Chapter 2~ Fallen Angel...
Moriarty x Reader: Dancing with the devil ~ Chapter 2
(YN) : your name (HC) : hair colour (EC): Eye colour (HL):Hair length (FC): Favourite Colour (NN): Nickname
A/N - I used (*____*) for words that people may get confused about. My mum got confused when she saw my write one of these words so... better safer than sorry :)
Your POV
You sighed and put your phone into your pocket, you made your way out of 221B and walked up the stairs towards your own flat. You walked past Sherlock's room as you made your way to your flat. You opened the door of your flat and closed it quietly. The whole flat was cold and brought a shiver up your spine. There lay his jacket on your floor.
Jim Moriarty's jacket...
Jim Moriarty.The very name brought upon a danger in your heart and conscience, his words held a venom that was gently laced into his sweet words... he was like a viper. Seemingly innocent till he makes his attack. You rubbed the side of your arms and sighed. You felt your phone buzz. You reached into your pocket and looked at the message.
'Are you ignoring me? Little Kitty, If you must know... I do not like to be ignored. -JM-
You texted him back, your fingers twitched as you typed the words.
'I'm not ignoring you. I just don't think that you should be messaging me. I will not ask you how but I will ask you why? -(YI)-
'Questions, Questions, so many questions. All will be revealed soon Little Kitty ;) -JM-
You sighed and gulped
'Mr Moriarty, I think it would be best if we waited till our next session for us to speak. -(YI)-
'Please. Call my Jim, Little Kitty.' -JM-
'I would prefer it if we kept this professional, Moriarty.' -(YI)-
'I would beg a differ (YN).' -JM-
'I do not know how you found my number but more importantly, I do not want to play your games Moriarty. I would rather stay out of them. Alright?' -(YI)-
You felt a tiny bit of regret for sounding so harsh but you knew that you had to make your point clear.
'Alright.' -JM-
That was the last text he sent...
You sighed and put your phone down.
You remember what Sherlock told you about him, You read about him on John's blog.
He is dangerous, not to be trusted or even involved with.
Your mind thought many things but a big thought came to you...
'This may have just made this case harder than it already was...'
TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You were now sitting on your couch, 'eating' your microwavable meal. You twirled your fork in the food and stabbed at the pieces of meat that looked months old. This 'meal' was the only thing left in your freezer, most of your freezer space was taken up by Sherlock's experiments. He put them in your freezer/fridge since John would most definitely not allow him to do so. You felt sick looking at the 'meal' and put it aside.
"Not Hungry." You heard a recognizable voice say from the door.
"Not really..." You sighed and turned your head to see Sherlock standing there.
You beckoned him inside and he sat down beside you, your hands on your lap. Your back slouched forward. You looked at Sherlock and smiled weakly which he did in return. You flopped your head onto his shoulder and sighed
"I'm stuck... This client is the most tricky one I've ever dealt with... I don't know what I'm supposed to do or say..." You blurted out to Sherlock
He sighed and rubbed your head "Your supposed to do the right thing, though it may seem the opposite. You can handle it, you're practically a sister to me and an 'honorary Holmes family member' according to my mother." He ruffled your (HC) hair.
"I know... but... He's so... So..." You couldn't finish your sentences. they were jumbled.
Sherlock sighed and pulled you into a hug, this was rare since Sherlock doesn't really like any human interaction but you hugged him back anyway.
"You can do this. You're a Holmes, though honorary... You're still a Holmes and you can do it. You're smarter than those stupid officers and guards." He smirked
You smirked back "Thanks Sherly, you've given me some enthusiasm.."
He sighed and peeled you off of him and leaned against the sofa "So... Are you going for another session with 'Him'?" Sherlock asked out of curiosity.
"I have to... Its my job Sherly." You sighed and smiled
He sighed and rose up from his space on the couch "Come on. Lets go to a bistro. Have something better than month old microwavable rubbish." He took your hand and hoisted you up from the couch. He threw you your coat and shoes. And he was out the door. You quickly put your shoes and coat on a ran after him
"Well Sorry! Its not my fault that someone put body parts in my fridge/freezer and I now have no space in my fridge!" You shouted to him as he walked down the street to a local bistro that could fill the two of you up.
You woke up and looked around the room, the room was quiet. You sighed and rose to your feet. You went for a shower and let your hair air-dry for once, not wanting to damage your hair with the heat of the dryer. You changed into your work-clothes, put on nearly close to none makeup and went to make breakfast. Your eye caught sight of something on your chair.
It was Moriarty's jacket... It was now on the the chair.
