Nightmares Of Reality
A/N: More dialogue taken directly from Revenge of the Sith. I don't own it so please don't sue.
Several hours later, Padmé wakes up to find Anakin gone from her side.
"Anakin?" she murmurs softly as she sits up to look for him. Sitting up a little more, she notices him walking into one of the other rooms, his robe leaning off of him like a dark shadow.
Padmé blinks her eyes to try and wake herself up a bit more so that she can think clearly. If he's awake then that means something is wrong. Every night that he's spent with her in her apartment have been peaceful ones.
Apparently, tonight is an exception.
Padmé slowly pulls herself up out of her bed and carefully walks down to where Anakin is sitting in her sitting room with direct access to a balcony overlooking the city. She turns the lights on as she approaches him, watching him gaze out over Coruscant. He remains still and continues watching the nightlife fly by as she approaches. Concern and worry etch themselves all over her beautiful features as she takes in her husband's troubled expression. She gently runs her fingers through the ends of his hair to gain his attention and to try to calm him down.
"What's bothering you?" she asks softly, knowing that anything keeping her husband up at this hour cannot be good. Her husband looks her in the eyes and sighs in a defeated manner before moving his gaze downward.
"Nothing," he replies, sliding a gentle smile onto his face and reaching for the japor snippet that she is wearing as a necklace. He carefully takes it in between his thumb and index finger as he gazes at it. "I remember when I gave this to you," he says softly as he holds it and looks up to his wife's gaze. Frustration rolls over Padmé as he ignores her question, her care, and love just to avoid something that is clearly bothering him. Why won't he just tell her what's wrong? She can't take any more of this.
"How long is it gonna take for us to be honest with each other?" she asks him in a frustrated tone. He looks away from her and her frustration raises to a new level at the thought that he might still be ignoring her.
"It was a dream," he answers after a long pause. Concern immediately replaces the frustration Padmé had been previously experiencing towards her husband.
"Bad?" she asks gently. He still doesn't look her in the eyes as he answers.
"Like the ones I used to have about my mother just before she died," he answers, fidgeting nervously as he says this and Padmé immediately worries for him. The nightmares about his mother nearly destroyed him...especially when they came true. The consequences of those nightmares coming true led him to perform some dark acts that, had the situation been different he probably wouldn't have carried them out. That is the sole reason Padmé chooses every day to stay with him. Yes, his brutal murder of the Tusken Raiders is something that throws a red flag to Padmé but she knows that people can change and that it was one mistake. She wants to believe the best in her husband and hopes that this situation will be different.
Because she is a large part of the reason that Anakin did not turn to the Dark Side after the death of his mother. Their love for each other has kept them safe.
"And?" she prompts when he doesn't continue.
"And it was about you," he finishes, looking at her as he says this and then looking away. Padmé feels the tiniest knots of worry growing in her stomach. Forget the fact that they're about her, she remembers his brutal reaction to the loss of his mother. Fear creeps its way into her heart at the thought of every good part of her husband that makes him the wonderful man that he is dying because of her own death. He looks away, clearly troubled by all of this and Padmé reaches out to rub his shoulder in a comforting gesture. She wants to help him. They are married and his burdens must become hers. Even if the dreams are about her, she knows that if they face it together, they may stop them from ever coming true.
"Tell me," she begs gently as she continues to rub his shoulder. A sad look comes across her face at the thought of him suffering. He huffs and stands up, refusing to consider the thought of losing his wife. Padmé can sense the dismissal of her offered help as he walks away and feels worried at the idea of him pushing her out simply because he doesn't want to share the pain of what could happen with her.
"It was only a dream," he says dismissively to confirm what Padmé had thought to be the case earlier. He starts to walk across the room and Padmé follows him. He starts to breathe heavily, causing Padmé to worry even more than before. What could possibly happen to her that could be so bad? Worry creases its own lines across her gorgeous features as she stands up to move with him. He gazes out at the city for a brief moment, contemplating if he should tell her or not before turning around to face her.
