7. Second first kiss
"Months later, it was the last day before the move. Yunjung and his parents had been helping the Moon-Kang family with preparations.
Yard sales, boxes, labels, packing.
But the boys wouldn't dare part, not yet. So the Choi's agreed to take Yunjung with and he would spend the first night.
Together, the boys road in the backseat, fingers laced, as Hye-jin drove behind the moving truck, Wheein as her passenger.
Jongho rested his head on the taller's shoulder, just like he normally would, but in the past weeks these little things seemed to mean more. To him at least. He'd have to talk with Yunjung about it.
The older kissed Jongho's head lightly, lips barely brushing hair, as the younger slept. But when the car stopped in front on their new home, Yunjung shook his shoulders.
Jongho groaned nuzzling closer and Yunjung could've died happy right there. (Thankfully he didn't.)
'Jongho-ah,' he whispered. 'Come on you fell asleep like only twenty minutes ago, you can't be that into it.'
He giggled as Jongho hit his arm, before whispering a request in Yunjung's ear, causing the older's eyes to nearly pop out his head.
'You want me to do what?' Yunjung whisper yelled.
Jongho smirked. 'If that's your reaction I'm pretty sure you heard. . .What? Can't carry me anymore?'
'Psh, of course I can carry you,' Yunjung defended. 'But what happened to moms are making it weird?'
Sighing, Jongho relaced their fingers and stared at their hands. 'Well they do make it weird. But I've been thinking about what you said and realize it's not fair to you. Plus, Hyung, when have I ever cared what people think?' He smirked. 'It's not a big deal, we carry each other all the time.'
But to Yunjung, it was a pretty big freaking deal. Progress, finally, he thought. 'Jongho, of course I want to carry you. . .'
The older was so soft, it made Jongho almost sorry for laughing at how shy he became. Almost.
'Come on, pretty boy,' Jongho said unbuckling. 'You gotta get out of the car to carry me anywhere.'
So Yunjung obliged. Picking Jongho up bridal style, he started walking toward the house. But with a giddy-up! he laughed and started to run through the grass, past Eomma and Mama, up the steps, onto the porch.
With swift movements he opened the front door, and carried Jongho over the threshold.
(Jongho did his best not to contort his face in the slightest as he heard his mothers squealing in the yard.)
Setting the boy down, Yunjung looked around, before feeling an all too familiar pull on his wrist. 'Come on, Hyung!' He whispered. 'Let's go find my room.'
'Shouldn't we help your m-' But the older was cut off.
'Lateerrr~ Come on!'
And, of course, Yunjung obliged.
After lots of heavy lifting and a microwave dinner, Yunjung and Jongho laid on a full mattress on the floor, looking up to the 1,117 little stars they'd stuck on the ceiling.
Jongho tilted his head, 'Don't you think they're a little childish?'
'Yeah,' Yunjung laughed. 'Perfect for you.'
Jongho wacked him with the closet pillow, which the other returned just as fast.
'Hyung.' Jongho started after a moment, but Yunjung only mumbled sleepily.
'Hyung, listen.' And finally the other did. Yunjung rolled up onto his elbow, resting his head in his hand. 'That night I stayed at your house, when you said you loved me, in a, uh, different way. . .'
This again? Yunjung rolled his eyes groaning as he fell back into the pillow.
'UGHHH, Hyung! Listen! I'm trying to apologize!" Jongho begged. "It was immature of me, not wanting to talk. I should never avoid you and I'm so sorry for making you cry. I'm sorry for not listening.'
Yunho was quiet again, before uttering a soft reply. 'It's okay.'
But Jongho just whined again. 'No, Hyung, it's not okay. You should fight for what you want! Don't let people treat you like that, even if, no- especially if, that person is me.'
Yunjung didn't trust himself not to cry, so he simply nodded. Jongho looked on sadly.
'Do you remember what I told you the next morning, about being patient and waiting for me?'
The oldest looked up with glassy puppy dog eyes and Jongho could just see the hope radiating from them so much it hurt. 'Ayyyy, don't look at me like that, Yun-ah!'
So Yunjung lowered his gaze, and the sight hurt Jongho more than he thought possible. 'Hyung, you're too submissive for your own good. Stop trying to please me.'
So with no forethought, Yunjung pressed his lips quickly and softly onto his Soul's.
And Jongho was stunned. Not because he was upset but because he was so happy that Yunjung was finally showing more initiative after months.
But the older, in his nervousness, misread the lack of reaction and attempted to burry his face again in the pillows.
Jongho just let out a breathy laugh. 'Hyung,' he coaxed, 'look at me.'
But the other just shook his head in the pillows. 'You're so adorable you're going to kill me, you know that, Hyung?' Jongho hauled the older up until he was sitting. Yunjung refused to open his eyes but his face was glossy with tears.
Jongho looked on and raised a hand to Yunjung's cheek, brushing away the remnants. Only then did Yunjung open his sad, brown eyes. But this little feat made Jongho much more confident, and he smirked, climbing over to straddle Yunjung's lap. Now with both hands on the older's face, Jongho leaned in until their foreheads touched.
'Do it again.' Jongho said.
Yunjung could feel his breath right in front of his own lips. 'Kiss me again.' Raising his hands to Jongho's back, Yunjung obliged.
Leaning forward, he was so light, waiting to see if Jongho would pull away. Instead, the younger deepened. Pressing a little harder, Jongho laid them back slowly on the mattress. He breathed in and pressed his chest onto Yunjung's.
Once the older was positive Jongho was sure with this, he flipped them over so Yunjung's thighs were now on either side of Jongho. The smaller gasped at the impact on his back and then giggled, 'You need to get better at that.'
Scoffing, Yunjung replied, 'My apologies, your highness, not like I had much practice. Or like any. Ever.' But smiling wide, he leaned back over Jongho to connect their lips.
After a moment, Jongho licked at the lips above his. And on pure instinct, Yunjung parted. But as soon as Jongho's tongue entered the other's mouth, Yunjung choked and fell the the side of the smaller boy.
'OKAYYYY,' he heaved. 'Well that was fun but we should probably sleep! We're supposed to be sleeping, Jong-ah.'
Jongho just burst out laughing at the poor, flustered boy. 'Man, Hyung, if you could've seen your face right then.' But he curled up into the older's arms.
'Where did you learn to kiss like that?' Yunjung asked nervously.
'Uh, I don't know, reading I guess? And talking to people? Don't worry,' he laughed. 'I haven't kissed anyone save you.'
Yunjung look at the boy with narrowed eyes. 'Who do you talk about kissing with?'
Jongho narrowed his eyes right back. 'Ohhh~ Jealous much, are we, Hyung?'
His face turned red again as he looked away, 'Psh. Of course not.'
Jongho only hummed in response. 'Where did you learn to flip us like that?'
Groaning, Yunjung tried to hide more. 'I don't knoooww~, it just happened. It felt right.'
The smaller decided to leave him alone, no more teasing tonight, but smiled to himself in the dark.
'Hyung?' Jongho questioned.
'Yes Jongho-ah?'
'Hyung.' He said again, more sure. 'I love you."
A/N: 1-8-22 it's past midnight so we're finally on day two of writing. This is so weird, it's like I'm reading the story myself and just writing whatever I read in my head. Like the opposite of writers block. Oop- what if I get a block? *Positive thoughts*
I'll have to go back and proof read the chapters, and maybe post tomorrow. . .
Also: 🥺🥺🤧
A/N: 1-11-22 well that took a few days for me to go back and edit but yay!! a soft chapter
1300 words
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