A New Life
Snow fell around his body; his body slowly bleeding out. Green mixed with red; or was it red mixing with green? He doesn't know, all he knew was that the rest of his half-life was slowly draining away from his body. Beside him, the boy saw his team- made up of his best friends and sister were on his left. He knew they were freaking out on what to do, but there was nothing that they could do; it was his time to leave this world. He was okay with that; he felt his time here was no longer needed, now there was a group of skilled and knowledgeable ghosthunters. If he was able to turn his head to the right without pain consuming his mind; he would be able to see his clone made cousin.
She was his favorite person by far in this world. He loved all of his friends and family, but something about Danielle made him feel whole and complete. He wondered if she felt the same about him.
His cousin looked exactly like him; despite her being a girl. She had his messy raven black hair that never seemed to want to be tamed, she often had her hair in a high ponytail- with her bangs hanging in her face. Her bangs often hid one of her icy blue eyes, always the left eye. Even her ghost form matched his own, only their outfits were different. In their ghost form, their hair would change from pitch black to snow white as their eyes went from an icy blue to being a radioactive green.
Danny knew he wasn't going to make it; not with the fatal wound that he had gained from his parents. They found his ghost half flying by the high school and took a shot with a ray that had blood blossoms mixed in with their usual ecto-rays. He wasn't the only one though, Danielle- his cousin- had also been hit by the very same blast as it went through his body. Now, here he laid in the cold snow mixed with his and Danielle's blood. Had there not been blood blossoms they probably would have been able to live, but it wasn't the case here. They had just come back from fighting with Pariah Dark- sealing him away in a new coffin that Clockwork had made for Pariah specifically- and throwing him into the edge of time.
"Danny," a blur shouted at him, "Danielle. Don't you dare die on us now!"
What he wouldn't give to listen to that order, but he had a feeling that it wouldn't be fulfilled. His body was beginning to feel much lighter than normal; almost as if he was about ready to fly. That familiar sensation he gets when he is just about to release himself from the ground and gravity.
"Kids," he heard a firm voice call out to them, "get away from those ghost scum."
"No," another voice shouted, "don't you dare close your eyes!"
Were they not listening to the adults? The adults were calling out to them with anger and hatred as they tried to get the group of teenagers to leave Danny and Danielle.
"They are loosing too much blood!"
"Ghosts don't have blood."
"What do we do?"
"Keep them from closing their eyes."
Was he closing his eyes? He couldn't tell. Maybe they were talking about Danielle? Suddenly, a weight lifted from where the pain was- flowing through the rest of his body. He felt nothing, yet he felt every pain that he had ever felt in his life. Screams ripped from his lips; beside him, he knew that his cousin was going through the same as he was if her screams were anything to go by. As soon as the feeling began did it leave.
A flash of swirling green appeared around him. His body felt as if it was becoming smaller and weaker- beside him he saw that Danielle was de-aging into a baby. Was that what was happening to him?
Everything is as it should.
When Danny looked around himself, he saw that he and Danielle were in a black room. Or that was what he thought. The space they were in was swelteringly hot, it was close to being unbearable, but he couldn't do much other than letting out a few pathetic whimpering cries, soon being echoed by Danielle. A light then poured inside of whatever it was that they were in; causing him to cry out in pain at the harsh light that met his eyes. After his eyes adjusted to the light the faces he saw looked down at them surprised to see the two of them. The man had untidy black hair, behind those round glasses were hazel eyes and a bit of a five o'clock shadow. The woman had light skin, thick, dark auburn hair that fell to her shoulders; and almond-shaped, bright green eyes.
"James?" The woman was trying to see what was inside what the man was looking into. She seemed to be worried.
"Babies," was what the dark-haired man whispered to the woman.
"Well," the woman rushed to the box that the babies were inside of, "bring the dears in. We don't want them to get a heatstroke out here."
James did as his wife told him wondering why there was a box with two small babies inside them on such a bright and hot day. Maybe the letter that was bundled around the smaller one would give him and Lily a clue as to what had happened. Why these children were on his doorstep; inside a box no less. James grabbed the envelope that was on the light purple blanket that was underneath the babies.
To whoever is reading this,
Hello, I am Elizabeth Fenton, but I am more commonly known as Lizzy- the muggle mother of the babies. If you are receiving this letter then it would mean I am dead. I bet you're wondering how I know this. Truth is, it would either have to do with my husband or the townspeople- for giving birth to 'devils'.
I am so sorry to drop my babies off on you as I had, but I cannot care for these children.
Now that you know the truth, I will explain why I dropped Danielle and Daniel with you. Daniel James Fenton is the oldest of the twins, as his sister Danielle Lily Fenton. By the way, their birthday is on July fifth. When they turn eleven in nine years they should be getting a letter from Hogwarts- or so I was told. They are magical, but there is a small problem I seem to have with them, they seem to be able to go through walls; fly, and disappear.
Honestly, they kind of remind me of the ghosts' here where I live. Now that I think about it, maybe that's why they call my kids devils'- their powers reminding them of the ghosts' in the town. I hope it is normal for magical babies to have those powers. I wouldn't know and my friend said they couldn't say anything to me because I wasn't an immediate family member.