"You die in childbirth," is all he says. Padmé feels as though she's been shot. What of her child? She's spent so much time loving this baby only for the possibility that this little life she's been growing inside of her could die with her.
"And the baby?" she asks quickly, raising her hand in a motherly gesture to her baby bump, almost as if to protect the child from experiencing any pain or suffering. Anakin sounds as though he's on the verge of tears when he speaks next,
"I don't know," is the only answer she gets. Padmé feels a brief wave of horror at the previous thought of the baby dying with her coming to mind but then remembers that not all dreams can become real, it doesn't matter how powerful of a heritage Anakin has. The baby and her could both still live.
"It was only a dream," she says to try and placate things. It has to be alright, it just has to be. She will live and so will the baby. She moves closer to him and Anakin simultaneously welcomes her into his space.
"I won't let this one become real," he says determined. Despite all of her worries, Padmé still feels the slightest glimmer of hope that she will survive and will be able to watch their child grow up. They, two individuals who are married, are both deeply entrenched in the matters of the galaxy. There's no way that having a child will be able to stop that change. The baby will make things different for the both of them. She meets his intense gaze and says something that is on her mind.
"This baby will change our lives," Padmé says to Anakin, "I doubt the Queen will continue to allow me to serve in the Senate and if the Council discovers you're the father, you'll be expelled." All of these new worries are surfacing the more she speaks. While the thought of the baby changing their lives had always been in the back of her mind, Padmé has never quite considered the implications of that up until this point. How will both of them be able to pull away from their busy lives in the galaxy?
"I- I know," Anakin cuts her off, interrupting her thoughts. If he can stand to leave the Order, maybe she can stand to leave the Senate, but there has to be another way. A dear friend comes to mind. A dear friend to them both.
"Do you think....Obi-Wan might be able to help us?" she asks timidly. She knows that sometimes Anakin disagrees with his master but they come up with some of the best solutions. The holos talk about their achievements for weeks after they've occurred. Besides, she trusts Obi-Wan with something as important as this. "Or maybe even Zaja-Mar? She knows about the baby already," Padmé suggests again, wishing that her close friend would be able to find some way to help. She watches with hope and fear as Anakin thinks the situation over, his expression troubled as he considers.
"We don't need either of their help," he replies after a moment, "Our baby is a blessing." He smiles at her as he says this and Padmé can feel the hope and reassurance from this statement. This child that she is carrying is theirs, their future, their livelihood. Why shouldn't she and Anakin be excited? Why shouldn't they be free to leave their duties and raise their baby as their own? She leans in to hug him and the two of them embrace for a moment, considering the gravity of the situation unmatched by the hope that Padmé has that both she and the baby will be safe.
After a moment, the two pull apart and Anakin's real hand comes to rest on his wife's belly. Padmé gently places her hand over his own and looks up at him in anticipation.
"There's so much uncertainty," she says softly, "But there's a part of me that knows deep down that you won't lose me or this baby." She watches her husband's reaction to this statement. His brow furrows again as he pulls her close to him. His hand drops from her belly and she sadly pulls her own hand back to her side.
"I just...I just hope you're right," he says and the two of them embrace again.
"Let's go back to bed," Padmé says, "I think more sleep will help you." Anakin nods and she holds his real hand as they walk back to bed. As they climb back into the bed, his arms curl around her once again coming to rest on her pregnant belly. She finds his hands and places her own near his. The two of them fall asleep in each other's arm, holding their baby.
When Padmé wakes up in the morning, Anakin is no longer holding her. She slowly climbs out of bed and finds her commlink to summon her handmaidens.
The minute they arrive, the magic of last night is forgotten. Padmé and the handmaidens prepare her for the long day ahead of her. Dormé starts to help her fix her hair while Sabé prepares breakfast. Ellé and Moteé, who had not been available yesterday in the evening, begin to set up Padmé's dress and help her put on her under-dress to conceal her pregnant belly. Dormé undoes her hair from the style it was in the night before.
