Hullo, Maddie here (anyone get the reference) I wrote another chapter and this one is going to be Frazel!!!! Yay! And I want to give a shout out to some one before we start this story is her Oc so
Shout out/ dedicated tooooo........
Thanks for the OC it makes this a lot easer I hope you like your story!
Hi! My name is Avalon eye have Brown Hair that fades into a Blue/Purple color at the bottom and chocolate brown eyes. I'm your typical High school girl not popular but I'm not bullied either. I always stick up for my friends and that's the only time I'll ever really get picked on. Funny and Awkward. Yup I'm the girl to go to then. Yeah yeah yeah if you ask my friends they'll say I'm Crazy and Blunt also maybe just a tinsy bit overprotective. Only a little though, I mean when my friend Hazel got picked on they were only in the hospital for 3 days see? Sooo not overprotective, besides that girl deserved it!! Anyway if you asked me well then I'd say Pure Awesome cause well I just am!
Oh here comes Hazel, Hazel is my Best friend here at school all the boys drool over her but supposedly she has a boyfriend. I want to believe her it's just really hard when she makes him out like he Half-God or something. The Popular girls absolutely hate her because she is shy Awkward and Stupid. At least that's what they say but really it's because Hazel is waaaayy prettier and Better than all of them.
"Hey Avalon." Hazel says walking up with her books we both had English for homeroom and it pretty much sucks yeah me and Hazel, wait no, sorry to all Grammar Natzis out there Hazel and I both have Dyslexia but I'm not nearly as bad as Hazels and she also has ADHD but I don't, I can just be really hyper at times! Ugh no. So as I'm about to reply to Hazel guess who comes towards us. If you guessed the lead Popular aka You know what I'm not gonna say the word nope Hazel made me swear not to swear or say those words. Dam.
Dam that works because it's not Da-Mn
See so I'm technically not swearing.
Anyway, if you guessed her your right non other than the 'Famous' Jamie Lance. God I hate that girl so so much. (*Gods) She thinks because her mom is a super Model and Dad is a Lawyer she's the best thing on the face of this planet,
Like No that spots reserved for me, Hun.
Hazel didn't seem to notice her yet so j nudged her and whispered
"Haz, Bi-- I mean Bully at 3'Oclock"
She rolled her eyes and turned to face Ms. Perfect herself.
"What do you want this time Jamie"
Dang she is just as mad at Lance as I am I've never heard Hazel say her name that harsh she must be really fed up with her
"Oooh! Hazel are you sure you want to talk to me like that" Jamie tsked
"I don't want to talk to you at all" My BFF replied
"BUUUURRRRNN" I shouted and her group glared at Hazel while others gathered around and snickered, hmm
Now I want a Snickers, I'll have to go get one later
Jamie rolled her eyes at Hazel and continued
"Haha so funny, next time you should actually use your brain and think before you speak, wait you don't have one" see usually this is where I pounce on her and stuff but I let Hazel take this because she seemed ready this time Jamie Went to push her over but Hazel surprisingly caught her hands and twisted them behind her back. No ones ever done that normally Haz would just walk away or get back up while I'm taking care of Jamie well not this time Nope!
"Look, Lance. I'm not in the mood to deal with you right now okay I'm having a really good day so Leave. Me. Alone" she whispered threateningly in her ear than let go and have a tiny push only one to make her stumble not fall. Wow.
See I know Hazel is strong and Fast she just chooses not to use it everyone else was Gawking at us as we walked into the class room well they were Gawking at her.
