Javelin Gaytes
Hi there, I'm Javelin Gaytes daughter of the great Mason Gaytes. I know Javelin is a boy name, but my father named me that so I take it in pride. My mother is a famous supermodel so with my father's and mother's fame aside I have a pretty normal life, I am extremely pretty but I don't like it. What I mean is sure I like the money and fame it comes with but I don't like the responsibilities that tag along. My mom and dad drilled in my head that the most important thing in the world is your reputation with the media not your school rep, media rep. "After all", the say when I ask them, "the media can make or break you". So with that in mind I always aim to look good for the camera. Mind you I don't act like a lady dog when I'm in school because I believe that school can heal or hurt. But, on with the story!
😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜TimeSkip Monday😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜 "Ms.Gaytes time for you to start your day.", my maid ,Hannah I think, said. So I got my lazy butt out of bed and got ready for school. After 3 hours I was done. (An: outfit below is what she's wearing)
I think I look real cute don't I 😊. When I got to school everyone was gawking. I was just like it's the second month of school you've seen my limo dozens of times by now. Then I realized they weren't gawking at me but the hot red limo behind me and I have to admit the limo was spectacular. But out of everything the person who came out surprised me even more PIPER FREAKING MCLEAN you know daughter of THE Tristan Mclean.
Then she told everyone to get to class and they did. Now I'm surprised as hell because the boys here are as stubborn as mules, I also felt a sudden urge to do what she told me to but I resisted and just brushed it off.
She came over raised her eyebrow and said," Hey."
"Hey yourself, Ms.Mclean", I replied. I might admire her but she doesn't earn my respect 'till she proves herself.
"Sassy, I can tell we're going to be good friends".
After some quality time with her I decided I agree we are friends, especially when Victor the school 'heartthrob' tried to get me in bed with him and Piper punched him so hard I think he's seeing stars.
💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞TimeSkip 6months💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
"Come on Piper you have to have a crush on someone."
"I already told you I have a boyfriend."
"Ah yes, the 'blue-eyed, muscular, kind, wonderful, handsome 'god of a boy you always tell me exists."
"He does exist and I don't need to prove it to you."
"Whatever, come on let's get to class before Ms. Jocices counts us as late, kay?"
📕📗📘📙📕📗📘📙TimeSkip to English Class📕📗📘📙📕📗📘📙
While Ms.Boring (a/n: nickname for Ms.Jocices) talked about the wonders of proper grammar someone's phone rang. Omg the ringtone was Alexander Hamilton my fav.
(A/n: hope u liked the song)
The mystery person's phone was none other than Piper McLean. Tbh, I wasn't that surprised when it rang I had been expecting her phone to ring for weeks, what surprised me though was the type of phone it was. It was a Flame the most expensive type of phone out there. (A/n: Who do you think made this phone)
"Ms.Mclean you know the rules either read a love letter and put emotion in it to one of your classmates or put the phone on speaker for everyone to hear. The joice (A/n: pun intended) is yours", said Ms.Jocices
" I'll put the phone on speaker", replied Piper. The convo was a really confusing. It went something like this
Piper Jason
Piper I really miss you and I feel empty without you.
Awww! What do you want?
I'm gonna pick you up and could we stop by Percy's on the way back I really want a cookie.
Thanks for picking me up and yes we can stop by Percy's.
Yes! Thanks Pipes your the best girl ever. Love you.
Love you too. Bye-bye.
Then the convo ended.
"Please return to your seat Ms.Mclean", said Ms.Boring while sitting at her desk. When Piper returned to her seat I asked,"Who was that?" "My boyfriend Jason", she replied.
⏱⏱⏱⏱⏱⏱⏱⏱⏱TimeSkip to End of Day⏱⏱⏱⏱⏱⏱⏱⏱⏱
After school we waited for Jason to come. 15 minutes had past and I was ready to quit waiting.
"Piper when is 'Jason' coming", I asked.
"Give him 2 more minutes."
"Okay." Then after 1 minute a dark blue car came and out stepped a model. Who looks exactly like how Piper described her boyfriend Jason!?!? When she saw him she ran and kissed him on the lips as he twirled her in the air. When they finally finished she was blushing redder than a tomato.
" Jason meet Javelin. Javelin meet Jason", Piper said.
"Hey. Nice to meet you. Piper's always talking 'bout you", Jason said
"H-h-hey nice to meet the alleged dude Piper basically brags about."
He raised an eyebrow and Piper blushed a shade I didn't even know the human body could make.
"Anyway bye see you tomorrow", Piper stuttered. And as they rode away I found myself wishing I had someone like that.
Thanks for reading! Awwooo🐺
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