Chapter 9: The breakfast
"I'm always here to listen if you need to talk to me about anything."
"Mum, you're up!" Bay says, as he enters the kitchen, surprised to see the lady up and about, considering she was working late.
"Have you seen my makeup bag?" She questions, not even looking at her son as she rummages around the kitchen countertops for it.
"No? Why would I have seen it..." He begins but then realises where it may have taken a walk to. "Try the twins' room." He says with a half smile.
"Those little….I thought you were supposed to be watching them last night." She snaps at Bay, now turning to finally face him. "You know they are kids who need watching."
Bay glares at his mother. "Who is looking out for me?" He knew he probably shouldn't have said it as soon as the words had left his lips. He could see his mother biting her tongue. Which way was this going to go?
"I'm doing my best Bayley. You know since your dad…" She stops herself mid sentence, He didn't need to be burdened with the true fallout or tainted by her views of their father. Blowing out a shot of air, she takes a step forward towards him. "You know I appreciate everything you and Gia do for me, your brother, and your sisters. I know it's not the ideal life for a teenager."
"I know. I'm sorry." Bay looks down, feeling ashamed of his outburst.
"No Bay. I'm sorry. I know I've not been here for you." She cups his face with her hands, making him raise his head once again. "I'm always here to listen if you need to talk to me about anything."
Bay looks at his mother. The thought fills his head in an instant. The thing he felt he needed to talk about to someone he could trust. His feelings for boys, or to be more precise, the feeling for that one boy. His best friend. The guy, who would have ordinarily been the keeper of his secrets, was now the secret himself. "Mum…I"
"Mum, tell Mia to stop it. She keeps hiding the remote so I can't find it." Sim suddenly enters the kitchen, with the sounds of his sisters giggling in the living room.
She removes her hands from Bay's face, now placing them on her hips as her attention is drawn to Sim. "Can't you just use your tablet for a minute?"
"There's no charge." He grumbles.
"Bayley and I are just having a chat…" she begins.
"It's fine Mum." Bay heads for the toaster, wanting some kind of distraction as he pops in some bread for himself and Archie. "It was just about classes." He lies as he looks back at her, forcing a smile.
She smiles back at him before diverting her attention to the needs of the younger one. "I need a word with those two young ladies anyway…."
Bay looks back at the toaster, catching his own reflection in the chrome surface. Maybe his brother coming in at that moment was bad timing, or perhaps it was good fortune. He was only just coming to terms with his own feelings. Maybe it was a little too soon to share.
"So… plans for today…." Bay turns around, seeing Archie enter the kitchen. He makes himself comfortable, pulling over the carton of juice and pouring himself a glass.
Bay rests his back against the counter, waiting for Archie to continue. "What do you have in mind? I have a new video game."
"We should go out. Go see a movie." Archie continues as he offers a second glass of juice to Bay.
"A movie?" Bay looks at him with suspicion. "We don't usually go to see a movie. You always say to wait a couple of weeks for it to be downloadable. Besides, I haven't got enough money to buy a ticket."
"I can change my mind, can't I?" Archie shrugs. "Besides, I've already got the tickets." He shows Bay the screen of his phone. The 13:30 showing of the latest comic hero adventure.
Bay feels momentarily lost for words. Dare he think the unthinkable? Was this some kind of date? Had Bay misunderstood Archie's joke earlier on that morning? Perhaps he was just testing the waters. Maybe he too sensed the change between them. Bay jumps at the sound of the toast popping up from the toaster, turning back around as if to do nothing more than to hide his smile and his reddening cheeks. "Thanks." Bay utters as he begins to spread butter on the toast. But when he turns back around, Archie is already paying attention to his phone once again.
He quietly exhales as he sits down at the table with the two plates, offering one to his friend, just as his mother returns. "Archibald." She says as Archie looks up from his phone. "I hear you have been wearing my rouge."
"You're what?" He looks at the lady in confusion.
"My lipstick." She says with a grin.
"Oh… yeah. But it wasn't me." He says defensively.
"Not your colour?" She says, raising an eyebrow and causing Bay to laugh.
"No… I mean Maya and…" he begins, but she pats his shoulder.
"I'm just teasing Archie." She laughs.
Archie joins in with the joke as he picks up his buttered toast. Bay's mother heads around the back of Bay's chair. She places her hands on his shoulders and leans in to whisper in his ear. "You still want to chat?"
Bay looks over at Archie, again on his phone, as he eats his breakfast and smiles. He turns his head a little to the side in the direction of her voice. "No mum. I think I'll be ok."
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