Chapter 2
I need to start working out. Yesterday, I organized my room and today; I spent all morning and half of the afternoon unpacking the last of my stuff and cleaning the apartment.
I'm exhausted!
After a well deserved hot shower, I put a frozen pizza in the oven and head to the balcony with a box of photos. I've always loved taking pictures, although I'm far from being a professional, and I can't wait to spread some of them around the place.
I'm looking through some old photos when something downstairs catches my attention.
Oh, it seems like someone is getting lucky today. I scoff, watching Lucas make out with a woman in the park.
"Hey, get a room!" I murmur, holding the urge to shout.
I don't know why, but I can't take my eyes off them. It's obvious they are comfortable around each other when he whispers something in her ear, and she giggles and presses her lips to his.
Is she his girlfriend?
Why does it matter if she is, anyway? I bring my attention back to the photos in front of me.
After some time, I gather the mess I made with old paper boxes and some wrapping paper and walk to the trash room to throw it away. Only to cross paths with the cute couple in the hall.
"Alexia." I hear Lucas say as if he's surprised to see me standing here.
"Hey neighbor," I say, giving them a full smile.
"Uh... Hey," Lucas says, a trace of humor in his eyes.
"So, are you ready to pay for my broken car?" I force a sweet smile on my lips, and he searches my eyes.
"I assumed we had already established it was not my fault." He smirks, leading the girl toward his door.
"Oh, where are my manners?" I say, offering her my hand, "I'm Alexia."
Told him yesterday two could play this game.
"Clare," she says and shakes my hand before bringing her eyes to Lucas for a second.
"Nice to meet you, Clare. I'm sure your boyfriend here talked to you about the little accident he caused?" I say and keep the smile on my face, enjoying when I hear Lucas gasping.
"Oh, he is not my boyfriend," she says.
"Really? You two do make a cute little couple." I say as I lean on his door. "Anyway, Lucas here hit my car and is refusing to pay for it." I continue, smirking when I see him biting his lower lip as if trying not to laugh.
"Uh..." She tries.
"Doesn't it bother you when men assume because we're women, we're automatically responsible for any car accident it may involve us?" I ask as I bring my eyes from her to him.
"You stopped without a warning," he says, his eyes fixed on mine.
"You hit the back of my car! You were probably over the limit-"
"You know what? I see you guys have some unsolved business, and uh... How about we talk another time, Lucas?" Clare says, looking at him before heading to the stairs, "Good luck with your car, Alexia."
"Are you sure?" Lucas asks, but she is already waving him goodbye.
"Yeah. Whatever. Call me another time," she says before leaving.
"Well?" I ask, smiling at him.
"I can't believe you cockblocked me." He frowns, but I realize he's having a hard time trying to keep a straight face.
"Oh, you were going to have sex? I'm so sorry."
"Okay." He closes his eyes and shakes his head before stopping in front of his door. "I'm calling my friend tonight and I'll see what we can do about it."
"Text me when you have an answer." I walk to my door.
"Right." He chuckles, and I can't help but join him
"Talk to you later, neighbor." I wink before getting inside my place.
Ready to call it a day, I smile when I hear my mom's ringtone. I sent her a text when I arrived, but I'm sure she's still worried about this whole moving out alone thing.
"Hey mom," I answer.
"Hello sweetie," she says, and I can pick up the relief in her voice, "how is everything going?" She sighs, and now I'm sure she is holding her tongue.
She loved Greg as a son and is not over me and him breaking up. Like me, she thought our future was being together too, and now she can't help but be sad about this whole thing.
"Well... the place is great, bigger than I expected." I try to sound happy, but I know she can hear the sadness in my voice.
This is not how I had envisioned this new stage of my life. I'm still a little lost and wondering about how these changes, but I need to move on,
"I still can't understand why you had to do everything so fast." She sighs.
"What was I supposed to do, mom? College was over and so was my lease. My roommates are now spread all over the country... It's not like I was going back home-" I stop. The last thing I want is to hurt her feelings. "Look, you know I love you and dad more than anything, but I'm ready to start my life, and the opportunity to do it is here. The job is splendid and the school I'll teach seems great."
"I know... It's just... You and Greg had been together forever and always had every part of your life planned out. Where to go after college, which jobs to look for, when to get married, even when to have babies! I can't help but worry about you all by yourself and so far from everyone now." She lets out a soft chuckle, and my heart squeezes tightly in my chest.