--Time skip Skip skippity skip And Frazel Adjkfls---
It was end of the day and Hazel was Beaming like I've never seen her so happy her eyes shine with happiness and She bounced as we walked down the halls
"Hey Haz, what's up? you seem really happy" I asked her
"Oh nothing" she sighed Feigning a Dreamy look fanning her self
We both started laughing like crazy after that when we calmed down Hazel said
"My boyfriend is Picking me up today"
"Wait The Frank Zhang, as in. The actual Frank as in your God of a boyfriend that you've told me about"
Her face lit up really, red almost immediately
"I- I don't talk about him like a god"
"Whatever Helps you sleep at night" if possible her face went even more red
"Come On want to meat him" she asked as we got to her locker
"Hmmm, let me think do I want to meet my best friends Boyfriend,
We laughed and She opened her locker a little note fell out to the bottom she got it and opened it then read aloud to me
Dear Idiot
You really shouldn't have done that earlier today, you thought it was bad before well I'm about to make it 100 times worse
"Wonder who that's from" Hazel said Sarcasm dripping off her voice
"Hm, Dunno, A?" (Pll Anyone??) Hazel look a little confused but let it slide without asking she doesn't really watch tv or anything electronical.
Right after I said that the she devil her self tapped Hazel shoulder
We both groaned and Ol' Jamie here smile sickly sweet
"What's wrong Haz"
"Don't. Call. Me. Haz"
"Thought that's what your friends called you sorry" she Replied with fake hurt putting a hand to her heart.
"Oh it is only your not her friend. I am. You on the other hand are just a stupid Shuck-Faced little Shank" (All these references today. TMR) I spat everyone stared at me, I mean I know I'm perfect and all but back off.
"Nerd" she Yelled back I just rolled my eyes As doing so Jamie thought this was her chance to get Hazel unfortunately she was right she jumped and punched Hazel right in the face.
Instead of flinching or doing anything my best friend just stood there and also rolled her eyes as she started walking .
Jamie ran up to her and Grabbed her wrist. Spun her around and kicked her shin letting go of her wrist and Going in for another punch. I went to go jump on her back per usual but someone caught the fist as Hazel went and dogged
"Don't. Ever. Mess. With. My. Girlfriend. Never. Ever. Again" said a mysterious voice. oooh
"You should dump her trust me I'm way better. I could give you so much more than her." Said Jamie in a 'seducive' voice that really sounds like a dying cat.
Wait sorry, that's offensive to the cat.
Jamie pulled her crop-top (aka a second layer of bra it's way to short to be considered a Shirt at all) Down to show of more of her Brestarial area and yes I know that's not a word I made it up
Deal. With. It.
I'm guessing It's Frank, he wrinkled his nose in disgust and turned towards Hazel she tackled him in a hug and when they pulled apart they shared a sweet long kiss there was no Lust or Roughness to it something that just showed they truly loved each other
I was instantly a Frazel shipper I mean alfkskfks so adorable
Jamie and her minions stomped off right when she did so They pulled apart haha sneaky I see what they did there
"Hey, witch girl" he smiled she beamed at him and said
"Klutz" and did a fake little curtsy making everyone around them laugh
"One thing?" She asked
"Yes. Hazel"
"Please say the others aren't here"
"Just don't let them inside okay"
"To late. Jewels" said a new voice I looked behind to see the speaker was a Latino elf with a mischievous look in his eyes. The one like I get when I'm about to prank someone.
"Oh No"she said
"What's wrong" I intervened
"N-nothing, just don't talk to him, at all
I swear the world would probably end." She muttered that last part to herself pointing at the Latino elf but lucky for her I did here it. Hmm.
I'll have to talk to him later
"Anyway I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that this is your boyfriend Frank."
"You guessed right" she blushed
Aww come on I didn't even embarrass her yet
I stuck out my hand and said
He shook it and said
"Well Frank Hazel here thinks your a god I mean she talks about you 24/7 Frank did this Frank did that, he's really cute and strong and Perfect. I mean sure your cute but no one beats this" I teased gesturing to myself
3 people from behind Frank Laughed Mr. Latino elf. Sea green Raven hair dude, and A Blonde superman. 2 other girls a blonde and Brunette just rolled there eyes One girl the brunette whispered under her breath something like girl and Leo I couldn't quite make it out though
Meanwhile Hazel and Frank were as bright as tomatoes no even worse they were brighter than the Weasley's Hair.
