This chapter show siblings love ❤️ as well as give a glance of Siblings love life. And MOMENTS WITH ARNAV too 💖💖.
Ariel's P.O.V.
What's going on ?
What they all are talking ?
Will they agree ?
Will Jay be ok ?
"Ari, Ari listen, why are you so panicked ?" Arnav hold my arm and asked me.
"Panick ? Me ? No, Not at all" I shrugged off him.
"Not good at lying" he said to me.
I sighed.
"You know what, Jayden is with those 3 lions alone in a room and you are asking me, why I am panicking. Great, just Great" He raised his hand in surrender listening my sudden outburst.
"Chill my lioness" He told me patting my head.
"Bubby, what do you think what they all are talking ?" I asked him curiously as well as seriously.
"Hmmm" He kept his finger on his chin and think about it "I have a feeling that your 3 brothers are showing your videos to your love of your life"
I frowned in confusion "Which videos ?"
"Did you forget it ? Video when you are eating like no tomorrow, video when we all pranked you and you fell in mud, a video when you are dancing on Doraemon song in your room, a video when you did some embarrassing stuff like messa-"
"Ok ok I understand" I immediately interrupt him.
"So, they are showing him these videos"
I again frowned in confusion "Why ?"
But as soon as I said that, realisation hits me as my eyes widened.
"What- oh my God" I was going to rush inside the room but hold back by none other than Great laughing Arnav.
Inside Room...
"Jay, you are our friend and you know us better" Arjun said to Jayden seriously.
To which Jayden nodded his head.
"You know us, you know our work. You know very well that loving Mafias' sister is dangerous for health too, then ?" Aarav asked him slightly smirking.
"If love is dangerous for health then I am ready as well as happy to become a patient" Jay said this straight face.
To which Aarav give him a cold stare.
Jay gulped and nervously smiled at him before saying "S-Sorry"
"Jayden Oberoi we are serious here" Arjun said to him sternly.
Jay nodded.
"What did Ari saw in you ?" Aarav asked him.
“Umm don't you guys think you should ask this question to Ari ?" Jay replied, smiling nervously.
Aarav again glared at him.
“S-Sorry" He gulped.
“What did you see in Ari ?" Arjun asked this time.
Jay sighed and a small smile appear on his face thinking about his love of life.
This didn't go unnoticed by three brothers.
“She is the best. An innocent and pure soul. I love the way she is. At one moment, she becomes child while on another moment she becomes everyone's mom" he chuckled telling this “Cute, childish, bossy, and most importantly Understanding. I can do anything to protect her, to make her happy"
“I know, she is your Jewel. Trust me, I will keep your Jewel safe with me." He completed his sentence and looked at brothers, who are looking at him attentively.
They looked each other and sighed and smiled.
“I can trust you with my Ari, Jay. Keep her safe." Aryan said patting Jay's back.
Jay's eyes lit up.
“But remember, If I will ever saw tears in her eyes, you are going to see different us" Aryan said coldly.
To which Jay nodded immediately.
“Good-" Arjun said but cuts off by Ari barging in the room with Arnav following her.
“What are you all doing ? Isn't you'll took forever to just discuss one thing ?" Ari said suspiciously.
“Ari, I will miss you" Arjun said and hugged her.
She frowned in confusion but still hugged him back.
“Because, now you can date this impebicle" Aarav said rolling his eyes.
“Heyyy, his name is Jayden, not impe- OMG WHAT ? WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY ? REPEAT IT REPEAT IT PLEASEEE" She sequeled and looked at Aryan for confirmation.
To which he nodded with a smile.
She again sequeled and immediately hugged Aryan tightly. Aryan chuckled and hugged her back.
“Thank youuuuu so much bubby. I love you so muchhhhhhh" she muttered in his chest, to which Aryan chuckled “I love you too princess"
“I guess we are Quadruplets. So why only him is getting your love and hugs ?" Arjun huffed.
Ari giggled and hugged Arjun too with a ‘I love you too'. Without wasting any time, Aarav pulled Ari towards him and hugged her tightly. Ari giggled and hugged him back.
“That's why I said I am going to miss you" Arjun said pouting.
She rolled her eyes and said.
“I am just dating Bubby, not marrying"
Time Skip ( 4 years later )
“I am going to marry him" Ari sequeled excitedly.
Arnav chuckled.
“Calm down my little princess, calm down" He said shooking his head.
