Chapter 5
Dancing Queen | 05
"ONE, TWO, THREE- DAMN IT Harriet, not again!"
Harriet groaned. "I'm sorry. But your legs are really long and make me feel unsafe!"
Daniel grimaced. "Well your legs are super short and make me feel like a walking tree."
Ignoring him, she sat down with a defeated sigh. I'm so tired, she lamented to herself. Tired of this shit.
"No, no no no no," Daniel placed his hands on his hips. If he added an apron and a skillet, he would have looked like a stern mom. "We are not stopping until you learn how to freaking move your feet in a nice way."
"Okay Mr. Perfect," Harriet yawned, walking up to him. She was tired of his shit, but she was also determined to show him that her feet were not just nice, but freaking danceballs that were going to wreck havoc on anything they touched. Her hands closed around his.
It's just a dance, she reminded herself.
Then, why was her heart beating so fast? Oh yeah, she had been dancing for a good five hours. (Maybe more? She never physically moved this much ever in her life).
Daniel looked surprised for a moment, before his face became pink. "What are you doing?"
Harriet raised her eyebrow at him. She was good at looking calm, even though her insides were starting to burn with uncertainty. "We're doing your choreo, stupid. You did this."
Daniel's flustered face disappeared, and Harriet pushed away her disappointment at losing her ability to make him blush. The only time she felt powerful over him.
Not to mention, he didn't look bad with red cheeks.
"A one, two, three, go."
▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
Harriet roamed the school, musing over why Wright had called her in today. Was it the graffiti on the wall? Because that wasn't her, it was Farrah Westworth. Or maybe it was the list of medically proven, guys who had STD's in her school that had magically appeared on the bulletin board?
Harriet smirked. She spent a lot of time getting to know the receptionist at the local hospital to find that.
The bell jingled as she walked into the principal's office.
Wright smiled. "Harriet! Please, sit down."
Harriet obliged, preoccupied with wondering if she was going to get a detention, or not.
Principal Wright looked expectantly at Harriet. "So, how is the preparation going?"
Harriet snapped her head up, confused. "What?"
"The preparation for the competition, of course!"
Realization sunk in. Harriet tried to dispel the image of Daniel's pink face out of her head. She didn't try to understand why that was the first thought going through her mind. "It's going... okay."
Wright nodded her head. "Good."
Harriet huffed. "Is this really why you called me to the principal's office?"
Principal Wright looked guilty. "Actually no. You're mom called. She told me to tell you that something happened at the hospital."
Harriet's eyes widened. "Why didn't you tell me that before?" She hissed, before jumping out of her seat, ignoring the principal's protests.
"Harriet, if you could-"
"Yeah, yeah. Was it my brother?"
Wright sighed. "Yes".
Harriet cursed silently. "Did she... tell you anything?"
Wright frowned. "No... She didn't." She sighed again. "Listen, Harriet. If you want, I could tell attendance that you will be leaving early today. Whatever happened, you can call your mother and have her pick you up."
Harriet nodded. "Thanks bro- er, Mrs. Wright." Then she bolted out of the room.
Damn it. If it's Isaac again...
Harriet turned a corner and slammed into (surprise!) Daniel.
"Woah there!" Daniel scowled. "Watch where you're going Stevie Wonder!"
Harriet let out a flustered apology. No get lost dracula! or even the classic, shut up loser! Nope, just a flubbering, "Ah-ma-bluh s-sorry." Then she pushed past him and jogged out of the building. Daniel gaped at her retreating form.
"Damn, wonder what got her knickers in a twist," he mumbled, slinking back to class.
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