An unexpected twist of fate......
So hi. Please don't kill me for what I'm about to do.
Percy POV
(The Last Olympian)
I could feel the river styx pulsing around me. Suddenly, a ghostly figure appeared before me. Styx said that she was going to give me the Achilles curse, but I wouldn't have a weak point. After the curse was placed, she did something that shocked me. She placed a kiss on my lips. When she pushed me out of the river, I could see a faint smile playing on her lips. I bid my farewells to her, and went on with the war, every slash fueled by a kiss.
(The House of Hades)
Annabeth and I just fell into Tartarus. Hey look! I used correct grammar for once! Dam ADHD. Hehehe dam. WHY ADHD! Anyways, back to the story. (sorry not sorry) We decided to take a nap, taking turns to watch out for monsters. Annabeth graciously (I can use big words too!) volunteered to take first watch, and I lay down to take a "peaceful" nap. As I slept, my forbidden lover's face appeared in my dreams.
~~~~In the dreamscape~~~~
(I'm using text format for this when there's dialogue)
Percy: Hello mysterious unknown lady that I DEFINITELY don't know (laying on the sarcasm, eh?)
???: Seriously? We see each other in dreams every. Single. Day.
Percy: Jeez, you know I was just joking, Styx?
Styx: umm yeah......(you foolin nobody. And I do not mean Annabeth or Odysseus)
Percy: So......There's the fact that I am in Tartarus right now......can you help out?
Styx: Yeah! Which river are you at?
Percy: I have no clue......the one that starts with C?
Styx: You mean the river Cocytus?
Percy: Yup! That's the one! Anyways, got any clue on how to get to the Doors of Death?
Styx: Yeah! You just have to calmly walk up to the river Cocytus, and start being as happy as possible. This will piss my dear brother off so much that he will appear as his physical representation, and then you shake the living Hades out of him, while asking where the Doors are. He will provide you directions. If you think he is lying, and he will lie, then threaten to be happy around him again. He will give you the correct directions after that. Ooh, and don't forget to drink from the Phl-Phle- *coughs up hairball* You know what? Just drink from the river of fire. It will keep you alive! Toodle-doo! (oh my gods. I'm w h e e z i n g XD)
Percy: um......whale......Thank you! *kisses Styx on the lips* See you later!
Styx: *blushes* See you later Percy!
~~~~Back in the real world now~~~~
When I woke from my fantabulous sleep, I decided to slightly shock Annabeth. Shhhh, don't tell her readers. I will come after you. ( The 4th wall is broken, btw I am currently rebuilding it because it's annoying like that. Anyone wanna help?) "I'M ALIVEEEE!", I whisper shouted. "Yay! You're awake! Now I can sleep." said Annabeth. She is weary from being on the lookout, and so she fell asleep where she was. Being the nice boyfriend I am, I defended her by hissing like a cat at the occasional monster that dropped by. For some weird reason, it worked.
(Somewhere between House of Hades and Blood of Olympus)
I took a deep breath. This was the day I was going to tell Annabeth. I approached her, and "I'msorryIdon'tthinkthisrelationshipwillworkoutbasicallywhatI'mtryingtosayisthatI'mbreakingupwithyou." is what came out of my mouth. She ran off, sobbing her heart out. I felt horrible, but what needed to be done was done.
So that's it for today! Being the kind author I am, I decided to end this on a cliffhanger. Or what I like to call Rick-hanger. Or did I......?
I woke up feeling slightly refreshed. I lovingly looked at my wife, who snuggled closer to me. "Rise and shine Alecto!" The Kindly One woke up with a-(JK I'm not that cruel)
I woke up feeling slightly refreshed. I lovingly looked at my wife, who snuggled closer to me. "Rise and shine Wise Girl!" "Seaweed brain......we stayed up until 1 a.m. because of your insistence to watch a movie about a fish looking for his son with the help of an anterograde amnesic fish. You don't have to wake up at 7 a.m. Just let me sleep." My beautiful wife grumbled.
(Third person POV now)
"But I wanna talk about the crazy dream I had!" Percy whined. Annabeth bolted upright, alert. "Spill." was all she uttered. Percy began talking about the crazy dream he had, one involving a love triangle with him, Annabeth, and the goddess of hatred, Styx. After hearing the whole story, Annabeth glanced at Percy, worry evident in her eyes. "Wo-Would you break up with me?" "Of course not, Wise Girl. I would never do that. Do I need to remind you what my fatal flaw is?" Percy answered reassuringly.
The couple lay back down, cuddling, and before long, they both fell asleep. Thankfully, their sleep only had happy dreams.
Ah. This feels much better, with Percabeth. I would never break my OTP up. Until next time, may your love for obsessing over stuff never cease, dreams be sweet, and pray that your OTP doesn't break up. Bai mah lovely bookworms!
-Cassandra Celeste signing out
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