"Well, what can I do if he doesn't want the same things anymore?" I ask.
When Greg came to my place to say he was not so sure about us anymore, it let me devastated. I felt cheated and betrayed, and couldn't understand what I had done to make him not want us to be together anymore.
Because of college, he lived in another city, but we were close, or so I thought. I spent two weeks pleading and begging him to reconsider until I realized I couldn't change his mind.
I had to move on... to try to find myself again.
"He didn't say he didn't want to be with you... He said he needed some time to figure things out," she insists, and I can't be mad. I guess that's the thing when you are with someone for so long, it's not just with us they break up.
"Isn't it the same? If he is in doubt about us now, how can I trust he won't have doubts in the future? And what if we get married and have kids? He won't be able to take some time off." I try to reason with her.
"Things are not always so black and white, sweetie..." She says, and I wonder if she is talking about her and dad or me and Greg.
"Whose side are you on, mom?" I'm tired of having the same conversation on and on again.
"Yours, sweetie, always. I want you to be happy, that's all. I just worry about you over there all by yourself and so far from us."
"It's true Greg and I were together for a long time, and that my plans always revolved around him. But I trust this will be good for me, you know?" I say, forcing myself to believe the words.
"You're right! Absolutely right! Just please be careful. Your father and I worry and want only the best for you. Anyway, we are planning a visit to check your new place as soon as he has some free time at work."
My parents have always worried about me and my future. He is a police officer, and she has a bakery in our neighborhood. I never lacked for anything while growing up, but we were never rich. So, I don't want them spending their money on me.
"All right," I say, "I'll be more than happy to have you guys here. But I still think you two should use the money and free time to plan a nice romantic vacation..." My heart warms at the thought, and I smile even though she can't see me.
"Yeah, maybe we can fit in some romantic time too." She chuckles. "Call us if you need anything, sweetie. I love you."
"I love you too." I hang up and plop on my bed.
After staring at the ceiling for some time, I text my best friend, Lisa. We are from the same town and have known each other since we were little kids. Even though we didn't go to the same college, we never lost contact.
Me: What's up, stranger?
Lisa: OMG, I miss you. What's your new place like?
Me: Great! Can't wait for your visit :D
Lisa: I'll be there as soon as I can, but tell me... Met anyone interesting? ;)
Me: I've just moved in!!!!
Lisa: You need a rebound! Stat!
Me: You know I'm not like that...
Lisa: Nope! You're boring :P
Me: Thanks.
Lisa: You know I love you, but you need to stop planning and start living your life, Lexy.
I'm writing a reply when I get a call from Lucas.
Me: Someone is calling me. TTYl.
Lisa: Ok! Xo
"Are you ready to pay for my broken car, neighbor?" I say as soon as I pick the call.
"Yeah, we definitely need to work on your social skills." He laughs. "Hello, Alexia, how are you doing this evening?"
I'm instantly in a good mood, so I play along. "Why, hello Mr. Hart! I'd say I'm fine, but then I'd be lying."
"Oh? What happened?"
"It might have something to do with a certain guy who hit my car and refuses to pay for it."
"Are you sure you are not the one at fault? Maybe he is just trying to be fair."
I roll my eyes, even though he can't see me. "Lucas-" I stop and take a deep breath. It's crazy how fast he annoys me. "Why are you calling me?"
"I talked to my friend and he can check your car tomorrow. Is eight in the morning okay for you? The shop is not that far."
"Sure. What's the address?" I ask while sitting up.
"Uh. I thought we could go, you know, together?"
"I mean, I have to check something in my car too and you are new to the city... I mean, I think you are new to the city but maybe you are not, so..."
"Yeah, okay." I bite my lower lip to stop myself from smiling. "What time should we leave?
"How about seven-forty?"
"That's perfect, neighbor. See you tomorrow."
The moment I hang up, I realize I have a silly grin on my face and scold myself. Yeah, Luca's hot and cute and super friendly, but so was Greg at some point.
He's obviously involved with this Clare girl, and the last thing I need right now is to bring another mess into my life.
Not when I'm not even sure I got over the last one.
A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter too! Where in the world are you reading this story? Let me know in the comments! ❤️
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- Celeste
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