Henry Bold
Okay so it's my spring break right now so I'm going to try to update more it will probably still be pretty slow though sorry this ones going to be a little different it's not exactly Percabeth but as I was going to sleep this song came on and this is what I though of for some reason so I decided to right it down.
Annabeths POV
Ugh I can't believe this! The school is hosting a talent show and the school just HAD to make it for extra credit! And because I'm supposedly the 'Golden Girl' I'm entering like who came up with that?!? I have know idea how it happened but now I'm in the talent show so I decided to sing Percy had convinced me to but he can't make it here because he has his own school in New York Sally's making him Attend but Thalia is coming for it. This is going to be so embarrassing. Currently I'm waiting backstage ready to sing
Lost Boy by Ruth B I chose it because it reminds me of well me I connect to it the most I guess here we go
There was a time when I was alone
No where to go and no place to call home
My only friend was the man on the moon and even sometimes he'd go away to
Then night as I closed my eyes I saw a shadow flying high
He came to me with the sweetest smile told me he wanted to talk for a while
He Said Peter Pan that's what they call me I promise that you'll never be lonely
And ever since that day...
I am a lost boy from never land usually hanging out with Peter Pan and when we're bored we play in the woods always on the run from Captain Hook. Run run lost boy they say to me away from all of reality
Neverland is home to lost boys like me lost boys like me are free
never land is home to lost boys like me and lost boys like me are free
He sprinkled me in pixie dust and told me to believe
Believe in him and believe in me
And we'd fly away in a cloud of green to out beautiful destiny
As we scored around the town that never loved me I realized I finally had a family. At this part I couldn't help but look at Thalia memories of Luke keep resurfacing I should have never chose this song
Soon enough we reached Neverland
Peacefully my feet hit the sand
And ever since that day I am a lost boy from never land
Usually hanging out with Peter Pan
And when we're bored we play in the woods
Always on the run from Captain Hook
Run run lost boy they say to me away from all of reality
Never land is home to lost boys like me
And lost boys like me are free
Neverland is home to lost boys like me and lost boys like me are free
Peter Pan, tinker bell, Wendy darling, even Captain Hook you are my perfect story book
Neverland I love you so
You are now my home sweet home
Forever a lost boy at last
Peter Pan, tinker bell, Wendy darling, even Captain Hook you are my perfect story book
Neverland I love you so
You are now my home sweet home
Forever a lost boy at last
And for always I will sing..
I am a lost boy from never land
Usually hanging out with Peter Pan
And when we're bored we play in the woods
Always on the run from Captain Hook
Run run lost boy they say to me away from all of reality
Neverland is home for lost boys like me and lost boys like me are free
Neverland is home for lost boys like me and lost boys like me are free
Everyone started to clap tears formed in my eyes I went backstage as quick as possible without completely running no one noticed at least Thalia approached and hugged me I know she thinking about it to. Finally I spilled I couldn't help it
"Thalia, Memories Luke I" she hugged me tighter but it wasn't just for me she needed it to
"I know it's okay"
"The. When I ran way and It's just like Neverland is Camp and Peter Pan was Luke, he even said that when I met you guys, then you guys became my family and the Lost boys are the Campers (Demigods) Capitan hook are the Monsters and and it's just" I cried into Thalia this hole time I never cry in public but this was to much
"Hey everything is going to be okay, I miss him to. A lot" she pulled away and looked at me
Henry Bolds POV
I went to go tell Annabeth she was amazing and she'd get my vote see I'm her best friend and know everything about her! I was going to ask her out when she won tonight I've never actually heard her sing but she's really amazing at it (it's AmaZhang mortal *Rolls eyes*) as I was walking back stage I saw this Punk girl and Annabeth talking so I did the natural thing and waited until I noticed My Annie crying the I decided to listen because she never cries and I mean it (not going to repeat the convo it's the one above)
Woah! So Annabae ran away there's no way she did that she's a golden girl she Perfect there's absolutely n okay she ran away because that would mean missing school weird.. And who's Luke? Maybe a ex or something.
The punk girl pulled away from Annabeth and looked her in the eye.
"Thank you" Annabeth told her
She replied with, "What are sister for"
I was shocked Annie didn't have a sister only 2 brothers and Punk girl didn't look anything like Annabeth they were polar opposites!! But Annabeth didn't seen to care she smiled sadly and whispered
"Yeah I just wish he were still here"
At this point I decided it was best to come out I would be the one to comfort Annabeth and win her over. But first I needed answers walking up I told her
"She's not your Sister you only have 2 twin brothers" maybe she was just confused but when I walked in she wipes her tears and stood up straight.
Aww she's trying to impress me
"We're you spying on us!!" She yelled furious oh no
"Um uh um oh uh no I just um over heard that oh and I'm while we're on the subject who's Luke and there's no way you ran away" she went red probably embarrassed but NOPE she came up and slapped me and Hard
"For your information I ran away when I was seven and didn't come back till I was 14 even then I didn't want to I only did because my boyfriend convinced me to see him again and Thals is my sister just not by blood and Luke" she choked up at his name and honestly I was scared and boyfriend on it must be Luke then they broke up this explains it but my hopes were shattered.
"He he was like my brother" I'm so so confuzled
"What about Luke" I mean I have a right to ask as her future BF right God (it's Gods you idiot mortals 😂) i mean what's so cool about him did he like move away or something
"He died" Oh I went in o hug Annabeth As I asked her how he died but she pushed me off and stated bluntly
"None of your Business" Crossing her arms they both walked out of the room I ran after Annie and yelled out to her
"Oh come on as your future boyfriend I have a right to know" Annie went red again but this time she was blushing I was sure of it but 'Thals' or whatever her name is doubled over laughing Annbabe slowly turned around her eyes on fire. Uh oh I know that look. She was more than mad at me she was angrier that being furious! Wait OH I know duh I'm so stupid (got that right) she's mad at her 'Sister' for laughing Annabeth came up and I leaned in for a kiss. Instead she beat the crap out of me I was on the floor and My little Annbae stormed away while Ms. Punk girl came up and leaned over me in a menacing way she stated
"If Percy and Annabeth broke up it would be the end of the world. They went threw Hell together so shut up try anything on her again and well she can take care of herself pretty well you can see that but you don't want both of us mad at you, she is like my sister so I'm giving you one warning, Leave Annabeth Alone!" Then she stormed out I got up and saw them together laughing together Annie high fived
That Person I refuse to say her name now
"Good one Thalia, you really scared him, but I'm done with this school"
They walked away leaving me dumb founded and true to her word Annabeth had never come to school again I've always wondered where she went.
(Somewhere in New York. "Hey Seaweed brain"
" WISE GIRL!" ... Then They make out the end 😂😂)
And there you go that's the end of the chapter I know it was a little different but oh well sorry if you guys hate it I know that I suck at writing and all.
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