You grabbed it and threw it into a bin bag. You threw it at the door of the bathroom and sighed. You took deep breaths and sighed. You were in control. You brushed your hair and grabbed an apple that was seemingly okay looking from the fruit bowl. You ate it as you walked out of the door. Your bag over your shoulder, you threw your keys into your bag and walked into a taxi. A different cabbie from yesterday but oh well you thought as the taxi drove you to Pentonville Prison.
You soon arrived at the chilling prison, the atmosphere was like that of a dark alley that people wouldn't dare walk around in at night.
You showed your ID and you were let in, they led you back to his cell.
There he was, being held and guarded on either side by two tall guards. Moriarty smirked at you and the guards tugged at him and dragged him into the interrogation room. You followed behind. One of the Wardens handed you a pen and paper. You nodded and walked into the interrogation room. Moriarty's hands were cuffed to the table and he tapped his fingers against the table. You sighed and sat down across from Him. You straightened your posture and prepared to begin the session.
"Hello again Doctor (LN)." He smirked.
You sighed "Well Mr Moriarty, the session will begin as soon as I get my recorder out." You pulled a recording device from your bag and placed it on the table
"May I ask a question?" He asked, acting innocent.
"Of course." You nearly choked on your words.
"How private are these sessions?" He rose his brow
"As private as you want them to be, Sir." You bit your lip
"Is it possible for it to be just you and me Doctor? Without those cameras up there staring and looking at us, it doesn't make me comfortable." He was lying through his teeth, you could feel it. You gritted your teeth
"Of course." You nodded to the camera and soon you saw the red light switch off on the camera. You sighed and looked at Moriarty. He was now smirking wider than a Cheshire cat.
"Much better." He purred which made you growl
"Now... Time to begin our Session, Jim." You snapped
"Fiesty Fiesty Little Kitty, beginning to use your claws I see." Moriarty grinned
You sighed and switched on the recorder. The beep sound made the two of you aware that it was now recording.
The session had begun and things were about to get a hell lot more interesting...
TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The session had came to an end. You had heard... a lot. You sighed and ended the recording. You looked at Moriarty and breathed out.
"The session is over... You will be escorted to your cell soon enough." You kept your posture straight
You rose to your feet as quick as possible, you heard Moriarty's chuckle from behind you as you shut the interrogation room door. You sighed and went into the toilets. You breathed in and out.
What he said had... shocked you...
Even Scared you...
You heard his voice in your head, talking as if he was right behind you, whispering it to you.
You shivered as you remembered hearing his woeful beginnings
'What about your childhood, Jim.'
'I had none, my drunkard excuse for parents. Beating me till I felt nothing but hatred. I tried to reach out but no one believed me.. No one ever did... So I gave up on them and joined the other side. The side of the demons...'
You were struck by him saying that
'Doctor (LN), what do you think about 'evil'?'
'I am rather indifferent, apart from holding up justice then I do not have a particular opinion on it... why do you ask Jim?'
'I believe in a phrase... The phrase states... 'Evil isn't born...
It's made..'
You felt a small amount of sympathy towards him... Only small but still
Abusive Alcoholics for parents...
You couldn't conjure up any images of seeing your own parents like that. You sighed and looked at yourself in the mirror. You clutched your bag tightly and made your way out of the toilets. You saw Lestrade who was pacing, he went over to you and asked numerous questions.
You honestly zoned out when he asked them, your mind drifted. As did your eyes as you saw Moriarty being escorted back to his cell. You watched closely. He didn't struggle.
You sighed and broke your concentration from 'Him' and looked at Lestrade who seemingly looks like he's been trying to get your attention for the past 5 minutes. You shook your head and walked out of the prison, this place was making you feel sick. The smell of urine and dirt was choking you.
You made your way out and Lestrade followed behind.
"Want a lift?" He asked nicely
You look at him "Thanks Graham." You tease, you see his eyes roll
"You spend too much time with him." Lestrade chuckled and got in the driver's seat of his car, you opened the passenger seat door and sat inside. You saw Donovan totter over to the car in her black small heels. She saw that you were in the passenger seat and went into a huff and got in the back. You smirked
The car starts to drive down the motorway and you decide to have some fun with Donovan
"Hello Donovan." You said fakely
"Hello Freak number 2..." She muttered which made you smirk wider
"Thanks for the compliment. How's your thing with Anderson going?" You grinned like the Cheshire cat, Lestrade held in his laughter and had to try and keep the car in control since he had to stop himself from going into hysterics. Donovan blushed cherry red and tried to deny it but all that came out were drabbles of nonsense and stuttered words. It was like this the whole way back to 221B.
