Haley Bridget
Hey guys if your reading this Thanks so much this is my first fanfic so sorry if it's horrible anyway let's just start shall we!
Oh, one last thing if you have any suggestions or anything at all comment and I will try them out. (Currently editing and rewriting a little soo >.<)(only changed the first paragraph for now, may seem slighty inconsistent sorry)
Haley Bridget
Heyyyy Haley here! I'm the infamously famous daughter of a lawyer and my mothers a supermodel, so if you haven't heard of me, you must be living under a rock!
Not to mention, I rule the school of Saltwater high! As the Queen Bee, everyone loves me, or, at least does as I say. I've got the perfect hourglass figure, beautiful brown, waist-length hair, and baby blue eyes. My 8-inch stilletos click against the floor as I walk the halls, winking to a few exes as I make my way through the sea of people. Now, I stand in front of Percy Jackson's locker. Yes, the Percy Jackson, the hottest boy in school. It's become part of my daily routine to ask him out; he always turns me down, but the queen wants a king, and that's going to be him. Besides, it's obvious how much he wants me, he has turned down any other girl to ask him out. He always uses the same excuse, that he has a girlfriend, yet no ones ever met her. One time, I overheard him talking with his friends, which, by the way, cannot be his actual friends because they are honestly such losers!
Anyway, he said he's in love and I quote in love. She apparently is the most beautiful girl he has ever met, so, it has to be me.
And he said she's Fierce and Brave
Check! I mean if someone gets in my way and stuff I just yell at them and voila! I also always get what I want. Including Percy.
Oh here he comes now! Eeek! He's walking towards me its obs to ask me to the Prom right? It's in 2 days and he still hasn't asked me yet. Ugh! I can't believe him he just walked strait past me to his table he sits at for lunch Oh well I guess I'll just ask him he's probably just shy.
When I get to his table everyone groans INCLUDING PERCY! Ugh! I'll let that slide because I'm such a nice person but still humph!
I sit down next to Percy and Purr
"Heeeeyyy Perrrrcccyyy"
"What do you want" he asked sounding annoyed
I giggled a little he's soooo wants me
"I want You Perce that's all so how about you. Me. Prom. After words we can go to my place and have some fun" I replied Sweetly he just looks disgusted seeing this look on his face before he can reply I add on
" Or your place you know I mean my parents wouldn't be home that's why suggested mine but yours would be cool to" Few quick save he must have just been shy or thought my parents were home so thought is would be gross. But to my surprise he looks even more disgusted and scoots away before replying.
"Oh come on Percy Poo why not we both know you want this I mean who wouldn't"
He rolls his eyes! How DARE he Percy your MINE ugh I can't BELIEVE you did that well have to talk about that after he decides to go out with me!
"Because I have a girlfriend I thought we went threw this" he Slowly stated as if he were talking to a baby.
"We all know she's fake so how about you stop playing hard to get" I pur wow I'm good at this he's cornered now!
Instead of the 'I'm so so sorry your right please forgive me of coarse I'll take you to the prom' I expected he bluntly said.
"She's coming to prom with me if you don't believe me"
HA! Now when she doesn't show up he'll have to go out with me!
"Suuuurrreeee she is Perce see you later"
---Loopsy whoopy wobbly bobbly time lapse to prom!---
Today is the day Perseus Jackson is mine. I was told by my BFF Layla that she saw him messing with a Proposal ring/box!
Haley Jackson! It's Beutiful I can't believe he's going to propose to me!
We'll be the top couple; Hacy, it's
beautiful isn't it! I put on my Dress
And Curled my hair to Perfection and did my make up finally I looked perfect and was ready to go! (A/N Annabeth and Haleys Prom dresses are at the top in the picture)
-Time lapse curtesy of Kronos who is a Percabeth shipper it's his OTP-
There he is! My future husband he's talking to this girl With blonde hair And Scary grey eyes like Ew! So contacts. He just asked her something and now there dancing like what the heck NU UH Hon he MY FUTURE HUSBAND NOT YOURS!!!
I march up to them and push her down I grab Percys shoulders and try to dance with him instead but he just glared at me and Picked up the Blonde Bimbo! He started to dance with her again
"Percy Honey why are you dancing with this Dumb Blonde" I say as sweetly as I can threw gritted teeth!
He looks even MORE mad but the girl looks Like she wants to choke me I knew Percy never would do that to me though even if he DOES look more mad than her. I mean I'm his Future wife after all and future mother of our 4 kids named Jace, Lindsay, Bethany and Drake!
"Look Helen," He starts, before he can go any further I interrupt him
"IT HALEY" I screech and stomp my foot ugh how can he get his soon to be wife's name wrong! Oh, duh I'm so stupid he just nervous he must be about to propose!!! EEEK!
He starts over, "Haley This is Annabeth My...."
