~Third Person P.O.V~
"Oh- hey Midoriya!" Mina spoke up, which was basically her way of letting Katsuki know who it was that just came in.
The blond stiffened, folding his arms tightly as his jaw hardened. A myriad of questions flowing through his mind at the thought of Izuku being in his room.
"What the hell do you want nerd?" Katsuki growled, completely ignoring Izuku's offer from before.
Izuku heaved out an exhausted sigh, kicking himself up and making his way over to the pair on the bed. The blond made a small mental note of how Izuku's footsteps sounded, only to berate himself for doing so.
"Aizawa sent me, he wanted me to give you this packet on learning Braille." The green haired teen muttered, placing it into Katsuki's awaiting hands.
It was quiet for a few moments, that is until Mina cleared her throat- silently excusing herself from the room. Once Katsuki heard the door shut he turned his attention back onto the smaller male.
"Were you actually being serious earlier or are you just fucking with me?" Katsuki demanded, subconsciously fiddling with the flaps of the packet that rest in his hands.
Izuku sheepishly scratched the back of his neck, taking a seat a little ways ahead of Katsuki on the bed. "Well I mean... yeah- only if, if you want though." Izuku stuttered, looking down at his hands.
A pinch formed in between Izuku's eyebrows as he tilts his head to the side. "What do you mean?" He asked, not entirely understanding the blond's vague question.
"I mean why the fuck do you want to help me?" Katsuki restated, allowing more bite to flow into his tone.
Visibly flinching, Izuku heaves out a sigh- trying to come up with a good answer to the question. What was he supposed to say, 'I've had a crush on you ever since we were five and I fee; bad that you're blind now so I want to help'? Well I mean, he could say it- but that would just be weird... and it would complicate things.
"Why not? I'd just be helping you get around right- and getting food for you at lunch, that sort of stuff. How hard can it be?" Izuku chuckled, his two front teeth clashing with his lower lip causing it to redden.
Katsuki released a hybrid noise in between a scoff and a short laugh. "It'll only be for a few weeks... just until I get my White Cane." The blond clarified, still not liking the idea of getting help- let alone from Izuku.
But he knew Mina was right... it would help to get back to class soon- even he wouldn't be doing anything.
"Cool! So, do have any times in mind? Like when I'm supposed to be here and when I get to leave- or if you didn't have any I'm sure I can help with that. Also when do I start? Because-" Izuku continued to ramble on and on, all while Katsuki tried his best not to find his lamp and hit the boy with it.
"I don't really think that it would be smart to have those times Kacchan so maybe-"
Izuku looked up, only to soon realize he had been rambling prompting the boy to flush a deep crimson. The blond sat where he was, pinching the bridge of his nose irritatedly.
"Was I rambling again?" Izuku chuckled nervously, already knowing the answer to the question.
Scoffing, Katsuki shakes his head disapprovingly. "What do you think? You start tomorrow, be here by seven and no later than that got it?" He barked, falling flat on his back.
"Got it." Izuku squeaked, hurriedly rushing out of the blond's room.
As soon as the door shut Izuku pressed his back against the wood, sliding down until he reached the floor. His heart was hammering wildly in his chest, threatening to jump out at any minute.
'What the hell did I get myself in to?' They both thought in unison.
Uraraka snorted, which soon turned into her doubling over in laughter much to Izuku's vexation. The freckled male had filled her in on the entire situation from a few short hours ago, which is how the two ended up here.
"So let me get this straight," The brunette wheezed, "You offered to help Bakugo willingly for a few weeks?"
Izuku bashfully nodded his head, curling up on his bed with his knees close to his chest. By now a brilliant blush adorned every freckle on his face, he looked like a green haired tomato at the moment.
"You poor, poor soul- may God have mercy on you." She cackled, earning a well deserved smack to the back of the head.
Groaning, Izuku rolled so his face lay in the center of his pillow. "What the hell am I going to do now? Every time I see him I get all clammed up, and start having a 'gay panic'." He whined, although his whining was muffled by the fabric of the pillow.
"You got yourself into this mess honey, I'm only here to observe." Uraraka giggled, taking a seat next to him and rubbing his back soothingly.
"Some best friend you are." Izuku said sarcastically, rolling so he was facing her now. "But seriously Ura... I really didn't think this through."
Todoroki, who had been silently watching the entire thing unfold from the doorway finally spoke up. "Since when do you ever think things through Mido?"
"Exactly- what the hell Todoroki you scared the shit out of me!" Uraraka gasped, placing her hand over her heart dramatically.
The duel haired teen rolled his eyes, kicking himself off the frame of the door and making his way over to them. Albeit on the inside he was laughing his ass off at Uraraka's scared expression on her face.
Izuku beamed at his friend entered, he quickly crawled over to where he stood and hugged him. "Todo you have to help me- Uraraka's lesbian ass is just teasing me!" Izuku pouted, sending a glare at his other friend who stuck her tongue out at him in response.
"Well to be fair, Uraraka is always teasing you- and I don't think she ever plans on stopping." Todoroki pointed out, giving a slight shrug of his shoulders.
The green eyed boy nods his head in agreement, slipping himself out of the hug and landing back on his bed with a soft bounce. "But I still have a serious problem!" Izuku reminded the taller male, furrowing his bros together.
"You call it a problem, I call it 'Izuku doesn't know how to not be gay for ten seconds'." Todoroki jested, cracking a small smile when he seen the frown that tugged on Izuku's lips.
That frown soon turned into another pout as Izuku glared at Todoroki. "You're not better than Ura."
"I feel like that's supposed to be an insult and I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feel about it." Uraraka chimed in, looking deep in thought.
Eventually Todoroki and the brunette began to start their own banter, leaving Izuku to deal with all of his nagging thoughts. He still can't figure out why he offered his help in the first place- well, obviously it's because of his crush on the blond. But he knew there was more to it... there just had to be. Right?
Was it pity?
Maybe out of the kindness of his own heart?
No, none of those seemed to fit. It was his decision to decide to help Katsuki, so he should know the answer. But he doesn't.
And Izuku was hell bent on finding out why.
Hello Cricket Cultists!!
So I had a few people message me on here asking me 'How old are you? You just write really well so I figured you were like an older person'. I'm just over here like uhm no... I'm 13 guys.
Let me here you say it 'Cricket is 13' okay? Thir-teen. One and Three.
Anywho... I guess this chapter was okay.
Until we meet again!!!
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