Ravenna and Dan didn't speak on the way back to Morgan le Fay. They sat quietly in the common room with their classmates the rest of the day, completing their final essay on phoenixes. While she struggled to remember what the creatures ate, what their tears were used for, and where the three-tailed phoenix originated from – flobberworms, healing, and Persia – she kept being distracted by the question, What am I going to do?
"Are you guys alright?"
Startled, Ravenna looked up to find Ella peering at her and Dan over her quill.
"You've barely said a word all evening," she said.
Ravenna couldn't help but glance at Willem, who straightened up as if he immediately understood what this was about.
"We're fine, Ella, thanks," Dan muttered.
"Are you sure? If it's the homework you're struggling with, maybe I can help. Just let me know."
"That's sweet, but we're alright, thanks."
Dan hadn't even finished his sentence when Willem leaned forward. "Did you get another letter?"
Ravenna shared a look with Dan. Should they tell him? She wasn't so sure. The last time she'd spoken to him about this, Willem had said he wanted to join Alois despite what his friends had done to Ella. If she told him about Alois' plan for Halloween, he'd want to go.
Even just thinking about the chaos the Death Eaters were planning made her feel sick to her stomach.
"No," she lied. "No letter."
"Fantastic," said Ezra. "Now that that's cleared up, can we get back to work, please?"
For a moment Ravenna wondered why Ezra, of all people, was so eager to do his homework. Until she caught him shoot a worried glance at Ella. The funeral was only last week.
Ravenna tried to get back to work after that, but she couldn't focus. At one point she even found herself checking the cover of her textbook to figure out which subject she was working on again. With a frustrated sigh, she said, "Anyone ready to go for dinner yet?"
"I was ready an hour ago," said Ezra gruffly, already slamming his book shut.
It was pie day – shepherd's pies, pork pies, and chicken and mushroom pies adorned the three long tables. While eating, they chatted about anything and everything while staying away from the topic of Death Eaters. Ravenna ate until she couldn't have another bite, doing her best to forget about Alois, if only for a little while.
But it wouldn't last long.
She was just about to start on her dessert – fruit trifle, her favourite – when Professor Slughorn stood up from her seat at the middle table. She clinked her spoon against her glass, and the hall fell silent.
"Good evening, everyone. My apologies for interrupting your dinner, but I have an important announcement tonight. A warning, if you will. Earlier today, I received a letter from Hogwarts. Apparently, several of their older students have been approached by Death Eaters. They've been reaching out, trying to increase their numbers."
A few younger students gasped. Ravenna's heart clenched, as she remembered Dumbledore entering this very same dinner hall mere weeks ago. It was probably the first time a Hogwarts headmaster had ever set foot in Morgan le Fay. And now he'd reached out again. Did he know something? Was that what this warning was really about?
"I don't think I need to explain to any of you how dangerous these people are. You've all seen the news. You've all heard of the attack on one of our own." She glanced towards Ella, who stared down at her plate. Ezra nudged her, but she didn't look up until Professor Slughorn had continued talking.
"I have no idea whether they'll set their sights on Morgan le Fay as well. But in case they do, I want you all to be warned. They are very clever about this; you might not even recognise it for what it is at first. They draw you in until you're so far in over your head that you can't escape them anymore. Please do not let it get that far. If you receive a letter from someone you don't know, come and see either me or your class tutor. Talk to us, before it's too late."
Silence filled the dining hall as the headmistress let her grey eyes wander across the faces of all her students. When she reached the table where level five was seated, Ravenna felt like Slughorn could see right through her. Like this wasn't a general word of warning for the whole school, but a warning for her specifically.
Either way, it came too late. Much, much too late.
"I don't mean to scare you, but I want you all to be vigilant," headmistress Slughorn continued. "The teachers are all here for you. Please don't hesitate to ask for help. In the meantime, however, enjoy this wonderful dinner."
The headmistress sat down. As the chatter picked up around her, Ravenna stared down at her trifle. It suddenly didn't look so appealing anymore. She lay her spoon next to the bowl and rubbed her hands over her face.
She's right, Ravenna thought. I should have told someone. I should have talked to Trindine right from the start. But now... If she did that now, what would Alois do to the school?
In fact, if any of them talked...
"Willem," she said, realising too late that she was interrupting her friends' conversation. Doesn't matter. This is more important right now. "Did you tell any of the others, any of your old classmates, about Alois? About what he is?"
Willem's brows furrowed. "Er... Yes, they know. Why?"
"You need to stop them from telling Slughorn or their class tutor about it."
"What?" Ezra exclaimed. "I thought we were done with this. Why are you still trying to protect that dickhead?"
"I'm not," said Ravenna. "I'm trying to protect us. There's something you guys should know..."
"They need to know, Dan," said Ravenna.
"You did get another letter, didn't you?" Willem squeaked. "You lied to me earlier!"
A sigh escaped her. She felt tired. As if she'd just taken her potion. "I got a letter a few days ago. He wanted to meet up in Dawnwich again."
"And you went?" said Ezra.
"To confront him, yes. I was angry about what he did to Ella. I went to let him know I wanted nothing to do with him. But then..." She shot a helpless look at Dan.
"Then what?" Ella breathed.
When Ravenna didn't respond, Dan took over. "He threatened M-M-Morgan le Fay. He said he'd have his Death Eater friends attack the school if we don't do as he says."
Ella gulped. She opened her mouth to say something, but no words came out. Terror twisted her face. Eventually she shut it again, stood up and ran out of the dining hall.
"Ella!" Ezra called after her, but she ignored it. "Dammit. I'll go after her," he said, getting up as well. Before walking away, he added, "You said if you don't do as they say. What exactly does he want you to do?"
Ravenna didn't meet the eye of their oldest classmate. Instead, she met Willem's gaze. There was no fear nor excitement drawn on his face. Only shock. "He wants us to join them in their next attack. All of us. Everyone who went to that meeting the other week."
Willem's eyes widened even further, if that was possible. Perhaps that was the only good thing about this. Even Willem couldn't keep saying he wanted to join them, after this. Even Willem would have to give up on it now.
But it was too late. They were already in too deep. It was too late to back out. Even Dumbledore's warning had come much too late.
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