The thirteenth tag
I was tagged by RunnerGirl11
Let's get it started
Eyha let's get it started in here! (If you get that you get a cookie (: :)
....ok I'm just gonna start now
1. Name?
Just. Doggo.
2. Height?
Like 5'2 or something. But idk. I'm still quite young lol
3. Weight?
Hahahahah like I'm already insecure about that and I'm gonna tell a bunch if strangers on the internet? (No offense my friends)
4. Age?
I'm a minor. That's all your getting.
5. Girl bestfriend?
Ugh your making me choose between my friends and family? *sigh* plz dont take offense you are all amazing.
sherlockian_demigod is my best friend.
6. Guy bestfriend?
Umm non of my friends have made it clear if they are male or not....if your a male and your reading this and you know me, then congratulations you are my new guy bf.
7. Last hug?
Saturday when I left my grandmas. I think yo u can guess who the hug was from.
8. Crush?
9. Ever fell in love?
I mean I dont think so. I have had crushes before but i dont think I've ever fallen like in hard-core love, like imagining a future together. Yeah no.
10. Favorite food?
Umm either pizza (I know boring) or french toast.
11. Favorite color?
The pretty orange.
12. Who texted you last? When?
My irl friend (not gonna say their name) during class. Shush hush I know I know.
13. Longest relationship?
Jokes on you! I've never had one!
14. Battery percentage?
15. Eye color?
16. Addiction?
YouTube....I have a problem with animatics...
17. Favorite animal?
Either an elaphant, wolf or my brethren the doges
18. Favorite singer/band
The Score
19. Had a piercing?
Nope. Not even my ears.
20. Ever sang in the shower?
Oooooh no. We have pretty thin walls in my house and if I sang my family would hear it on the other side of the house. My room on the other hand~
21. One wish?
Probably to not be able to regenerate...its lonely living for so long...hey but I got the doctor! Actually...I lost him about 200 years ago and I have no idea where or when in all the galaxies he is. Soooo
But seriously it would be to see my older self...just so she could tell me it will get better. That would be the best moment of my life...
22. Country you live in?
The good ol horrible place of the US of A
23. Best time of your life?
I'm not sure if I've had one...but I'm sure it will come along :)
24. Pets?
Yes! A great dane named Braxton (plz be thinking of my doggy brother because he has pneumonia )': ) and a beagle dalmatian mix named Bambam. We also foster great danes so we have them coming in and out about every month.
25. Plan on getting married?
If I find the right person.
26. First kiss?
Bold of you to assume I have had any romantic contact in my short life.
27. Insecure?
Oh this is a whole truck of baggage to unpack. If you dont want to listen to me complaing about the tiniest little thing that I have no reason to be complaining about, please skip to #28
So my biggest insecurity is my body. I just- I hate it. Sometimes I feel kinda confident but them most of the time I feel like retreating into my own mind and becoming invisible so people dont have to look at me.
Then theres my face. That horrible goblin-acne covered-yellow teethed ugly girl. I just want to push her out of existence-
Then there my voice. Like, what even is it? My voice is like this screechy England-Ireland-scottosh-austrlaian mixture and its horrible.
AND THEN theres my personality which I wont get really into. Let's just say the only thing about myself that I'm not insecure about is my writing abilities and my academic talents :)
28. Ever self harmed?
Define self harmed. Going almost the whole day with intentionally eating virtually nothing? Oh many times.
Cutting or injuring yourself physically? Oh hades no. I dont have the guts for that.
29. Who you love?
All my OC's, Annabeth Chase, Merlin and the list goes on.
30. Miss anyone rn?
Literally all of my friends which is at least 4/5 of my grade. But my oldest and best friends especially.
31. Hair color?
Darker blonde on the under side lighter on the top. It's natural btw.
32. Relationship status?
33. Last song you listened to?
Wolf in Sheeps Clothing by The Score. That is a banger song. It makes you feel like such a bada** listening to it.
34. Ever cried yourself to sleep?
*remembers Nov. 13th last year*
Nope...nOpE nOt At AlL
*tears up*
if you know what happened that day you either did the same or at least teared up :(
35. Biggest fear?
Dieing and not leaving an impact on anyone's life or being forgotten by my lived ones (while still living lol)
36. Believe in ghosts?
I mean if I had a reason to believe they existed I would but I dont really so idk.
37. Been depressed?
I dont think so.
38. Felt lonely?
Very much so.
39. Changed clothes in car?
Many times.
When I was in second grade my piano lessons started like 15 minutes after school on Tuesdays, so my mom would pick me up bringing both a change of clothes and a snack, and I would change out of my school uniform in the car then eat like a granola bar or something and arrive at the private lessons.
40. Something you hate?
I can't stomach it.
Just the smell makes me gag
41. Something you would change about yourself?
Refer to #27 to see a list of things I'm insecure about, and in turn, a list of things I would change about myself.
42. Opinion about second chance?
Depending on what the person did. If its something small then sure, but if it's a horrible thing like cheating on your partner than hell no
43. You like yourself?
Not alot
44. Sleep with the door open or closed?
Definetly closed. I cant sleep any other way.
Ok I dont wanna tag 25 so imma do 10
Ok byyyyeeeeeeee
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