Chapter 19
autumn and leaves being burts and bees | 19
THE NEXT DAY, HARRIET HAD accidently turned on the shower while she was still in her pajamas, and spilled her cereal on the floor, but she couldn't stop smiling. Maybe it was the fact that they won thirteenth place in the competition (and the crowd-turner award), or maybe it was the whopping extra credit which boosted her overall grades to sparkling A's (courtesy of Mrs. Wright). Or maybe...
Harriet felt her cheeks pink, the image of brown hair and freckles flashing in her vision. She was so proccupied with the thought that she missed the glimmering puddle in front of her.
"Ack!" Harriet yelled, before losing her footing and plopping on the ground. Water started to seep in through her jeans, the coldness making her curse in sputtering intervals.
"Stupid," she shrieked, frantically brushing at her wet bottom. She looked like she had been holding in her pee for too long.
Harriet didn't know what to do, she had to get to class in fifteen minutes. There was no way she could run back to her house and swap pants, unless she wanted to get her thirty-seconded tardy slip of the year. "Stupid, stupid, stupid."
"Stupid what?" A sonorous voice asked from behind her. Harriet jumped a good twenty feet in the air before turning around. Daniel regarded her with warm curiosity, his head cocked to the side like a confused dog.
"Wha-I-It's-," Harriet started to stutter, then remembered the conspicuous stain on her pants and frantically turned around in a vain attempt to hide it. "Nothing," she yelled too loudly, backing into the safety of a nearby tree. She heard the rustle of his laugh, a deep rumbling chuckle.
"Come out, Harriet," he said, "I'm not the only one who saw you slip on that puddle."
Her face burned. She poked her head out of the sanctuary of the tree and ended up staring into the face of Daniel Mormon. He seemed to be glowing, his smile wide and broad. He inched a little closer to her, and Harriet didn't think it was possible, but his smile widened.
"Better," he whispered, and Harriet felt her breath hitched. She was about to launch a go-fund-me campaign for another heart when he suddenly backed up, his smiled unwavering.
She unknowingly was leaning in, breathing in his faint cologne. It smelled like aftershave and strawberries. A really weird but surprisingly satisfying combination.
She defiantly straightened, trudging out of the shadows. She tried not to appear frazzled. "Why are you here, Daniel?" She said, though it sounded like a half-hearted mumble. He grinned.
"I saw your unfortunate accident," he chuckled a little, and Harriet felt her cheeks burst into flames again, "And I came to help."
He showed her the fluffy hoodie he held in his hand, and Harriet couldn't help but yelp in relief. She eagerly started to run towards it, but stopped a moment later. She relished the momentary surprise on his face.
"If you think you can woo me with a hoodie, you're wrong," she stated, even though her heart was about to run away.
Daniel shrugged, his dazzling smile back on his face. "At least I tried," his smile turned mischievous, "But I have a lot more tricks, don't worry."
He started to walk towards her, and Harriet felt herself lean towards him as he cupped her face and planted a sweet little kiss on her lips. Her nerves let out a jolting shock at the touch of his fingers, his lips soft on hers. He broke the kiss after a second, leaving her to unceremoniously gasp.
"Did it work?" he murmured.
Harriet shook her head, "No. Not even close."
He pouted. "But I used burts bees," he complained. Harriet punched him, hard, on the shoulder. Out of her trance, Harriet regained her composure and maturely stuck her tongue out at him. She snatched the hoodie, shrugged it on (it went down to her mid-thigh), and started to walk in the other direction. She could hear Daniel yelp and start to prod after her, so with difficulty, she tried to stifle her effervescent smile.
She felt his arm brush against her shoulder, and she shivered despite the warmth of the hoodie. "You owe me," he laughed, keeping pace with her.
"I'll make it up with a kiss," she replied, and celebrated when she saw his face lighten up. "Just kidding," she said, and he frowned.
"Not funny," he replied, though his lips quirked up in his signature smirk.
"I'm not a funny person," she shot back, and almost jolted when she felt his hands intertwine with hers. They continued to hold hands as they made their way to school.
Harriet thought about the last few weeks, about how everything changed in such short time. Her hand fit snugly in his. She felt a faint tugging on her lips. His breathing was slow, and calm, like the breeze. She looked up and met his gaze, before grinning and stopping to plant a chaste kiss on his lips. Daniel looked at her, shocked, before blushing and looking away.
It didn't matter if she was the unluckiest person in the world. It didn't matter if no one thought they could be together. None of it mattered, because she was here, holding his hand. None of it mattered because she was always going to be Harriet Henchman, and he was always going to be Daniel Mormon. Together they were an explosion.
And for once, she realized that maybe that's how it was meant to be.
She tightened her grip, and stepped into school.
NOTE: guys. *sniff* it's over. I can't believe I actually finished it. I finished mother lucker, and it's all thanks to you. Your support has overwhelmed me and I could sit here blubbering all day but I just want to say thank you. Thank you thank you thank you. I love you guys.
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