“I couldn't help with it. I am nervous because it's my first time to marry" She said.
Arnav looked at her weirdly.
“Are you lost your mind because of marriage ?" He asked her.
She rolled her eyes.
Arnav sighed.
“It's like everything is so fast."
Ari frowned and looked at him.
“What do you mean bubby ?" She asked him.
“I mean it's just like yesterday when you came running to me and hugged me" he chuckled remembering old days.
Ari smiled and hugged him.
“It's not my fault. You save my bracelet." She pouted.
Arnav hugged her back and chuckled.
💭 Flashback 💭
Age : 10 years old
In school...
“I like your bracelet. Give it to me" one boy said and try to grab that bracelet from Ari.
“N-No, I can't give it to you. My bubby made it for me" she said with tears in her eyes.
“But I like it"
“Then go and make for yourself" another unfamiliar voice said.
Ari looked behind to see another boy. She knows this boy. He is his classmate. He is a silent boy of the class. He never talks with anyone. He always eat alone, read alone and always remain alone.
“No, I want this only"
“No, I will not give you this" Ari said hiding her bracelet behind her back.
“I will take this" that boy said and going to touch Ari. Before he could even touch her, that silent boy pushed him off and hold Ari's hand and ran away from there, pulling Ari with him, leaving crying boy on the ground.
“T-Thank you Arnav for saving my bracelet" Ari smiled at him to which he nodded and asked “Why are you alone today ? Where is your brother ?"
“Bubby is sick today" Ari said with a pout.
Arnav nodded and left from there.
Ari frowned cutely at his lack of response.
“Meanie" she pouted and left from there.
During lunch, Ari is alone today as Aryan is not there. So she went to rooftop.
Suddenly she heard a crying sound.
She flinched and hide behind the pole and peeked from there to see who is crying.
To her surprise, he is none other than Arnav.
“M-Mom w-where are you ? P-Ple-ease come back. I am soooooo alone. D-Dad is always b-busy in his work. I-I didn't had any s-sibling or f-friend to p-play with. I don't have anyone, Mom. Please c-come back. I-I m-missed you s-so much" He was saying this with hiccups.
Ari's heart broke listening this.
She can feel his pain. She also didn't have mother, Father or friend. But she definitely has her brother.
She immediately ran towards Arnav and hugged him.
“Don't tell like this Arnav."
Arnav stiffed for a moment but then hugged her back and started sobbing.
Next day ...
Ari dragged her brother Aryan to the rooftop.
“What are you doing Ari ?" He asked her still let her dragged him.
“Bubby , I made a new friend, who saved my bracelet yesterday. I want you to meet him" She said.
They came to the rooftop where Arnav is siting quietly looking at sky.
“Arnavvvv" Ari came running towards him.
“Arnav, see my brother wants to meet you. And bubby, he is the one who saved me yesterday. His name is Arnav. And now we are friends" Ari said smiling.
Aryan felt a little jealous that his sister is now getting close with another boy. But he still feel relieved that Arnav saved his sister when he was not there.
So he pulled his hand out to shake to which Arnav replied giving his hand to shake.
Ari smiled brightly seeing this.
💭 Flashback Ends 💭
They both chuckled.
“From that day, you never let me feel alone. Thank you so much Ari. You are my first friend. I love you so much"
These lines made Ari tear up.
“How could you thank me like this ? You also helped us a lot. You are also my first friend. Did I ever say Thank you ? No, right ? Then how could yo-"
“Ok ok sorry" Arnav laughed.
“Speaking of Aryan, I still couldn't believe that he is married" Arnav laughed.
Ari joined him.
“Yes, he was so nervous that day"
💭 Flashback 💭
Age : 20 years old
Quadruplets 20th birthday....
“Don't hide your feelings Ryan" Ari said to him looking at his eyes.
“You are Mafia that doesn't mean you will hide your feelings. Just go and confess before time goes." Ari told firmly to her confused brother.
“H-How ? W-When ?"
“Tomorrow is our birthday. Propose her infront of everyone" Ari said smiling cheekily.
Aryan widened his eyes and gulped, but nodded.
Next Day ...
“Umm E-Ember" Aryan said.
Ember turn around and smiled seeing Aryan.
“Happy Birthday Aryan" She wished him, smiling.
“Thank you" He replied back.
