Fredrick Chase
Fredrick's POV
Today my little girl was coming home I was so excited I haven't seen Annabeth in years and I missed her so much So one day when I found out she got a Demigod proof phone I made it my Job to get her number and invite her over for she's staying for a week and is bringing her best friend with her. I wasn't to pleased with that but if it means I get to see Annabeth again then it's fine I guess. Helens changed a lot to she knows about demigods and understands Better now that Annabeths older she's trained and can take on monsters so is fine and the boys will be safe. I mean that's the only reason She didn't like Annabeth was because she was unintentionally putting them in danger I think.
After what felt like hours of waiting there was a knock on the door! This is it I went to the door and got ready to open it for Annabeth and her best friend I wonder who she could be. When I opened the door I saw that her was a he! You know what it's fine I mean there best friends that's all I just wasn't expecting that. My attention then turned to Annabeth she smiled a little and said
"Hi" a little half heartedly but I can see why it's just been so long I went up to her and hugged her she hugged back a little awkwardly at first but the sank into it and so I told her how much I missed her and she replied bluntly with a "I missed you to" though I wasn't sure if she meant it or not but I think she did I was positive though she didn't miss Helen or in her words The Step Monster. Hm I wonder how that will go down we walked inside and I turned to the man and smiled at him, he stuck out his hand for me to shake and I politely took it,
"Percy Jackson, I believe we met before" he gave me a lopsided grin. That's Percy no way last time I saw him he was just a scrawny 14 year old kid, (mind you he still had about a 4 pack) wow so he's a demigod to then. He now has a 8 Pack a Fricken 8 pack but not like gross and tousled black hair like before and of coarse sea green eyes but this time they looked more Happy than when I saw him before they looked determined, Depressed, although if you look closely you can see that there broken I wonder what could've happened, best not to bring it up I thought
"Yeah, yes I do believe we met only you were 14 then" I finally replied
"Yep!" He said popping the p
We went into the family room and I called the boys and Helen telling them they were here not half a second less you could hear the twins bounding down the stairs to see there sister again they barreled into her and yelled at the same time
"ANNIE!!" Uh-oh she looked at little mad but then relaxed and laughed, weird she hates being called Annie or any nickname for that fact. I shrugged it off as she bent down and hugged the twins
"I missed you guys" she breathed the same time they said "we missed you"
This time everyone laughed and Helen came into the room she and Annabeth bother stiffened oh no here it comes. She smiled a guilty/strained smile
And Annabeth just straight out stared examining her with those calculating grey eyes she got from her mother. Before either of them could say anything Bobby noticed Percy standing there and obviously he remembered him because he nudged Mathew and pointed before they screamed
"PERCY!" I smiled but rolled my eyes those kids. He chuckled and said hi to the boys after hearing him speak, Annabeth looked a little less strained and relaxed but then Helen did something that obviously surprised everyone.
First of she shed a tear.
"I so so so sorry Annabeth I I had no idea I never wanted to be the evil step witch please forgive me" Annabeth was taken aback but defiantly didn't buy a single word about it but still she opened up her arms for a hug which she great fully excepted then we all sat down on the couch Me next to Helen on one side and Percy next to Annabeth on the Love seat as it was the only chair left I wasn't sure I like how close they were sitting but it wasn't like she was practically on top of him and besides there just friends and I don't doubt it one bit considering that's even what he said when we they were 14, Bobby and Matthew were sitting on the ground between there legs. We decided to watch Finding Nemo (Curtesy of Percy) While we were watching it I noticed that Annabeth rested her head on Percys shoulder towards the end of the movie so right when it was over I suggested we play a game that way I could get My little girl away from that Guy I mean I know there friends and all but still my dad skills were kicking in ( Where were those when She was 7 And Terrified and needed your help and support or when she ran away!!!) I know I wasn't the best dad but I'm making up for it now by making sure she keeps some distance from this guy I mean even though there Best friends he's still defiantly a player he probably dated every girl at that camp they go to. Honestly I hate that camp she never comes because she's a 'Year rounder' that way she can't spend school years with me though it was her choice.
