One Month Later: Bucky woke up and thought for a second he was okay, but then he remembered the love of his life had died. He soon felt the aching pain all throughout his body.
The rest of the team was all mourning in their own ways. Natasha, Clint, and Sam were constantly training, new bruises were always on their skin. Steve went out on missions with Sam, they were barely ever home, and when they were, they were beating down punching bags. Wanda, she grew close with Scarlet, she felt like she finally had a sister, the last time she felt this sick and depressed was when Pietro had passed away.
Tony was constantly inventing new things and testing them out on Rhodes, Thor had not heard yet that she had died since there was no way of contacting Asgard. Everyone was grieving in their own ways, yet all of them were concerned for Bucky.
He was easily taking it the worst. He spent all of his time in her room, he slept, he hadn't trained or eaten in a while. Nothing was the same, the tower just didn't have the same glow as it did before, everyone was depressed or sulking around. No one was happy or smiling ever, all anyone could see was Scarlet bleeding out in Bucky's arms.
"Mr. Barnes, there is an important meeting in the lounge, you are requested." Jarvis' voice boomed through Scarlet's room, Bucky lifted his head up and groaned, he slipped on a shirt and sighed, there was no point in arguing because they would just come into her room and disturb all of her stuff if he didn't go.
He walked in the living room and all heads turned to him, and everyone stopped their whispering. He sat down next to Steve and Tony coughed to grab everyone's attention.
"We're here, because, everyone is worried about you Bucky." Tony spit out, Bucky lifted his head, he didn't react. "You haven't eaten in two days, you look so sick...I'm worried about you." Steve said and Bucky looked down at his hands.
"I'm fine, guys." Bucky spoke, his voice was raspy, and dry, it even cracked a little when he spoke. He hadn't spoken in days.
"You're obviously not, pal, we just want to-" Bucky groaned and closed his eyes. "I want to be put back under." He blurted and shocked the whole team. "Buck, what do you mean?" Steve asked and Bucky finally looked back up to the team.
"I want to go back under, it'll be better...for everyone. I can finally get Hydra out of my mind and get some sleep, without seeing her body.." He admitted and everyone felt extremely sympathetic.
"I can call Dr. Cho and King T'Challa, he owes me a favor anyways." Tony said, he knew what it was like to lose the love of your life, Pepper left him, and the least he could do was help Bucky.
"Thanks Tony, I'd like to go as soon as possible." Bucky said and shook hands with Tony, this is the first time they were actually getting along, without it being forced.
"No, this is ridiculous, I'm not going to lose you too Buck, this is crazy!" Steve's voice boomed through the living room. "It's already decided, and I'll be out in a few years." Bucky said, and with that, he left the room.
"Are you sure about this? It's not to late to change your mind." Steve said as Dr. Cho and the Wakandan doctors started to hook up wires to him and take blood samples before he goes back under. "Hydra will finally be out of my head, and I'll get healthy again, I just, I want to know you'll be here waiting for me." He smiled.
"I'll be here, just get better." Steve said, and the two best friends hugged quickly before Bucky stepped into the machine which would soon freeze him. "And one more thing..." Bucky trailed off and grabbed Steve's attention.
"Don't do anything stupid until I get back." Steve smiled when Bucky said this.
"How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you." Steve said and Bucky let out one last laugh. "Punk." Bucky chimed, as he closed his eyes and a white cloud flooded the chamber. Steve put his hands in his pockets and looked at Bucky's peaceful body.
"Jerk," Bucky whispered to the empty room, only Bucky was here.
"I'm going to miss his presence, he reminds me of my father, a brave warrior, once a victim." T'Challas' mellow voice boomed through the room.
"I owe you, you didn't have to do this for me." Steve mumbled, he felt like Bucky was listening, no judging him for the biggest secret he's kept and only shared with one other person in this world.
The mighty Black Panther.
"Scarlet came to you with one request, you're honoring it. Do not be ashamed." T'Challa helped Steve remember why he was young to his best friend Bucky, his team, and the whole world.
"You're right, you're right. I need to get going before they suspect anything. Don't let her know Bucky's here, I'm not sure what she might do." Steve ordered.
"I will make sure she never knows, Captain Rogers." He said and the two men shook hands.
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