You hopped out and thanked Lestrade from the lift. Donovan hopped out of the back and decided to regain her 'seat in the car'. Before she did though you decide to inform her of something
"Oh Donovan, you may need to rethink your clothing choice. For you see... You've been flashing everyone all day with your bright pink, lacy (*Primark*) panties... just thought you ought to know." You winked
She went bright red again and covered herself "Damn you! Y-You.. Y-You... YOU FREAK!" She screeched and stormed into the front seat of Lestrade's car. You smirked as you waved Donovan a 'fake as can be' goodbye. She glared at you as the car drove off. You held in laughter and grabbed your keys from your bag. Opening the door, you stepped in and sighed. You were proud of yourself for doing that, it was always fun to get their panties in a twist.
Anderson's next on your 'to tease list'
You felt much more happier than what you were before the car ride. You sighed and walked up the stairs and instantly heard gun-shots. You walked in to see Sherlock shooting away and John had head-phones, obviously trying to block out the noises of the gun as Sherlock fires at the walls (*willy nilly*). You sighed
"Poor old Mrs Hudson, stuck with a destructive tenant." You sighed, Sherlock stopped firing at the wall.
"Boredom takes over me like a sickness does to the common minded." He sighed
You shook your head and took his gun from him, you put it by the skull. You tapped John's headphones to tell him that he may remove them.He smiled and removed them
"Thanks (NN)." John smiled and sipped his warm tea
"Just thinking about the lively-hood of us all. Wouldn't want Sherlock to destroy the flat now would we?" You smiled and sat at the table in the kitchen
"How did the session go?" Sherlock asked, John looked at you and he seemed curious.
"Well... I learned a lot today. A lot... But the biggest thing I learned... Evil isn't born... it's made." You sighed and looked at the two.
Sherlock leaned back on the sofa, John sighed and went back to his tea. You stood up and went up to your flat.
You opened the door of your flat and looked around, taking in everything. Stuff was strewn on tables and chairs from this morning. The black bin bag still sat by your bathroom door. You walked over and picked up the black bag, you opened it and pulled out the jacket
You felt the fabric and saw the label read 'Westwood'
You could smell the scent of your perfume on the jacket, but then again you could smell his cologne. The mix of the two smelled somewhat...
More than nice, it was an addicting scent. You closed your eyes and smelled the jacket. Your eyes snapped open when you realized what you were doing, you stuffed it back into the black bin bag and threw it into your kitchen. You sighed and felt a wave of exhaustion fly over and through you. You stretched and got changed into your pajamas. You slipped into bed and saw the stars outside of your window.
You sighed and let your head hit the pillow, you curled up. As you closed your eyes you heard his voice. His voice muttered
'Evil isn't born, its made...'
You closed your eyes and fell into a silent sleep...
DREAM/NIGHTMARE TIME~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You were flying, high above London, you landed on a building. Large wings were behind you. You looked around and saw Sherlock. You saw he had pure black wings that looked like a raven's wings. You walked towards him and he walked towards you. He ran to you and grabbed you by the throat. This dream was turning into a nightmare. He dragged you to the side of the building. You rose to your feet and stumbled slightly, you saw your once pure white wings slowly turn black at the ends. You fluttered them but you weren't ready for what happened next...
Sherlock pushed you...
You reached for him but he scoffed and watched you fall, you looked and saw everyone you knew watch you fall, your feathers shedding and sizzling. You cried as you fell.
You hit the ground, you turned your head to see one of your wings was now bat-like, your eyes widened in shock.
Moriarty came out of the darkness and whispered to you
"Welcome to this side, Fallen Angel..."
You screamed as your wings burned and then it all turned black, the last thing you saw was Moriarty's dead doll-like eyes staring into your own...
END OF DREAM/NIGHTMARE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Your eyes shot open, you shakily rose up from bed and looked around. You never had nightmares... but... you just did.
You rose a hand to your face, it massaged your temples as you tried to calm your harsh beating heart. You sighed and felt a shiver up your spine as you remembered the last part of the nightmare...
The last two words were the ones that struck you, that brought a sudden shiver up your spine.
Fallen Angel...
End of Chapter 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
*Primark* - A cheap British clothing store
*Willy Nilly*- Without direction or planning
Hi my little tacos and cupcakes! Here is chapter 2 to this since people on certain sites have been begging me for chapter 2. I am working on my fanfics now since I took a break but I'm back. And you have me till September! Till September since that's when I start school again. I am happy to be back and happy to be able to write for you guys again! Goodbye my little tacos and cupcakes! I'll see you in my next update!!
~AgentLlamaSocks341 aka Sophlette~
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