"Breakfast is ready!" Sabé calls from the kitchen and Padmé gets up to move only to be stopped by Dormé placing a hand on her shoulder.
"Milady, I'm nowhere near finished with your hair," she says as she brushes the long strands out. Padmé's stomach growls and she feels the baby kick in protest.
"My baby's hungry," Padmé responds, "But take your time." Padmé gently rubs her baby bump through the shirt to soothe her hungry child as Dormé begins to braid her hair. Her mind is still foggy from the events of last night and the implications that they may have. Although, dreams were only dreams and she's heard Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Zaja Mar all talk about how the future is always being in motion. Anakin's dream could be entirely wrong.
"Finished," Domé breaks in to her thoughts and Padmé quickly moves toward the kitchen to eat breakfast. Some of her hair still hangs down as she walks, tickling her bare shoulders.
"Is it alright that I made enough for more than one person?" Sabé asks and Padmé grins at her.
"Of course," she says as she loads her plate and begins eating.
"Milady, Senator Organa informed me that there is a meeting in his office following the meeting in the Senate. Immediately following," Ellé says as she enters the room.
"Please inform Captain Typho of the change in plans. Senator Organa and I have been discussing some important matters recently so I'm certain that this meeting will be very important," Padmé tells Ellé. Sabé eyes her mistress thoughtfully before sitting down next to her at the table. The two of them exchange a look as they eat. Ellé catches the look.
"Is this meeting about something sensitive?" she asks and both women exchange another look.
"It could be," Padmé says before turning to Sabé, Suddenly, a wave of pain attacks her lower abdomen, causing her to gasp out loud. The pain swiftly moves from her back to her front, slicing through her like a lightsaber and causing her to hug her belly. Dormé and Moteé both hurry into the room at the sound.
"Are you alright?" Dormé asks, quickly putting a hand on Padmé's back and she nods quickly.
"It was just another contraction," she says gently as the pain gradually starts to pass. She takes a deep breath and continues to eat her food.
"Milady, are you sure that it's a good idea to go to the meeting? Sabé can go for you if you do not feel well," Dormé suggests but Padmé shakes her head.
"The way the Chancellor has been trying to further the war has several senators concerned," Sabé answers, "Padmé will want to be there herself. This is too important for me to step in."
"What Senator Organa may want to discuss could be something that isn't in the interest of the majority of the Republic. You ladies already lay your lives down for me enough just by being known as my handmaidens. That alone puts a target on each of your backs. We have to be careful," Padmé says softly, "Besides, if this matter is at all sensitive, Organa won't be pleased if we switch out. And it's much more difficult to make Sabé look like she's about to have a baby."
That gains a light laugh from the other women around her and Padmé smiles.
The rest of the morning goes by in a flurry. The medical droid stops to make it's weekly checkup on Padmé and the baby. Ellé and Moteé help Padmé put on her dark purple senatorial gown, making it flow so her baby bump remains hidden. Dormé arranges her hair, sliding the head piece on, twisting the loose strands up into two loops and pinning them to the head piece on either side of her head. Two loops hang loosely, brushing gently against either side of her neck. With that, Padmé is ready to face the Senate.
Captain Typho signals his arrival via commlink and Padmé slowly walks out to the veranda to greet him. He escorts her and Ellé to the Senate and before long, the small group, joined by Jar Jar Binks, is sitting in the Naboo Senate pod
Chancellor Palpatine's platform stands tall in the very center of the room as he discusses the idea of doing away with more amendments to the Galactic Constitution so that he can end the war in the fastest way possible. He also discusses the recent decree of governors sent out to each star system to make sure that things are in favor of the Republic as well as his taking control of the Jedi Council.
Padmé agrees with a swift end to the war but she doesn't like how much harm it's going to bring to the rest of the galaxy. The Chancellor wishes to crush the Separatist opposition at all costs where, in Padmé's opinion it would be more diplomatic to negotiate. Less people typically die in a diplomatic negotiation than an oppressive and swift silencing of the enemy.
