Chapter 13
tumble weeds and dorky teens | 13
DANIEL FELT LIKE HE WAS walking in a dream. His whole vision was blurry to the extent that he felt like he was high, even though he never had the pleasure of ever getting high in the first place.
Also, he didn't really get much sleep the night before.
But nevertheless, he was persevering. He had managed to pull himself through his morning classes, (And avoid Colton along the way), so all he had to do was get through lunch, three more periods, four hours of homework, and soccer practice, until finally, he would try and get a good night sleep.
Daniel grimaced. Why did he stay up so late, anyways? He had finished his homework way before scedhule. All he did was go to Harriet's house and almost kiss her, but there was no way Daniel was going to accept that that was the reason Daniel had fourteen minutes of sleep.
No. No no no no.
Daniel shook his head in denial. He was so focused on trying to convince himself that he wasn't thinking about her, that he almost didn't notice the wild mane of curls just below of peripheral vision.
Daniel's feet stopped. Move, stupid feet, move, Daniel begged silently, but turned around when his feet stayed rooted. Harriet was sitting on the floor, unpacking a sandwhich. To Daniel's relief (and dismay) she didn't seem to have noticed him.
Before Daniel could think twice, he turned around and plopped himself right next to her.
(What is wrong with him?)
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Harriet knew that she was destined to be an opera singer.
The moment Daniel had collapsed to her side, Harriet had let out such an eardrum-bursting, glass-shattering scream, that she was half expecting Renée Fleming to walk through the nearest door and offer her a job.
Daniel groaned. "Oww."
Harriet clasped her chest, willing her heart to stop hyperventilating. What was he doing here? Daniel lazily looked at her; his face the epitome of serenity.
"What?- I don't understand-?"
Harriet didn't know that Daniel was actually shitting himself in his brain, and he intended to keep it a secret for as long as he was alive.
He shrugged.
"You looked lonely."
Harriet scowled, her heart beat was slowing down. "Yara isn't here today." A short sigh escaped her lips. "Either way, it's my favorite spot to eat. Thanks for ruining it."
Daniel chuckled lowly to himself, and Harriet involuntarily savored the way his laughter made the room heat up in a sunny, warm way.
Leave, you stupid peasant, before I realize that this isn't too bad.
Knowing that she couldn't make him leave (and that she was starting to like his company, damn it), she resorted to continue unpacking her sandwhich. She took a big bite.
"Is that peanut butter and pickles?"
Harriet stopped chewing, and turned her head incredulously toward him. "How did you-" Her voice was muffled with the food in her mouth.
Daniel started to laugh. Actually, it wasn't a laugh. He was wheezing, in shallow exhales that made him sound like he was gasping for breath and screeching.
And she was immensely enjoying it.
Even though he sounded like a seal.
"I," he gasped, "I thought I was the only one who liked it."
Harriet wanted to roll her eyes, but also jump in excitement. Her heart hurt by how confused she was feeling.
Before she could decide, Daniel plucked the sandwich out of her hands.
"Hey!" She screeched, momentarily forgetting about the problem she was having with her heart.
Daniel eyed it with taste. "Man, I haven't had one of these in so-"
Harriet reached over and attempted a grab. Daniel reflexively put his arm in the air, adding probably twenty feet to her target. Stupid long arms.
Harriet huffed. "Don't eat other people's food! Haven't you learned about herpes?"
Daniel raised an eyebrow. "You have herpes?"
Realizing her mistake, a slow, burning sensation crawled up her cheeks."I do not."
Daniel smiled. "Then no worries." He made a move to take a bite, and Harriet lunged for him. No one was going to eat her sandwich and get away with it.
The scene that occured next, played out in a slow-motion where Harriet and Daniel didn't notice what was truly happening until it was too late.
Harriet crashed into him, and they both tumbled to the ground in a one-sided wrestling match (Daniel was laughing too hard). She then continued to clumsily grabbed for her sandwich, not noticing that she was getting dangerously close to his face.
Too late.
They both were breathing heavily by the time they realized that they were too close. Harriet got a sudden, violent feeling of dejàvu, and she immediatley thought back to the night before.
When she thought Daniel was going to kiss her.
This is ridiculous, she thought, uneasily staring into the deep ocean of his irises. They were quite a wonderful color, she had to admit. She felt lost just staring into them. A castaway drifting at sea. There is no way he would kiss me.
I'm Harriet Benchman. His arch-nemesis. His polar opposite.
"Harriet," Daniel whispered, then closed his eyes and gulped. When he opened them again, there were one- thousand-and-one emotions swimming in their own shapes of distinctiveness. She shivered at the way her name rolled off his tongue. Harriet.
However, before one of them could maybe bend over (and satisfy those raging hormones, yeesh), the bell rang, jolting them out of the bubble there were caught in, and back into reality.
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Yes I did update before but it was the wrong chapter (oops)
whoever read it: good for you, you just read something that doesn't exist ;)
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