Actual update
Lol jk, this is the start of a fanfic I wrote called, strive for power, please read it , I'm so proud of it.
Virgil woke up with a thud, his eyes refused to open, even though he could see the blinding light of the sun which meant his curtains were open... 'thanks Patton ' he thought smiling lightly. He finally opened his eyes, the room taking shape. His room was a basic square, one wall lined with books of many types , most being books about magic and learning hands, the book shelf parted in the middle, making room for a rather large desk that was piled with notes , scattered sketches of art and ideas, and finally a cup of hot steaming coffee and a note.
Virgil pulled himself out of his bed, pulling back the plum purple covers and stretched. he removed the large back brace he was wearing, his Buzzard like wings unfolded and touched the floor, he then pushed them outwards as far he could, stretching them in the process. He smiled slipped on a white shirt and his black hoodie with purple patches ( both had holes ripped in the back so his wings didn't have to be cramped up under his shirt). His wings were very special, his whole family had black or brown wings which were quite small, while Virgil's wings were a deep charcoal and dark violet mix, his wings were so big that he had to wear a large brace around them while sleeping so the feathers wouldn't be crushed or that he bones in the wings wouldn't be broken.
He made his way over to the desk, he picked up the coffee cup ( it was a jack skellington mug, hes a child of taste.) and took a sip, it was black with no sugar, basically poison but he didn't really mind. He picked up the note and read it, it was definitely Patton, Virgil knew because it was completely written in crayon.
' Good morning Kiddo! 😁🥰🖐🖐🖐
I made you coffee🧇🥞 and there is breakfast downstairs! 😎
Roman asked if you could stop taking his hair spray and Logan said he would be waiting for you down stairs from your lesson!!😂😂
Lots and lots of love💜💙❤🖤
-Patton (dad)😊🤩
PS its pancakes🥞
pss and waffles with syrup and lemon, just how you like it🧇🍋🍯
psss Thomas might be round later for training so be prepared😢🤩
Virgil laughed a little, he went back to his bed to make his bed. Talking about his bed, what was the thud that he heard when he woke up. He looked next to his bed and saw a brightly colored book, Which was most likely the book he was reading entitled ' Easy Hands language for children', it had emojis covering it from head to toe with a bright red sticker that said 'for children 5 and under!'. He was sure he wasn't a child, but Logan decided that it would be the easiest way to learn because its colorful and 'fun' as he put it, Virgil was pretty sure it was some form of sadistic torture for using Hands so swear and make fun of Roman behind his back, Logan soon caught on and started giving Virgil child books. He didn't really like Logan that much because of it, but it would help the others understand Logan more.
Virgil tucked the book under his wings and finished his coffee, he held the cup as he retired from his room. He was just about to start walking down the stairs when 3 small bright glowing letters hit his forehead, they was paper thin and soon poofed out into smoke, he recognized the letters, they were '☟☜✡'. Virgil chuckled and turned around to see the logic of all of them. Logan. He wore a black shirt with a denim, berry, lapis blue mix tie , and cream trousers. His classic Warby Parkers placed idle on the ridge of his nose.
"hey back to you, are we still on for lessons later?" Virgil inquired, Logan nodded softly and smiled evilly. then began to move his hands. Logan's hands were weird, they had 3 holes in each of his palms , each with One large whole with 2 smaller holes placed next to it. (Roman makes fun of him because it looks like the mickey mouse logo.) They were transparent and you could put stuff through them, and where you should be the inside of his hands, it was just black. Logan said he was born with them, and that they were magic and the reason he couldn't speak.
'✌ ☼ ☜ ✡ ⚐ 🕆 ☜ ☠ ☺ ⚐ ✡ ✋ ☠ ☝ ✡ ⚐ 🕆 ☼ 👌 ⚐ ⚐ 😐 ✍' Were the next symbols to fly out of his hands, they lied in a straight line in front of Logan (about 20cm away from his chest). Virgil took a minuet to decipher them. Soon he got it 'Are you enjoying your book ?'... that mother F'er. Virgil sarcastically laughed, so it was a punishment.
"shut up you ass wipe, you're the one who wants me to learn... Why was that by the way." Virgil asked it was always dancing in the back of Virgil's mind. Why not Thomas or Patton?.
Logan rolled his eyes and grunted, he went to sign something then stopped. He huffed and pulled up his hands and waved away the old message. '✡ ⚐ 🕆 🕯 ☼ ☜ 💧 💣 ✌ ☼ ❄ ☜ ☼.' Virgil immediately recognized it because was one of the compliments Logan gave him when he got something right.' You're smarter.'
