Mary Watsdied
Holy crap I'm still amazed that this bad writing has 29k views... it's probably people clicking to see and then leaving tbh
Also I'm running out of names so if you watch Sherlock you probably hate me for this name
So, I said more Percabeth fluff, y'all will get more Percabeth fluff. This chapters going to be slightly lighter contexts and stuff just a simple meet...heh
So if your looking for something...
I'm sorry I'll stop
My name is Mary, I have short brown hair that falls at my shoulders and bright blue eyes. I attend a high school in San Francisco that is relatively small, everybody knows everyone here. However you would think this would be a nice and kind 'small town' kind of area, but no. It's like the popular's are a group of trained Hitlers and we are their prey. You think i'm being dramatic, but honestly, they are 'well behaved angels' according to teachers, they don't know how they act behind their back. Pushing and shoving, sleeping around, stealing, hell I wouldn't be surprised if some of them actually got away with murder.
Anyway enough about me, I get carried away a lot. My best friend in this school is Annabeth Chase, you've probably defiantly heard of her.
She's beauty, she's grace, she'll punch you in the face. She's that kind of girl.
Everyone either loves her or hates her, if you're a popular girl you hate her, anyone else loves her for the most part and they don't even know her! Although, if they did know her, they would probably like her even more. That was just the kind of person she was, even with her slightly stoic attitude she was always funny and hard working. She was the top of the class. So lets just say, when she was called to the office everyone was shocked to say the least.
It was in the morning just before school started and the loud ringing echoed through the hallway, which seemed like the entire school. Everyone hushed for a moment so the announcement could be heard, and then all conversation stopped and every head turned looking towards Annabeth. Her name was called to the office.
Being honest, even I was a little flustered. She seemed shocked too.
"Did you get and award or something?" I asked her. Taking up her pace and walking with her to the office, I usually tag along anywhere she goes at school. Being honest she's one of my only friends. I know, Clingy.
"No, not recently." she replied to me, slightly puzzled herself at why she would be called to the office, I wonder what she must be thinking, I would be freaking out. I guess she really doesn't have anything to worry about though.
"OoOoh did little miss perfect get in twouble?" Asked the alpha of popular girls, Johnette. She went by Jo though.
God, I hated how she looked down on everyone with her perfect makeup-less face and beautiful pixie cut that made her look all superior. (Breaking stereotypes ooh) It irked me so much.
Of course, Annabeth being Annabeth just rolled her eyes.
Finally, what was pretty much the entire school, had followed us to the office. Everyone was curious as to what The Miss Chase could possibly be called to the office for. Before we could go into the actual office though, the door flung open.
"Heya, Wise girl." a incredibly hot guy swung out the door, he hung onto the door frame for a second with mischievous grin on his face, and oh my god you should see her reaction.
I had honestly never seen her smile so genuinly and so, well, lovingly. It was like her entire body had been overridden by a love sick teen, and his stature had changed to match. Actually, no, it wasn't like a love sick teen, It seemed like more. As if they would do anything together, they would stay through thick and thin, it didn't seem the same as a stupid teen fling, Annabeth in all hadn't seemed to change. She just showed a lot of love. Which was different. Really different. Especially towards a guy, as in a relationship way.
Obviously, I was the only one to notice this in the school of thick headed brats.
Sorry, it's true.
"Seaweed Brain!" Annabeth yelled and jumped to the guy, him catching her in his his arms and burying his face into her neck. It was soft, and if the hall wasn't entirely baffled, it would probably be missed but in almost perfect unison you could hear it.
"I missed you so much" It was barley a whisper, meant for just the two of them, unknowing that it had been heard by someone else. It was in such a desperate and love filled voice, I almost wanted to cry at how much they must have really missed each other.
When they broke apart from the hug they shared a quick kiss. It was so endearing even I almost couldn't stand it. Almost.
And then Annabeth hit him over the head with her hand. Typical.
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?!" she voiced in reply to his slight groan
"Why did you hit me?" 'Seaweed Brain' whined
"Because you didn't tell me you were coming, and I missed you."
"Oh so you hit me?" the guy laughed and rubbed the back of his head, feigning hurt
My best friend smirked lightheartedly, "Sorry, it's a habit."
"At least it wasn't a judo flip this time!"
Wait whAT?
"Okay, but you deserved it that time." This time they both laughed and I swear I have never seen two people so in love. I wish I could have that kind of love.
However their sweet moment came to an end when Jo had to walk up with her perfect body and swaying hips, she stood in between the couple and put her hand on his chest in such a seductive way even I had fell for a second and she took a side glance at what I thought was me. During that vague eye contact, the guy stepped away and closer to Annabeth again, putting his hand around her waist.
"Oh, won't you tell me your name?" pouted the popular
"My names Percy and i'm taken." Well duh.
"By who? That nerd, common. I'm hot, you're hot, she's not." We made eye contact again.
"For your information, 'that nerd' is so much more than hot, she is absolutely stunningly beautiful and she is so brilliant and amazing that I don't even need to defend her because we both know she's how strong and great she is, but the thing is, I love her. and I definitely don't love you." Percy sassed. Well damn, just call him Persassy; but that was really adorable.
It was astonishing when she nodded and backed off right away. Maybe she could actually see how much they really loved each other and isn't as stupid as I thought. Never judge a book by its cover, I guess.
Wait, no. If I had judged her by her cover I would have thought she would be a kind-hearted and sweet girl with consideration for others feelings. Maybe she was just trying to make someone jealous and it didn't work? What if she had actual feelings?
Johnette turned around and her arm brushed mine for just a second but I could feel the blush that rose to my cheeks and then she was gone.
How long was this morning anyway? Shouldn't the bell have rang already? Oh god I'm becoming self aware.
I better start talking before I start thinking about my existence.
"Sooo this is you're boyfriend? You guys seem like a really good couple." Said I
Annabeth spoke a quick, "Yep." while Percy replied with the ever so proud, "thats me!"
The pair shared a look and Percy spoke up as the bell finally actually rang and the halls started clearing.
"I think were gonna go..." He shared a look with Annabeth as if to get approval, "Yeah! were going to get going!" he grinned when Annabeth nodded and took her hand, both heading towards the front doors. Turning around Percy waved at me and Annabeth smiled.
"Bye Mary, see you later" she half-shouted
I spun around and walked to class taking in what had happend. They had been so amazingly in love, a couple that was bound to last for centuries. Taking my seat I wondered if I would ever find a love like that, someone I could trust with my whole being. Subconsciously I glanced over at Jo who sat at the opposite side of the class. I wanted a love like Annabeth had with Percy. It was so pure and beautiful.
and that's how I met Percabeth.
Kinda repetitive-ish but eh I liked it. I hope yall enjoyed the Chapter aaaanddd
Piece out ✌️
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