Patchpelt started a business....?
Firestar: So Patch-Patch-Weirdo-Cat, if you could have someone build any sort of restaurant, what would you have them build?
Patchpelt: A grocery store, obviously!
Firestar: That's not a restaurant!
5 days later....
*Firestar's walking down the street past an empty field...or what used to be an empty field...*
*In the field there's about ten cats who look like they're trying to build something with wood. A giant banner is planted in the ground that says in big blue letters THE EPIC CHEESE PONY CLUB*
Firestar: Patchpelt? Brackenfoot? Are you here?
*Patchpelt waves to Firestar.*
Patchpelt: Hi, Fire-Fire-Cheese-Cat!
Brackenfoot: But I wanna pizza!
Firestar: I have no idea what they're doing...I should probably just ignore them...the last time they looked like they were building something, they were building a little tent out of mud for "cheese ponies to sleep in when they come to visit StarClan....
2 weeks later...
*Firestar walks by the field again. A 10 foot tall wooden building stands in front of him with a huge sign next to it that says PATCHPELT'S SOUPER AWSUM GROWSERRIE STOAR*
Firestar: Patchpelt started a, um, what does that say...oh, it says grocery store. Great StarClan, I better see what he thinks he's doing....
*Firestar enters the store. Inside are a bunch of makeshift wooden shelves that the Cheese Pony Club probably built by hand....or by paw, you could say.*
Patchpelt: Hi, Fire-Fire-Cheese-Cat! Welcome to my grocery store!
Firestar: Ok, then...
Patchpelt: Would you like a free cookie? Like everything else in this store, I made it!
Firestar: Ok...
*Patchpelt hands him a cookie. Firestar takes a bite.*
Firestar: Oh my great StarClan.....these are actually good! What are the ingredients?
Patchpelt: Let's see....dough, sugar, cheese, bananas, and, um, there's one more thing...
Firestar: What is it?
Patchpelt: Oh yeah, I remember what it is! It's fox-dung!
*Firestar passes out*
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