He wants to tell her that he loves her but he don't know how. He could see Ari indicating him to sit on one knee and proposed Ember, from the corner of his eyes but he just couldn't.
“Ember, I want to tell you something"
“Hmm ?" She asked him smiling.
“Ember, I-I know we are friends. And I think you are seeing me as a f-friend only but I w-want to t-tell you that-"
“I love you too Aryan" Ember said smiling.
Aryan froze for a moment before widening his eyes.
Everyone's attention on them.
Everything suddenly became so silent.
Ari's squeal bring everyone back in present.
A wide smile spread on his lips.
He hugged Ember tightly and Ember hugged him back as tightly.
A lots of cheers are heard in surrounding.
Aryan pulled out from hug and kneel infront of Ember, with a smile on his lips.
“Ember Davis, I Aryan Moretti loves you and want you to become my Sister's Sister in law. Will you ?" Aryan said showing a ring.
Ember's eyes widened in shock. She nodded immediately and looked at Aryan with full love and accept his ring.
Claps and cheers are heard from everywhere.
Ari couldn't help but get tears in her eyes. Jay noticed this and without wasting a second, he hugged her.
Aryan saw this and smiled satisfied that he chose right guy for his sister.
“Why aren't you a smart like Ember ?" Arjun suddenly said to Sara.
Sara frowned in confusion.
“Idiot, you should also propose me" Arjun rolled his eyes.
“Excuse me, don't you have eyes ? Aryan proposed Ember not other way round" Sara replied.
“But, she understood before he could even speak-" Arjun was cuts off by Jayden.
“So you both love each other ?"
They both widened their eyes for a second but then nodded, blushing a little.
Everyone laughed at their faces.
“So we got 2 couples on this beautiful evening-" Ari cuts off by Aarav.
“Correction, 3 couples" He said and smirked looking at Vera, who just become red like Tomato because of the spotlight, she is getting.
“Waahhh" Ari squealed.
Everyone cheered for the three couple and enjoy that evening.
💭 Flashback Ends 💭
They both laughed remembering each and every thing.
Time Skip ( Marriage )
Ari walk down the aisle in a beautiful white gown, stealing Jay's heart.
She is looking breath taking beautiful. Everyone present there looked at her with a sparkle in their eyes.
(Ari's white gown ^^^)
Aryan, who is going to escorts her down the aisle, stands to her right.
This is Damon's wish that Aryan should be the one who will escort her, because according to him, Aryan is not only became a brother but also become a father figure to her.
Aryan and Ariel are not only Brother and sister, they became each other's parents when needed, they became each other's best friend. They are each other's strength, Other half.
Aryan was very happy getting this opportunity and same with Ari.
They both walked where priest and Jayden were stand. Arjun , Aarav and Arnav are all stand near Jayden.
Aryan gave Ari's hand on Jay's hand and whispered “Keep her happy", to which Jay nodded sincerely.
Priest started reading shlokas.
They took vows.
Time Skip ( After Marriage )
“Did you see Aryan anywhere ?" Ari asked one of the maid.
She shaked her head in no.
After marriage , everyone are enjoying the party where Ari is busy in finding her brother.
She is searching everywhere.
Suddenly she heard sobbing sound from her room.
Lights are off. She couldn't see anything but she can tell that who is he.
She immediately rushed towards him and hugged him.
“Why are you crying bubby ?" She panicked. He sobbed on her chest.
It's her first time she saw Ryan crying this much.
“Ryan don't c-cry p-please" She brushed her fingers on his hair trying to calm him.
After some time, he calmed down.
“W-What happened Rii ? Why are you crying ?" She asked worriedly.
“I-I don't know how I am going to survive after you went. I never live without you. I-I don't know how I will even m-manage to live without you. I will miss you Ari" He said, with tears streaming down his eyes.
Ari's eyes glistened with tears.
“You have a family bubby. Y-You have to take care of them. You have to survive for them" She tried her best to control her tears.
“Aren't you my family ? Before everyone, you are my family, Ari. You are my everything."
This was enough for Ari to break into tears.
They pulled each other in hug.
“I will miss you siss" He muttered.
“I love you bubby"
“I love you too princess"
The End ...
Officially End 😇.
Hope you love this book .... ❤️
And hope you will give same love to MY TWINNIES too 💗.
Byee Byee... Luv ya 😘.
Published : 1st March 2022.
Total Words : 2469 words 😁.
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