Anyway, why I gave them to you. You see, their father would kill them because he knows nothing of the magic world- I don't either but that is beside the point. I have a feeling that if I kept my children they would end up dead- I would have handed him to the authorities, but he is a police officer in my town. It wouldn't work out in my favor. Plus, he has the entire village on his side, so I rather not take my chances. My friend- who had helped me learn how to raise the babies, she knows what they are and promised me to take them to a safe place- she knows who you are and where you live, I told her that she should take them to you. If I was still alive I would be with them as soon as I could- I would have divorced my husband and left this retched town. If I was dead, I told her to place the letter in the bag and leave.
Whether or not she stayed was up to her.
I'm sorry for the short notice as well as the trouble I have given to you. Please make sure they know I love them and I will never forget them.
With hope,
James had so many questions that he wished he could get answered, but sadly he wouldn't be able to attain those answers. Despite not having much information, James knew he wouldn't turn these kids away from him.
Lily and James spent the next two months becoming more used to being parents to three children- who were all magical. They got used to Daniel and Danielle's extra powers- thought they did send letters to their old Headmaster to keep him informed of the happenings of their niece and nephew, Dumbledore was very much intrigued and had asked to meet them.
When he met Danny and Danielle- they were just learning how to walk. Danielle had often been a faster learner than her brother, but Danny made up for it by learning how to speak first. On this day, Danny had frozen Dumbledore's wand on accident, and when the adults tried to figure out how to melt the ice, but they soon learned the ice wasn't going to be going anywhere. It wasn't until Danielle had sat on the older wizards lap and began to play with the wand that the ice melted.
Danielle had sneezed and let a small fire catch on the Edler wand- the fire stayed on the ice. Dumbledore almost put the fire out until he noticed the ice was beginning to melt.
"Interesting," Dumbledore breathed in amazement. His blue eyes sparkled as he picked up the twins with a levitation spell. "They are a rare being, indeed."
"Do you know what they are," Lily asked with a small frown. "As you've read in our letters, they have more powers other than accidental magic."
Dumbledore shook his head sadly. "I'm sorry, Missis Potter, but I am just as clueless as you are."Lily smiled sadly, but they went back to watching as the children played for a while longer.
Within the next month, Lily and James had died by the hands of a very evil wizard; Lord Voldemort didn't care who he had to eliminate to get what he wanted. What Voldemort wanted more than anything was to live forever and to have all humans and mudblood's to die. They didn't belong in his world. Luckily, when he tried to kill all three toddlers- after he had killed that filthy mudblood, of course- his death curse had rebounded off of each of the children and ended him.
A scar was placed on each of the toddlers. They all had a lightning bolt on their foreheads. Harry's was normal compared to the glowing green scars on Danny and Danielle, but he was the only one who was able to see the difference in color. It was then Harry spent the next nine years with the Dursley's in a small town known as Little Whinging. Danny and Danielle had been sent to live with the Weasley's in the burrow.
While Harry was living there, he was placed in the closet under the staircase.
"You make a mess, you clean it," Petunia hissed when he reached five-years-old. She stopped paying for a babysitter to watch when Harry had turned five.
Danny and Danielle learned all they could about the magic world, Danny would even send Harry letter's to inform him of what he learned as well. Molly Weasley- their adopted mother- had a cloaking spell on the paper so only Harry could see the real letter as well as sending a pre-cloaked paper for him to use. He enjoyed helping Harry learn about the wizarding world, it felt as if he was helping Harry in more ways then one.
When they all turned eleven they received a letter to go to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Molly- who had two separate keys for a volt for the two and a letter- walked off to bring her kids as well as Danny and Danielle to Diagon Alley.
Danny and Danielle,
I know you don't know who I am, but my name is Charles Work. I am your Uncle. I have kept a close watch on you and I am happy to see you have been put with the Weasley's. This volt has more money than necessary, so don't worry about having to take too much.
From what I have seen, you will ignore my statement so if you feel it is necessary then you may replace what you take if you get a job.
Good luck at Hogwart.
"We'll pay for everything, Missus Weasley," Danielle said as she saw just how much money was in their volt. "I am sure our uncle wouldn't mind." Molly had been happy to hear these words, but she refused it. "How about we pay for the wands at least?"
So they did, Ron was happy to have received a new wand from Ollivander's instead of having to use his older brother's. It was fourteen inches, willow, containing one unicorn tail-hair. When Olivander had Danny and Danielle try for theirs, it was such a challenge to find the right wands for them that it took an hour at most to find the right wands- but they did in the very end. Danny had gotten Pheonix feather, yew wood, and was twelve and a half inches- it was very flexible. Danielle's was made of thestral hair, vine wood, it was thirteen inches in length- very springy.
When they had been sorted, Danielle had been sorted into Ravenclaw as Danny had been sorted into Slytherin. Danny hadn't been amused by how everyone in the other houses would treat him. Though, despite not being in the same house Danny got along with Harry and his friends and kept his close bond with Danielle.
The first three years at Hogwarts Danny and Danielle hadn't interacted much with the other students outside of Ron, Harry, and Hermione. Though, that hadn't meant that they didn't help Harry with his crazy adventures having to deal with Voldemort. First, with the sorcerers stone, then with the diary that was controlling Ginny. Not to mention that the spirits that reside in Hogwarts seem to know Danny and Danielle- calling them both the Bane of Pariah. By the time their third year came around a man, by the name of Sirius Black, had escaped from Azkaban. Harry thought that the man had come to finish him off, but really the man was framed for a crime he hadn't committed. That same year was the year of the Tri-Wizard Tortiment where Hogwarts was the host for that year. Voldemort had also been resurrected after he had killed one of Hogwarts students in front of Harry.
Now Danny wonders what else there was that Hogwarts had for him and Danielle.
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