Thomas Finnigan NM
Hello this was a request by @Fandoms4eternity. I hope you like it!
I'm Thomas Finnigan and I go to Madison High School. A couple of months ago, the Greek gods revealed themselves to the world as real, wanting to be worshipped again. This had the opposite effect and now we are trying to hunt down the gods and their children. Demigods don't even deserve to live on this Earth.
I walked up to my friend Rachel. "Did you hear about the guest speaker today?" I asked.
"Yeah," she replied. She looked sadder than normal as if something was wrong. A whole group of Demigods got taken by the government yesterday! It's amazing!
"Do you know who it is?" I asked.
She shook her head, "no. Do you?"
"No." Before we could continue to talk the bell rang and we had to go to class. On the way there Rachel just stayed silent. Something was definitely wrong.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"Yeah," she said, "one of my friends got kidnapped yesterday though."
"I know how to make you feel better," I said, "a group of Demigods was captured yesterday." I don't think Rachel heard me because she just kept walking.
Rachel ignored me during class until we heard to loudspeaker. "Can everyone please report to the auditorium?" It asked, "the guest speaker is here."
Rachel and I walked out the door. She stayed silent so I decided to start a conversation. "Do you think the speech will be about Demigods?" I asked. She stayed silent. "I hope it is," I said, "maybe then more people will fight against them.
She turned to me, fuming. "Just leave me alone, okay? I've already had a bad day and you're making it worse."
We walked in silence for the rest of the way. When we saw the guest speaker Rachel paled and I gasped in disbelief. It was Mr. Dare. He's the most active person outside the government that's against Demigods. He's also Rachel's dad. I would be honored to have him as my dad. He's amazing.
Once we all took our seats Mr. Dare started talking.
"I know you all are probably confused about why you're here. But I have a reason. We learned from the captured Demigods that they have an Oracle, someone that tells the future. This Oracle is mortal so we cannot track it with our scanners. I ask anyone that has information on them please say stand up now and say it," Mr. Dare said.
Nobody moved for a couple of seconds but then Rachel moved up slowly. "I have information regarding the Oracle of Delphi," she said.
"Tell me then," said her father.
"Well," she said, "the Oracle of Delphi would like you to know that mortals will not be able to find it and that you should give up. The Oracle would also like you to know that you will never catch all the gods and demigods."
"How do you know this?" Asked Mr. Dare.
"Because I am the Oracle of Delphi," said Rachel as she disappeared into the shadows.
"We have to start hunting down that child at once!" Shouted Principle Bob, "her name is Rachel Elizabeth Dare!"
"What!" Screamed Mr. Dare.
Hello! I have no more requests right now and have no new ideas. So, if you have any even if you've already done one feel free to comment one or more!
Godly parent(s) if any:
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Mist or No Mist:
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