Chapter 12
dance, dance, shake that booty | 12
HARRIET WANTED NOTHING more than to lie down in her bed and sleep for twenty years. Never in her life, did she expect she would encounter so much drama in such a little time span.
She got groped, stopped a fight, kicked someone in the nuts, and helped Daniel in one freaking day. She needed a break.
So why in the world was he standing right outside her door?
"Daniel, I swear to god-" Harriet didn't even try to sound angry, she was too exhausted.
"Just hear me out, okay?" Daniel pleaded, wincing every time he agitated his split lip.
Harriet didn't want to. She really didn't. She wanted to slam the door in his face and run to her bed and forget about the world and the problems revolving around Daniel. But her body stayed put in front of the door.
"I just want to apologize for Colton," Daniel grimaced, reminiscing. "But I'm also sorry for punching him. I don't know. I'm sorry but I'm not. I'm not sorry because he fucking molested you, but I'm also sorry because I feel like you didn't want me to do that."
Harriet was surprised at how spot-on Daniel was. "Is that all?"
Daniel broke out into a grin.
"Actually, no." He peeked through her door. "The competition is in two days, Benchman. You didn't expect that I was going to forget, right?"
Harriet mentally wailed. The competition! With all the drama that was happening around her, she completely forgot.
"Practice?" She complained, exasperated. "Why now? I'm weak Daniel. I just kicked someone in the nuts and hurt my knee."
Daniel's eyebrows shot up through the roof. "You kicked Colton in the nuts?"
Harriet ignored him. She started to limp away from him, pantomiming a pained expression. "Oh, god, the pain."
"I can see that," Daniel deadpanned, before shaking his head and entering her house.
Harriet was starting to get used to it, which annoyed her to no end.
"Come on," Harriet was astounded at how fast Daniel's mood had switched. "One last time, all right?"
▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
"You know, if we add a twirl and a dip at the end, we might end in time."
Harriet was sweating so much, she really didn't want Daniel to dip her. Meanwhile, Daniel wasn't even breaking a sweat. Harriet slumped on the ground.
Lucky bast-
"Or maybe a lift?" Daniel cut off her thought, eyeing her up and down. "Nah, I don't think a lift is possible."
Harrier sat up indignantly. "Hey!"
Daniel shrugged, resuming his brainstorming. Harriet sighed, absentmindedly reciting their step sequence in her head. One, two, three, step right, twirl, jump and arms in the air...
"We'll do a dip!" Daniel decided finally, an excited glint in his eyes. "Come on, let's try it."
Harriet shrugged. "Whatever." She got up and stood next to him. Daniel pressed a button on his phone and the tangy, upbeat music started to play.
One, two, three, step right...
Harriet took pride in the fluidity that came with her movements. Just a few weeks ago, she could barely twirl without tripping on her own feet, and now,
she was twirling in circles.
She spun once when the music turned slightly dramatic, a light drum beat echoing in the background.
She didn't like to admit it, but she enjoyed the way Daniel and her moved in sync together, complimenting eachother's moves.
"The dip is almost here," Daniel reminded, sounding breathless and energetic at the same time.
"How are we-" Harriet didn't finish before Daniel grabbed her arm, twirled her around like a torpedo, and dipped in her in one final movement.
They both were looking at eachother, breathing heavily. Harriet's heart was pounding, but she didn't know whether it was from exhaustion or their proximity.
The music gave its finale, and stopped. Daniel knew at the back of his head that he was suppose to let her go, but his arms stayed in their spot.
And why couldn't he stop looking down at her lips?
Harriet was starting to feel dizzy. Was he getting closer, or-
In one panicked gesture, Daniel dropped Harriet. She yelped in surprise, but her trusty reflexes failed her as she hit the ground.
A conflicted glint shone in Daniel's eyes. "Yeah, that'll work." He seemed even more breathless than before, even though he had some time to regain his energy.
Harriet groaned and rubbed her head. "How about next time, you don't drop me like a sack of potatoes?"
The moment lost, Daniel lazily smirked.
"I'll try to remember not to."
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