into the fray
The community hall looks like a winter wonderland in spring, swaths of sheer fabric billowing from the ceiling, gold streamers and yellow flowers on every table. There's a wispy lady in the corner wailing on a harp, and waitstaff are prowling the room with trays of cocktails. The newlyweds sit at the head table, drinking with their arms hooked at the elbows. It looks just as romantic as it does in the movies.
Minho leads the way to a table at the back, where some guests are already sitting and noshing. One couple is young, wearing matching pink suits; the other is silver-haired and smiling gleefully.
"Found him," Minho says to polite laughter. Jisung laughs along and greets the table. His collar is too tight.
They both take a seat and scoot their chairs in. Within a second, a waiter is dropping off a pair of rose-pink cocktails. Minho gladly takes his and throws it back. Jisung sips prudently. He is not getting drunk today.
"It's all so decadent," the silver-haired lady, Mrs. Nam, says. "I'm really not used to it."
"This is watermelon, right?" Minho says, swirling his cocktail. "Delicious. I haven't had one since we vacationed on the coast."
He says it extravagantly, like he's trying to make Jisung laugh. It works.
"Must be beautiful in the summertime," says Mr. Nam.
"Oh very."
"I hope they serve dinner soon." Mrs. Nam clinks her nails against her plate. "I'm starved. I cried so much at the ceremony, I must have worn myself out!"
"Me too," Jisung says under his breath, and Minho snorts into his cocktail.
"I'm sorry," Mr. Nam says, looking at Jisung curiously, "I don't think I caught how you know the grooms."
He puts his drink down and clears his throat. "I went to college with Sangkyu."
"Ah, so you knew him back when. He was such a good student, wasn't he?"
He was. Jisung was jealous of him. Maybe that's another reason he stayed with Sangkyu. He hoped some of his ambition would rub off on him. "Yeah."
"And how do you know him?" Mr. Nam asks Minho.
"I don't really. I'm his plus-one." He smiles at Jisung, and Jisung nearly melts.
"Oh lovely! How did you two meet?"
They look at each other. Fucking hell. All that time preparing and they didn't even come up with a backstory.
"Work," Jisung says quickly. "His work. Minho sold to a friend of mine."
"You're a realtor?" one half of the pink-suit couple says. "Who are you under?"
"Lee, Lim and sons, it's out of town." Minho changes the subject quickly. "How do you know the grooms?"
"Soobin used to be our landlord," the other pink suit says. "We run a bakery — our old location was on his property."
Jisung breaks in. "Where is his property?"
"The strip mall on ninety-nine, by the river."
The information seems to register for both Minho and Jisung at the same time. They look at each other. Holy shit. Soobin is the landlord at Minho's old studio.
"If you're a realtor," the pink suit says, "we're moving shop again and we could really use some advice."
"Oh. Uh." Minho flinches and yanks his phone out of his pocket. "Sorry, gotta take this, just a moment."
He stands and walks away, muttering into the phone. Jisung hops up too, excusing himself.
Once they're around the corner, hiding out in the entranceway, they round on each other and whisper-shriek several questions at once.
"Okay okay okay," Jisung says, shaking his hands. "Stop, this is too bizarre. Did you know the fiancé was your landlord?"
"He wasn't my landlord. He must have bought the building after I got kicked out."
"Do you think you'd be able to get your studio back if you talked to him?"
"No — no way in hell. That's impossible." He sounds like he's trying to smother his own hope before it can burn too bright. "It's not like he would have lowered the rent, it's more likely he's raised it, I mean — no, that's impossible. I'll just have to stay away from him, in case he recognizes my name or something."
"Right. Yeah." Jisung bites his lip. "Unless—"
"Han Jisung, as I live and breathe!"
They both spin around. Sangkyu's mother is clipping toward them, arms outstretched. Jisung steps forward and hunkers a bit to hug her elfish frame.
"So wonderful to see you! Look at your eyes, not so baggy! Finally getting some sleep, tsk tsk. What a nice suit, where did you get it? Looks brand new! Ah, Jisung, don't be rude, introduce me to your friend!"
Jisung is used to her gale-force manner of speaking; Minho looks a little overwhelmed. "This is Lee Minho, my boyfriend."
She flies in for a hug. "Minho, what a smart name! It's so very nice to meet you. You're a realtor, aren't you? Have you sold to any celebrities? Ah, don't tell me if it'll get you in trouble!"
"Nice to — uh — thank you, ma'am. You know what I do?"
"Oh excuse me, I am such a gossip!" She shows her palms like he caught her red-handed. "Information travels fast at weddings, you know. But never mind me, I want to hear all about your—"
Mrs. Kim interrupts herself mid-sentence with a shriek and takes them both by the hands, pulling them back toward the community hall. "I almost forgot! Come come come, dinner will be served soon, then speeches! Take your seats!"
After they're back at the table — having successfully initiated a discussion about the silverware — waiters make the rounds with plates of food balanced on their arms three-by-three. Salmon on a bed of greens. Fuck. It looks superb.
Halfway into the meal, someone from the head table gets up and taps a hand mic. A squeal of feedback snaps the crowd to attention. The best man gives his speech, followed up by the other best man. Sangkyu's mother lasts barely a sentence before bursting into tears. The grooms' fathers join forces for a very cute, very off-key rendition of a Beatles song.
Finally the mic lands in Soobin's hands. He's a tall guy with sleepy eyes and a hearing aid that matches the colour scheme of the wedding. He thanks his father and friends and all the guests and staff who came to witness today. Then he turns to Sangkyu.
"Thank you for putting so much effort into today, and every day. My life would not be whole without you in it."
They hug and kiss and Sangkyu gets the mic next.
"I don't want to repeat everything Soobin said, but thank you, to the guests and staff. None of this would've been possible without your love and your help. Today... today is..."
For a beat, Sangkyu's eyes land on Jisung, then dart away just as fast.
"This wedding was a long time coming. If you've known me for a while, you probably know that at one point, I hated the idea of marriage. I was nihilistic, believing the... wrongness I felt on the inside wasn't able to be fixed. Then Soobin came into my life, and everything changed. I don't care if it's sappy. I met the love of my life."
Jisung listens to the guests cheer and feels his armour crumbling. Sangkyu never spoke to him like that. Jisung didn't either.
Sangkyu is... in love.
And Jisung is... happy for him. And when he looks over at Minho — who's sniffling into a napkin — he's a little happy that he's here to witness it.
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