little faith," he muttered, knocking the man out in a similar fashion to the previous villain. The teen raised his voice, shifting into more of a fighting stance as he eyed the remaining enemies. "Your Quirk has no effect on me, remember? And there aren't any villains with shapeshifting Quirks here that I know of."
The hero nodded curtly before using his scarf to leap through the air over a villain, grabbing him in its grip only to twist midair and slam the man into the ground with a foot. His hair fell as he remained crouched for a moment, catching his breath. "What's going on?"
"Warp Gate separated everyone a little over ten minutes ago," Kazue reported, eyes narrowing up at Decay and the mutation as what appeared to be the last minor villain closed in. He turned on his heel, raising arm to block a flying kick before grabbing the ankle of the woman, using her momentum to throw her over his shoulder face-first. "To different parts of the facility. They want to kill All Might."
Before Eraser Head could ask how, Decay charged in. The hero flung out his capture weapon and the villain grabbed it, outstretching his hand.
Kazue never got the chance to inform the man what the villain's power was beyond the name as the ground beneath his feet split open without warning, a man with a mole Quirk bursting out and nearly knocking him off his feet. He jammed his thumbs down on the jet boots' controller, shooting up in the air to narrowly avoid getting snatched and dragged under.
Not exactly a great matchup. The man retreated back underground, but Kazue could just barely see the earth rising up in an intractable maze. Meanwhile, he was hovering a good fifteen meters in the air, just out of lunging distance.
Meaning that the brunet had a front row seat to the skin of Eraser Head's elbow getting disintegrated by Decay, as well as the sight of three fellow students hiding at the water's edge.
Mineta Minoru. Asui Tsuyu. And Midoriya Izuku.
Then Kazue noticed that Decay's mutant pet was no longer at his side and nowhere to be seen.
Not me just glossing over the fact that Kazue was straight-up falling through the void for ten minutes-
"I have been fAlLiNg... For tHiRtY MiNutEs!"
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