Anyway we were playing monopoly and Percy was next to me and Bobby while Annabeth was next to me and Matthew. Helen went to go cook dinner. After s couple of games all won by My 'Beth of course which caused some complaints by Percy and how she's 'to smart' which was replied with by a hit on the back of the back of his head by My daughter. This is what made me positive they were not dating good my dad instincts went down and I just enjoyed the rest of the time till Helen called for dinner.
We just talked and talked and talked all and all it was an amazing night though I'm still not sure how I like this Player dude he's a bad influence on Annabeth and I know it! Hm I'll think of something in sure maybe I'll talk to her later. I looked at my watch and realized it was 10 o'clock so I told Annabeth to show Percy the guest bedroom she tended just a tiny bit but I shrugged it off as she said goodnight and went to show Percy were he'd be staying
-Time skip that has a message from me saying sorry this story sucks I might do another Fredrick one later on after a while----------
I woke up in the middle of the night to a blood curdling scream of pure terror "Annabeth" I Jumped sand ran to her room where I found Percy already there worry stretched across his face as he maneuvered his way to My Half-god girl. I just dived right for it, wrong move I got punched in the gut I went cliched my stomachs but soon fell better as Percy got Annabeth in his lap I wasn't at all skeptical I mean she was screaming he wrapped his arms around hers in a hug to stop her from punching and slashing and bedsides friends hug all the time. He whispered things in her ear like "we're out or were alive" he said others but to quite for me to her soon she woke up and he sobs turned to tears. She looked up at Percy and stumbled
"I-i-it was h-horrible -I-I and T-Tart-Tartarus" she broke into sobs again and looked into Percys eye full of pain, Percy leaned down and kissed her
I saw red everywhere
I pulled him away from her and yelled at him
"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!!" I was furious you don't just go around kissing girls that aren't yours . I was right he's just a stupid unloyal playing Jock!
"kissing my girlfriend" he replied his Eyes turning to a hurricane, by now Annabeth stopped crying so I asked politely as I could to talk to her alone she nodded and we went to the hall,
"I don't think you should be dating him" I told her if possible she looked angry, but I was just helping he's going to hurt her.
"Look" she spat out but before she could say anymore I interrupted
"He's just some dumb Player who will break your heart and he's a very bad influence your a smart girl Annabeth I know you know that he'll leave you why can't you see that he's just some unloyal jock that just wants to get into your pants then dump you!"
Now she was steaming
"Look he loves me he's the most loyal person I know!! Percy was always there for me since I was twelve he would never leave me Percy went threw hell and back just so we could be together he turned down immortality for me! He thought of me when he bathed in the river Styx He would never ever leave me." Ugh why can't she see he's a jock and went threw hell come on. I mean no ones ever survived That Greek hell place Tartarus, wait she mentioned that must be what her dream was about oh well he's still just a player if she won't listen I'll have to put my foot down.
"Annabeth if you won't listen I'm sorry but I have to do this, you have to go break up with him now! I don't approve of this retaliation ship." I reprimanded her (I guess in land, they don't understand, not to reprimand there daughters.)
"You can't make me" she said firmly
"You are my daughter and still 17 so you still have to listen to me I'm your father!"
She scoffed at this "You lost that title when I was 7 and ran away because of you ya know I wasn't going to come here tonight but Percy convinced me to give you second chance guess he was wrong" she said and went back to her room when she came out Percy was with her he had his bags in his hand and Annabeth pointed at the door maybe she was getting it but he nodded and grabbed he hand and they both walked out not glancing back once but My daughter shouted back "Tell Helen I said bye oh and tell the Boys I said bye and that I love and will miss them," but not a word about me she slammed the door shut.
That was how I lost my daughter to a player that would soon break her heart and met Percabeth!
So I know this story is crap and stuff but I'm getting better, aren't I, I don't know sorry if you don't like it please tell me if I'm doing anything wrong or if you like it any constructive criticism would be great
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