Brandon Wench
(Hello past self I am editing this from a day later it is not a record I'm sorry: future reference, tears take up energy.)
if you count me updating 2 am then I guess THAT IS THREE
It's probably never going to happen again maybe being sick, yelled at, crying, and increasing depression help me write.
So a lot of you were talking about part three and I actually forgot to say I don't think I'm going to do a part three unless you guys really want me to then I will, I was just gonna kinda end it but someone *cough* PuppyCake47STTCarrot *cough* had a good idea I might use if you want another but it would be more Fredrick and Annabeth than Percabeth, that's how I feel the last one actually was but eh. Anyway on with the story...
Annabeth Chase (ooh changing it up! I'll stop now...)
Honestly, I hate mortal school. You would think, being a child of Athena I would jump at the chance to go. Let's just say getting up early, reviewing things that I've learned at camp, and getting hit on by people I have maverick talked to before, isn't exactly what you'd call my 'cup of tea'.
Speaking of getting hit on... I slammed my locker shut and turned toward the Jock who, inevitably was standing behind my locker, like always. Every. Single. Day.
"Hey Hottie," He winked, "You, Me, Movies. 6pm. I'll be waiting, what'd ya say." This was the worst part, he never went away, other people just gave up, nope, not this one. Percy was even coming to visit San Francisco for the week since his school is on break. He said it was do to a 'maintenance problem' we both know that wasn't true. Percy... Wait... a plan quickly formed in my head.
"Fine." I replied, starting to walk away.
"Awesome, see you- wait what?" Brandon turned to his idiot friends "She actually said yes! She said yes! I told you she was playing hard to get!"
Brandon's POV cuz I feel like switching OKAY. Gosh stop judging me.
I stopped and looked at the time on my phone. It was 7pm. She's not here yet. Where could she be? She wouldn't stand me up, not as good looking as I am. I sighed, I was really looking forward to getting a good... You know, out of her. I guess I'll try again tomorrow cause damn, have you seen that Body.
I started getting ready to walk away after another half hour only to see Annabeth, my Anna. Walking hand in hand with some stupid bloke.
(That was British wasn't it? I need to stop watching Doctor who, Sherlock and Dan and Phil. )
I couldn't believe she would stand me up for some random person! He doesn't even go to our school! Ha. And she says she has a boyfriend who lives in New York, Yeah right. I marched up to them and pushed the guy off of My future girlfriend, he was caught of card, that's the only reason he stumbled before standing back up strait and glaring down at me. His hand went to his pocket grabbing onto something inside it. Pepper spray? Pocket Knife? Probably a pocket knife.
"Who are you." He said it more as a demand than a question, he looked ready to fight if he needed to.
"I am Annabeth's Bo-" I started only for Annabeth to interrupt
"He's the guy I told you about"
"The one that didn't understand you don't like him?" He relaxed visibly, hand coming out of his pocket, but if anything his glare intensified
"Yep. I thought he would get the hint by me not coming to the movies, however in case that didn't work I was just going to make you come to school with me and show him" She talked as if I wasn't there.
"Excuse me. Why would you even want to date someone as ugly as that. Besides your 'Boyfriend' lives in New York. Or did you lie about that too?" I interrupted them.
"Huh? Oh I just came for the week because my school is off, it had some... maintenance problems." The guy smirked
"Oh yeah? Prove it." The couple shrugged and turned towards each other, Kissing full on the lips, and she kissed back. So naturally. I pushed him off of her and punched him in the face. This only provoked him, when he regained steady balance, the guy punched me right back. Hard. I didn't even know it was possible for someone to be that strong, let alone stronger than me! I could feel the bruise forming on my face, slight blood tricked from my nose. I tried standing up only causing be to be really dizzy and sit back down. The guy bent down to whisper in my ear.
"My names Percy. I'm Annabeth's Boyfriend, we have gone through hell and back, if you hit on her again, a broken nose isn't the last thing you'll get. So back off." He was serious. Deadly serious. Annabeth smiled fondly at him and thanked him with a light kiss on the cheek and a
"Thank you, Seaweed Brain."
"No problem, wise girl." They continued on the walk like nothing happened, holding hands leaving me sitting on the ground. The dizziness had passed so I got up and started my walk home. I guess she does have a boyfriend.
And that's how I met Percabeth
So would how did you like it?
The ending is kinda rushed I know.
Blah blah and all that I have a few more ideas so I might update later also but don't get your hopes up, any suggestions are great, constructive criticism is always nice and yeah
Piece out Y'all✌️
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