"Avalon!" Hazel nudged me and I laughed so hard almost on to the floor
One of my specialties is embarrassing my friends. Though I do it teasingly not like a jerk would be like Good old sweet caring Jamie. Am I write or am I right
"Oookay she doesn't really talk about you that much but she did make you sound like a god well maybe only half but still.
I mean Athletic, Strong. Sweet, caring, Handsome.
Honestly I'm getting Chinese-Canadian baby man. Kidding kidding naw Hazels right"
The blush on Hazel went down a little but Frank still blushed probably from the complements
"Well it was nice meeting you Avalon but we're gonna go now I think"
"Hm, you think your gonna go so your not sure" I retorted smirking
"Haha in your face Baby- Man" said Latino guy and smirked as well the whole group of 7 laughed beside Frank he just glared at Mr. Mischievous basically everyone left though so I guess we really should be leaving
"Don't mind Leo, he's a idiot" Frank whispered to me
"I can here you ya know" yelled Leo
I was LMAO legit rolling on the floor
I got back up and was about to say something when this ugly Bat like lady with wings and stuff came out of no where
Faster than you can say Die she was killed by Who knew, Hazel and Frank, Frank had a Small cut on his arm other
Than that they were fine,
"You okay" Hazel asked
"Yep" he answered giving her a pecking her on the lips. There so adorable!! Wait Avalon Focus
"What- what was that thing" they acted like its happened a million times before everyone's eyes widened as they looked at me
"Have to get her to camp" said Grey eyes
"Wait!" Hazel shouted "She has both parents.
"Schist!" Said Seagreen eyes "Clearsighted"
"Should we tell her" asked Cherokee girl
"Um Yeah you should tell her" I replied
They all turned and looked at me once again when Hazel spoke up
"Guys lets tell her," Thank you Haz, I thought " So basically to put it easy Greek gods are real they have kids with mortals Also known as demigods which we are all demigods you are mortal but see threw the mist which is a veil covering monsters like that from mortal eyes."
Wow okay lot to take in just breath in out in out haha no but that's Awesome
"REALLY! COOL!!!" I screamed Mwahahaha now everyone will go deaf for the year. Jk. Wow i can be really evil sometimes.
"Do you think she could come to camp" asked Frank they all shrugged in the end I ended up going to this camp and Found out there titles and other demigodish stuff I don't go there often only like on weekends me and Leo are planning to take over the universe with help from the Stolls those three became some of my best friends ofcoarse Hazel is still my BFF but still and I also became friends with some Aphrodite girl Lacy she showed me all the ships
Percabeth, Solangelo, Jasper, (or Jiper whatever you prefer) Caleo, Tratie, Octachel(everyone hates Octavian he also apparently died but people ship it) and my favorite Frazel!!! So yeah I also learned how to use a dagger for when I see a monster so I can kill it for fun and stuff I mean I'll need training if I'm going to overthrow the world and be one of its rulers I mean for only 2 people to overthrow the world and then universe I defiantly need a little training.
And that's how I met Frazel
(And became ruler of the world if anyone was wondering)
Welp! There you have it a Frazel chapter I really hope you readers enjoyed it I enjoyed writing that one a lot! And I mean a lot more than my others so I really hope you liked it as much as I did! Any suggestions leave them on the comments and if you want a oc go above and click on my OC page I did a couple of chapters ago. Thanks and
-Piece out ✌️
WAIT!! I kept forgetting the disclaimer Alfkskokgekdk
Okay so am I old?
No I don't think so
Am I a boy?
Nope pretty sure I'm a girl
What about professional author?
Hm Nu-uh not yet at least
Leave fangirls at cliffhangers
No I don't do that
Hmm who could that be.
Oh Right uncle Rick!! Therefore all rights reserved to Rick Riordan I own nothing but my OCS and the plot
K. Now for the real Piece out
Ba-Bye People 😝
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