Annie decides to faint
(Oh my gods! 26 reads! I didnt even expect 2 reads. Thank you all for reading. I'm working on this at midnight, but oh well. Please enjoy the chapter! I will try to update once a week.)
Amelia's POV (still)
Leo steps inside. "Guys, Festus is melting all of the snow out here" Val throws her arms around Leo hugging him. Leo looks confused but hugs Val back, not wanting to be rude.
Val quickly runs outside and hugs Festus. Maddy smiles and walks to Leo. "Can I get a selfie?" Leo smiles. "Anything for you." As Maddy takes the selfie Leo holds up a peace sign. Val runs back to Leo. "Can you give us a ride to camp?" Percy looks at Maddy. "Do the rest of you want to go?" We all nod our heads. Leo guides us to Festus helping us on. Leo sat in front, Val behind him, Nico behind Val, me behind Nico, Reyna behind me, Maddy behind Reyna, and Percy behind Maddy. Leo hops on "everyone hold the waist of the person in front of you." Val, Maddy, and I smile at the seating arrangement. Leo pats Fesuts' neck. "To Camp Half Blood buddy." I don't know about the others, but as we were taking off I unintentionally tightened my grip on Nico's waist. Nico looks at me, "can you please loosen your grip?" I shake my head, "I forgot to mention that I'm scared of heights." Nico sighs.
Maddy looks down. "That's Annie's house! Go down there!" Leo lands Festus in Annie's front yard.
Val, Maddy, and I jump off Festus and run to the door knocking. Annie opens the door. Her hair is half braided and she has a toaster waffle in her mouth. Maddy grabs Annie's wrist and drags her outside, "guess who we found on Amelia's couch! Leo is taking us to camp!" Annie looks at Festus and faints. Percy runs over and catches her. He picks up Annie in a bridal carry and calls Blackjack. Leo looks at Percy "thanks, Festus can't carry all of us." Percy and Annie get on Blackjack and take off, then we take off on Festus. I see a griffin coming towards us "um guys" I point at the griffin. Nico pats his pockets "I left my sword back at my cabin" he looks at Reyna. She holds up her hands "I left my weapons at my camp." Leo turns around "I'm busy flying." I look at Val. Val turns around and looks at the griffin. A blinding light flashes. The griffin disappears. Maddy looks at Val, "did you do that?"
Val looks back at Maddy, fear in her eyes. "I think so." Percy flies at their side. He looks deep in thought. He looks over at us. "I think I know who your godly parent is, Val." Val looks like she's about to faint. "Wha-what do you mean?" Percy smiles. "What I mean, Val, is that you are a demigod."
I can see Camp Half-Blood in the distance. Thalia's tree, the Big House etc. I can't believe I am actually here. We land besides Thalia's tree; we can hear screams and swords clinging. I turn around, only to see an empousa lunging at us. I scream, close my eyes. One second later I feel dust powdering my arms. I open my eyes; I am covered with yellowish dust.
Maddy looks at Nico. "Is that how you throw shade?" Nico looks at her, annoyed. "I've heard that too many times." Percy jumps off Blackjack's back, still holding a fainted Annie in his arms. You can see the jealousy in Maddy's eyes. "Well," Percy says. "Let's introduce you to Chiron." "I must be dreaming," I mumble under my breath. "What?" Val, still shaking after the news of her being a demigod, turns to me. "Oh, nothing."
We walk inside the barrier; I can feel the power of it. It's warmer here too, and there's no snow on the ground. Wait. If we can walk inside the barrier... "OH MY FRICKIN GODS!" I shout suddenly. Everyone turned to me. "If we could walk inside the barrier, we are all demigods, right?" In the corner of my eye I see a dim yellow light coming from Val. We all turn to her; she's looking very confused. A yellow harp is floating over her head. Reyna huffed. "That was fast." Percy laughs. "Guess I was right. All hail Val, daughter of Apollo." We stare at him. "You're kidding now," Val says, her voice shaking. "This can't be true. I'm dreaming." She pinches herself in the arm. "Oh my gods this is real. I AM A DEMIGOD!" She starts jumping around, exited. "Hey," I say. "Take it easy. Let's go talk to Chiron."
We walk down the hill, everyone's eyes on us. Chiron sits at the front porch, playing pinochle with Mr. D, Dionysus. "Chiron!" Reyna yells. The centaur (in wheelchair form or whatever it's called) turns towards us. "Children!" he says, smiling at us. "And who are these companions of yours?" "This is Maddy, Val, Amelia and," Percy lifts Annie a little higher in his arms, "Annie. She fainted when she saw Festus." "Get her to the infirmary," Chiron says. "I'm sure our healers will take good care of her." Percy nods, and walks off. "So," Chiron says, turning to us again. "Tell me what happened."
(Word count: 900)
I was just wondering, how did you find my story? It isn't very good, what do you think of it?
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