Besides, a swift crush would only bring about more pain and conflict than resolve it. The galaxy has seen enough pain to last it a life time. With all of the amendments of the Galactic Constitution falling to pieces, Padmé doubts that the Constitution alone will bring peace to the galaxy. It feels as though her entire career is falling to pieces around her and there is nothing she can do to stop it. She feels the baby kick against her and shifts uncomfortably.
Looking around at the other Senators, she notices Bail Organa and Mon Mothma from Chandrilia exchanging looks. Their gazes flick from each other to looking down at her. Something in their gazes tells Padmé that they feel the same as she does. While things may become dim for the Senate, at least she knows of others who hold similar values to her own.
She can always hold on to the hope that some day very soon, she and Anakin will run off to Naboo to live normal lives together and raise their child. She can watch the galaxy heal from afar. And if she and Anakin can't do anything about it, there's always the hope that something will.
She just wishes that it had never come to this. This is not what she wanted to happen and she's been in politics long enough to know that sometimes things can be difficult, but this is different. This has been going for the last three years. It's divided the galaxy for that entire time and so many systems are threatening to leave the Republic.
And yet, a part of her hopes that things will turn around.
She hardly even listens to the rest of the meeting, too saddened by the events and the signs of the crumbling of something that was once great. The moment it's over, Padmé and Ellé leave the Senate Chamber as quickly as they can. Jar Jar takes off to go to speak with the Chancellor.
"Milady, what's the hurry?" Captain Typho asks. Padmé and Ellé exchange nervous looks but a soft calming voice soon comes to their aid,
"I have an urgent and private need to speak to Senator Amidala."
Senator Mon Mothma steps forward with her hair neatly arranged.
"Why wasn't I...?" Captain Typho begins but Padmé interrupts,
"The matter is very sensitive, Captain. I will summon you when I am through with my business and wish to return to the apartment."
"I forgot to inform you, Captain. My apologies," Ellé says.
"Very well, Milady," the Captain replies with a curt nod of his head, "Ellé, we must be going." Padmé nods to each of them before following Senator Mon Mothma down the hall.
"I'm assuming that, like me you are not impressed with the events that took place in today's meeting," Mon Mothma says the moment the two have some privacy.
To her, the meeting had been an absolute nightmare but she knew she had to play the diplomacy card while they were still in the public parts of the Senate building.
"Some of those events raised a bit of concern," Padmé says, trying to sound indifferent, "but I'm sure it's nothing the galaxy cannot come back from."
"I would not be so sure, Senator," Mon Mothma says gently, "Many of the Chancellor's actions today have done more than raise concern."
Padmé bites her lip as her fellow Senator reads the expression on her face. She thinks the situation through before responding.
"There must be a way to stop the fighting and keep the Republic together," she says after a moment, "That's what we want. With the Chancellor just pushing the fighting forward, all we do is lower our chances of success."
"Senator Organa and I express the same sentiments and we have a proposal for you," Mon Mothma informs Padmé. At that moment, the two approach Bail's office where he is waiting for them.
"You've found her," he says once they enter. A smile spreads across his face at the sight of his friend. Padmé returns the smile before Bail gestures to the seats in his office.
"Of course. She's a valuable member of the Delegation of 2000. Besides, we need to tell her about our petition," Mon Mothma replies.
"The Chancellor cannot keep all of these powers he's accumulated. The Delegation has been discussing this in smaller groups but there needs to be action," Bail says authoritatively.
"Yes, but we need to do it in a diplomatic way. That's our whole point, isn't it? We want to negotiate, not fight," Padmé answers, "We need a petition to see who our allies truly are. If the Chancellor can end the fighting, he must restore his emergency powers and the amendments that he broke back to the Senate."
Bail and Mon Mothma exchange looks and Padmé begins to wonder if she said something wrong.
"There's one issue we're not quite sure of," Mon Mothma replies, "We're afraid the Chancellor may not return these powers even with a petition."
Padmé straightens up at the blunt accusation. The Chancellor has been someone who the galaxy has always looked to to pull them out of difficult situations. Why would he want to work against them?
