Cloudtail's Comedy Show Episode 1
Cloudtail: Hey, this is a new show premiering on LionheartPublishing Network! Cloudtail's comedy show! Do you know why Firestar runs so fast through the forest once the sun has risen?
Some cat in the audience: Because there's a dog, or Tigerstar, or something?
Cloudtail: Nope! Because it's bright enough for him to see in the mirror!
*Audience roars with laughter as a cat in an ugly orange coat comes out*
Actor: NO! My nails are chipped! I just got them painted pink! NO!!!
Cloudtail: What are you scared of, Fire-Fire-Stupid-Failure?
Actor*pointing behind him*: That-that scary dark thing! It looks monstrous and it's following me! It even looks like it is touching me!
Cloudtail: That's your shadow, and I can't blame you for being scared!
You know Firestar's brain is still MIA,
Most cats say it never existed,
When he says something so stupid!
Well, laughing can hardly be resisted!
*A few sound effects play from the speakers*
Cloudtail: Ta-da! Rhyming in perfectly good timing, for a poet who most certainly does know it!
*Scene changes*
Cloudtail: Hey taxi! Take me to Memphis!
*Pretends to sit in an imaginary taxi and fall asleep*
*Pretends to wake up about five seconds later*
Cloudtail: Where am I? Why does it look like a desert?
*A cat in a yellow suit appears holding a closed blue umbrella in one forepaw while pretending to move a steering wheel with the other paw*
Cat/Fake Taxi Driver: Memphis, Egypt, as you requested, sir!
*Cloudtail bangs frustratedly on the fake windows of the car*
Cloudtail: Not Memphis, Egypt, you idiot! Memphis, Tennessee!
*The car driver makes a big show in pretending reach into the backseat and open the door. He then gives Cloudtail a mighty shove and pushes him out of the imaginary taxi. The lights slowly fade*
Cloudtail's voice: This was just a shortened version of our show! The rest of our shows will be five or six times longer! Hope you enjoyed, come back next time!
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