"ooh, I'm soooo flattered. OK seriously though. Patton has made food, so I'm going to eat and then we can start working. Also are you done with Princey's hairspray?" Virgil asked, waving away Logan's previous words away. Logan nodded and looked at his room. He put both of his hand together in a prayer position, moved his palm away (his finger tips still touching) and finally taps his index finger tips together. A few symbols started appearing in his palm, Virgil didn't recognize these but the symbols looked strange and less human '⍑╎↸↸ᒷリ ᒲᒷᓭᓭᔑ⊣ᒷ' were the letters, Logan used these when he was using magic, every time any of the others asked for Logan to translate or teach them anything that used this language, Logan would say no, no explanation or anything. (Both Roman and Virgil have tried to sneak a peak at Logan's translation books but they all had magical locks saying 'Roman or Virgil, if you touch one of these books, I'll turn your insides into outsides' so they never really opened them). Then he put his palms down and looked at Virgil. Then he signed something. ' 👍 ✌ ❄ 👍 ☟' to Virgil. He was dumbfounded for a second. He'd never seen that one before. He thought back to his books. The thumbs meant C, the peace meant A, the snowflake was... Virgil had to remember... it was T and the finger down meant H.. so... Virgil had another moment. OH!
"catch?-" Virgil realized a little too late, Logan stepped out the way as the nearly empty hairspray can hit his square in the forehead. Logan chucked as Virgil started rubbing his forehead and mumbling profanities. He hummed a sorry and walked downstairs for breakfast. Virgil followed suit.
The main living area was simple. A large bar-like area in the kitchen and a table with two seats on it (Patton, Roman, Virgil and Thomas all sat on the sofa while eating. Logan preferred the table.). The living room consisted of a large L shaped sofa and a sofa chair surrounding a TV. Both Roman and Patton were in the kitchen, cooking together while humming some random musical.
Patton looked at Virgil and Logan and gave a bright smile. Patton pointed to the table. "have a seat! I'll take the pancakes out of the oven and I'll serve it right up!" he said, then covered his nose for a sneeze. When he sneezed he uncovered his nose as 3 small bubbles came out. He waved them away. "ah! sorry, my allergies are bad this time of year!!" he exclaimed and turned away and started to wash his hands. Logan and Virgil sat opposite each other while Patton started the serving up process. Virgil making deadly eye contact at Logan ( who at this time was noes deep in a novel called 'Universe: Exploring the Astronomical World'). Virgil eventually gave up. He'll get revenge later.
"Roman, can you make me a bigger knife?" Patton asked, handing over 3 metal forks to Roman who gleefully took them. He popped them into his mouth and waited for a minute. Roman stuck 2 fingers into his own mouth and pulled out a large butcher knife. Patton took it, and smiles happily. "thank you!" he sung.
Patton grabbed both of the plates, placed them down on the counter and wafted his hands above them, in the process, both plates were placed in their own multi-colored bubbles. Patton blew on them and they floated in front of the 2 hunger young adults. The bubbles popped as soon as they touched the table. Logan clicked his fingers and symbols started to appear in his palm (such as 'リ𝙹ᒲ リ𝙹ᒲ ℸ ̣ ╎ᒲᒷ' to be exact) his fork and knife started moving, cutting up his pancakes and basically feeding him, never putting down his book. Virgil shook his head and started eating.
"Emo nightmare! do you have got my hairspray? or did you use it all on your feathers?" Roman joke. Patton nudged Roman who meekly mumbled a sorry. Virgil shrugged it off easily. "here," Virgil said as he threw the bottle at Roman, who caught it and shook it. " How much did you use?" Roma accused, being as dramatic as usual.
Virgil tutted." Remember how you took my hair gel and your excuse was ' sharing is caring' " He mimicked a very high pitched voice on the 'sharing is caring' bit. " Well I shared it with Thomas and he shared it with Logan. Your welcome!" Virgil finished as he put his fork on his plate, he finished his speech and his food. Logan chucked and Roman huffed. Patton clapped his hands together to break the tension. " I recorded Harry potter And The Goblet Of Fire , you guys wanna watch it now?" the Rest agreed and each made there a way to the sofa and Patton flipped on the Movie.
At Least Logan put his book down.
words: 1815
Au made by: ME!!!!
dates:24/10/19 to 25/10/19
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