Before he can finish his sentence a loud Voice of our princable Booms threw the gym
"Excuse me everyone, It's time for what you've all been waiting for,"
This is it Prom Queen and King! Percys going to win King and I'm so going to win Queen then will get married and happily ever after! Oh and then he'll push this 'AnnieBelle'. Over and say 'Get out of here worthless little brat'
Anyway enough day dreaming here it is!
"Prom King and Queen!"
That sent a burst of cheers up as we waited for the knees nominees to be called up to the stage.
"Now we have someone out there she doesn't go to this school but somehow she got Nominated so please welcome....."
"Annabeth Chase,
Haley Bridget." Soon to be Jackson
"And last but not least, Layla Jewel for your 'Prom Princesses' "
"Now for King we Have.."
"Matt Grafle" Matt ugh he's the Jock of the school and my Ex Boyfriend
"Percy Jackson" there it is!
"And finally Justin Wamoh" Ha another boy that I dated he was the Worst he only up there cause we went out for like a day before I dumped him
"The results are in" okay deep breath here it is I've got this!
"Your prom Queen iiisssss" I flattened my dress and Got ready to walk up and accept my Crown
"Annabeth Chase" WHAT that's my crown how DARE she come in here and steal MY crown ugh! Now she gets to say a Speach and thanks ugh Whatever
Annabarf walked to the microphone and the Crown was placed on her head.
"Um" she starts ha so stupid
"I don't really know how I even got nominated I don't know any of you guys so yeah, or how you knew my name but thanks so That's all I guess."
Please I could do bette than that yet all the guys swoon at her voice. Well all except for Percy that's right go Percy she's nothing you belong with me! And I haven't seen his so called 'Girlfriend' yet so I was defiantly right this day is the day I become Percy Jacksons Fiancé! I was pulled out of my thoughts by The The announce meant for King
"And your King is none other thaaaannn" ugh get on with it already
" Perseus Jackson"
He smiled a Lopsided grin that made my heart melt He starts his Speach with a thanks then continues
"Hey you might know me but in case you don't I'm Percy Jackson and I wanted to say thank you for making me you King it's and Honor" then he does this little fake bow making everyone laugh but the blonde just roles her eyes a tiny smile hidden on her face.
"Now tonight is really important to me so it means a lot that I'm King because now I can do this" Here it comes
He takes the blondes hand and pulls her forward. Wait what!?!? Once she's Next to him he lets go of here hand and goes to one knee pulling out a Velvet Box. No this can't be it that's supposed to be me!
"Annabeth Chase I've known you since we were twelve at first we hated each other but soon became best friends we have been dating since we were 16 and I love you. I learned your secrets and you learned mine. Theres no one id rather be with than you and only you. You are my tether my link to life without you I probably wouldn't be standing here right now. We've been threw so much together and I don't ever want to let go. You've Walked my Hell and Held My sky and I've walked yours. So Annabeth Chase, Wise girl will you do me the Honor of being Mrs. Jackson." By now the girl was in tears and I was fuming that's supposed to be me! She Nodded as he opened the box to reveal the most Beautiful ring I've Seen its a Sea green diamond and Gray diamond Intertwined in a infinity symbol and on the ring it's engraved
'As long as we're together'
I was about to go and push her off stage but a girl With Brown choppy hair and kaleidoscope eyes Grabbed my arm. Where did she come from? Then I see a bunch of teenagers standing at the gym door watching huh? In a low growl so only I can here she says
"Don't even think about it" after that I didn't go near them at all I looked back at Percy I realized he was truly in love with Annabeth soon to be Jackson there was nothing I could do no matter how much I wanted to I couldn't break them up there engaged for Heavens sake
And that was how I met Percabeth
Thanks for reading any suggestion just tell me I know this chapter was horrid but I try
Now if Percy you'd do the disclaimer.
Percy: What
Me: You know say I don't own you
Percy: didn't you just say it
Me: Just say it all ready I may not own you but in this story I have control so it's up to you
Percy: You wish you owned this
Me: Don't make me take away your blue cookies
Percy: nooooo my blue cookies
*Sobs* how could you
Me: I didn't take them yet....
Percy Oh right
Me: But I will
Percy: Annabeth HELP this girl is crazy
Me: *Manical laugh* Yes yes I am. Now about those cookies, say the disclaimer
Annabeth: Seriously. Seaweed brain
Percy: Wise girl your here SAVE MEEEE.
Me: *eats blue cookie* Mmm sooo good Annabeth want one
Annabeth: Sure!
Percy: You you Traitor
Annabeth *Rolls eyes*
Anyway MadsMaddie19 does not own me or Percy only her OCS and the plot She's not a guy or old, All rights reserved for Rick Riordan.
Percy: *mumbles* I want my Blue cookies back
Me: Nope to bad, see ya later
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