"The way he seemed to ignore every amendment and how quickly these emergency powers came into play is concerning, Senator. Concerning enough that we're not sure if the Chancellor should be trusted," Bail says.
"Do you realize what you're saying?" Padmé cries out, "That is a very bold accusation, Senator!"
"I'm aware but, it's something that could be a very real possibility," Bail remarks.
"Do you have any proof besides the emergency powers and the amendments?" Padmé asks him.
"Not yet," Mon Mothma says softly, "The way he handles the war is the only proof we have at this point."
"I'm not sure I can agree to this at this time," Padmé says, "Even this meeting could be seen as treason."
"Trust me. We are fully aware and we don't like the situation either, Senator. But, considering how the war has gone, it's something that we must keep in mind," Bail advises.
"Then what is there to discuss?" Padmé asks, "I'm going to begin writing a petition for the other Senators to sign but other than that, there's nothing we can do right now." Bail and Mon Mothma exchange another look.
"We're staging an underground Loyalist network," Mon Mothma finally answers softly, "A network meant to persevere the peace and unity of the Republic.....even if the Chancellor threatens it."
"A rebellion?" Padmé gasps, "Senators....."
"No, not a rebellion," Bail says quickly, "We want to persevere peace, not destroy it."
"This is beginning to sound like a Separatist plot," she says, "How do I know you haven't been talking with the Separatists?"
"We haven't been....we honestly were not anticipating this most recent move made by them," Bail replies.
"The Separatists are only fighting to further their own gains. We wish to restore peace, unity and order to the galaxy in the best interests of the entirety of the Republic," Mon Mothma says.
"I understand that but, going against the Chancellor....." Padmé trails off. A fresh wave of anguish tumbles over her as she thinks through the situation.
"Is a last resort," Bail finishes just as a protocol droid enters the room informing the group that some of the other Senators have arrived.
"The thought of it sickens me," Padmé says as she fights a strong urge to lash out and then cry at her situation. Why does she have to feel so trapped? She knows Anakin and the Chancellor work well together. Perhaps she can convince him to get the Chancellor to change his mind. It would be risky. He seemed very shaken up from his nightmares. Her loyalty to her husband confuses her loyalty to her job and to the Republic and even to herself. But, she loves Anakin. She can't just leave him especially with these nightmares and besides, there is always the chance that things can turn around for the better.
Maybe the war can be ended in more diplomatic ways.
The other Senators enter the room, shooting Padmé glances laced with suspicion and she shifts uncomfortably trying to hide her baby bump. A few minutes more and the last Senator arrives. Bail moves to start the meeting.
"Welcome, Senators. We have much to discuss," he says.
Padmé turns around her seat, folds her hands in her lap and waits to see what will happen next.
A/N: The plot swings into motion. Anakin and Padmé take their first steps into exploring a larger world.
Haha. Get the reference? XD
Anyways, we're getting some of our sneak peeks at the "secret meetings" that eventually wind up at the formation of the Rebellion...very loosely but they do.
This ending scene is actually my own but the scene at the beginning of the next chapter is indeed a deleted scene.
I've loved getting do the research on the Delegation of 2000 for this book and just all of the different plot lines going on in the background that we never got to see in the actual movie.
Mon Mothma and Padmé's friendship is one that I'm thrilled to explore a bit more (because I feel that even what I've seen of TCW doesn't really show us that much) and I feel that Mothma is facing the facts a little better than Padmé is at this point (she'll catch on but it might take her a minute).
Padmé is married to Anakin and Anakin likes/trusts the Chancellor. The Chancellor is also from Padmé's home planet of Naboo. Padmé is also about peace and she doesn't really want to cause problems unless they KNOW they need to. This is a fun aspect of her character that really provides a strong backbone for her throughout this entire book.
Also, I'm sorry if the Senate scenes ever seem dry. I struggle to write politics.
Anyways, I hope you're enjoying this and that I'm writing everyone in canon well!! Thanks so much for voting, commenting or whatever it is you do!!
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